Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wisdom Pearl #108

Wisdom Pearl #108
We often remember the rainbow 
but forget it only comes after the rain

Monday, December 14, 2015


though i feel separated from my soul

you are still with me

though my tears fall like a spring rain

you offer me comfort

through the season of mourning I travel

you remind me of you

In you is all of the mercy I need

the peace I desire

the calm I crave

the reassurance I seek

It is all in you

you promised never to leave me

and you have not

you told me to be strong and of good courage

it's hard for me right now

I hear your whisper..Grace, your grace is sufficient for me

Now I remember my strength

Wisdom Pearl #110

Christ did I so I can be. That is a comforting thought.


It is

Even though some days I wished I didn't live to see

they are still good

Even if I wish I could start a few of them over

they are still good

Even though you are no longer walking with me

and I struggle to find the Sun

the day, is still good

It is the day that the Lord has made

I choose to rejoice in it

I push forward even though I don't want to

The day will move no faster

Even though I wish it would

But it doesn't change that it is still good


Wisdom #77

I have given you power from Me; that doesn't mean you won't suffer..it just means you won't lose!


Wisdom Pearl #9

I am, so that you can be and that is enough


Just A Friendly Reminder...

Greetings Reader!

As we are in full swing of the Season of Christ, many of you may be struggling to find a reason to be joyous. Some of you might be facing some very difficult issues, various challenges and struggles. Well you are not alone. Trust I have been having more moments in the last 2 weeks than I can remember having in a long time.

We are approaching the end of the year and what should be an awesome time for celebration and remembrance is turning into a time of depression and overwhelming sadness. Personally I have buried more friends this year than I care to count. The last two hitting me especially hard. So much so that when I visited the local Penny's store, last Saturday,  I was a little taken a back by the amount of people that were at that mall. I remember thinking, what in the world is going on here? Must be a fire sale or something. Uhm no it's 2 weeks before Christmas and retailers are pulling out all of the stops to make it a profitable one. Oh..yeah I forgot about that.

Sure my tree is up and decorated; our apartment has lights hanging both inside and out. We have been listening to Christmas Themed music for almost 3 weeks straight. But yet I forgot what time it is. My attention has been divided. My person has been wounded and my emotions are scattered. Not to mention the weather here in the East is more reminiscent of an early spring than winter. It just doesn't feel like Christmas. You know what I mean? Like the last thing I am feeling right now is joyful and triumphant. Matter of fact I would just like to curl up in the corner with a gallon of Trini Egg-nog ( you have not lived till you've had it) and my favorite cartoons and forget that I exist for a while. Which I can't really do at all because my doctor has placed me on a diet...Oiveee

But I was reminded today. So gently, so silently that God IS no matter how I feel. Christmas has already happened. The miracle of the Virgin Birth has already happen. Christ walking among us has already happened. So it doesn't matter if I am 'feeling' it or not. God IS, HAS and WILL. None of which has anything to do with feelings. My bible reminds me that the Joy of the Lord is my strength! (Nehemiah 8:10) He spoke thru the Prophet Habakkuk (3rd Chapter) to remind me that The Sovereign Lord is my strength and that is not predicated by circumstances. That no matter what is going on in the world: the reality of ISIS; death of a loved one; wars and rumors of wars; growing open persecution of the Christian Faith, nothing can separate me from Him!(Romans 8:38)

So I challenge you, as I am challenging myself, to offer up PRAISE to The Lord of Host despite your tears, loneliness or depression. I am encouraging you to have a thankful heart as you push thru your day without your loved one. I dare you to show GOD to someone despite being broken. If you do I know you will discover what I have this day. That my strength (joy, courage, will to live) doesn't lie in what I make of the Christmas season but is given from the One through whom the season was made.

Look to Christ not your circumstances and embrace His joy. In the words of now immortal Stacey N. Dabney, "Girl, you betta Live!"

Warmest Regards,

Thursday, December 10, 2015



Consider this your notice...The Lord is soon to return and you will be no more


A promise


Yours will be the only grave I dance on...


Full Circle - Final Reflections

With each of the stories I have just shared with you I would like to bring your attention to the commonalities of them both:

  • 1. Both ladies are now deceased:
  •  2. I knew and loved both of them
  • 3. They affected me deeply just by the way they did what they did
  • 4. They were beautiful! One the color of the sun and the other the warmest of pecan
Their parting has left me open. Their abscence forces me to put into action what they have taught me. So it stands to reason that if I was being taught then someone had to do the teaching right? Death. 

It is our final enemy. The Lord promises to deal with it when He returns. To destroy it. However, in the mean time I will not let it defeat me nor keep me down. It's lessons are painful but honest. Final and long lasting.

 Death is a great reminder to walk thru this life with my hands open. Ready to give, ready to receive never clinging on to anything because what I own will not be taken with me. I am not speaking of tangible assets, (cars, homes, jewelry, stocks). I am talking about my legacy. What people will take from having interaction with me. Whether for a long season or a short one. That is what will live long after I enter my rest. 

Death has taught me the irony of separation...a person may be gone physically but their memory lives on. They may not be able to share a teachable moment with me or you anymore, but what they have taught us we use daily. 

It is hard when we can't hear their laughter or see their smiles any more. It is difficult to not be able to smell the scent of their perfume or the aroma of their holiday feast. There are no words that I can use that will put a band aid on your hurt or my own. I just know that GOD is close to the brokenhearted so we are not alone. 

Even more interesting is the notion that when death takes, we gain. What death parts is remade in other ways. What death ends gives birth to determination new. Today it is my teacher but it will never be my master. I will live for me and for all of those who have gone before me and for those who are coming after me.


Full Circles II

Reader hopefully you have read the previous entry, 'Full Circles I', if not I strongly recommend that you complete that one first and then return to this one. This way you are able to keep up with my thoughts. Think of it as a pre-requisite.

So far in this particular season of my life I have experienced the passing of my mother in love, Bernice Howard and a gentle friend, Stacey N. Dabney. Both of these women were extremely influential in the short time that I got to travel with them. Trust me when I say I am openly grieving, not at their loss, because that would imply that I don't know where they are, but our temporary separation.

There have been other losses that I have experienced in 2015, all are met with the same disdain for death. Probably because I feel powerless, overwhelmed, insignificant and frail. I don't enjoy saying goodbye at anything let alone a soul that has been freed from its earthly confines. However, that is only a small portion of this piece. I promised to equate death to teaching.

Bernice Howard was not only my mother n love, she was my friend. She came from a different era. In her day people had some sort of decorum or moral code that they lived by. Women carried themselves with pride in the home and outside of it. Now there are exemptions, of course, but she was not one of them. Her hair was coal black and her skin was the color of rich dark chocolate. She had a beautifully crooked smile and eyes that danced with mischievousness. She birthed eleven babies, nine survived. She had a dysfunctional marriage but she managed to raise her children the best way she knew how. Mr. Howard was a non-factor. She kept up her appearance and loved to talk to people; even though when I first met her she was very guarded. Oh boy and could she cook! I have almost given up trying to recreate her fried corn dish. I remember her laughter whenever I would complain that mine just didn't taste like hers. She would reply it was so easy..keep trying. Bernice, bka Dea, loved her kids, her grandkids, daughters in love and life in general. She would tell you when you were wrong, she would encourage you to stand when you were right. She was saucy and held no punches (meaning she spoke her mind). She loved me because I was different, a proper talking, sassy, hippy, freckled face girl who had captured the heart of her two youngest children. Her daughter was and still is one of my closest friends and her son, well I married him.

When many of the family choose not to understand the boys; or when they decided not to connect with Nathan because if we lost him their was no attachment, she stood firm with me. She loved and held those boys like they were her last. She loved and accepted Ehlissa way before her son and I said our vows. Family was family to her. No matter how different they were. She held my hand when I wanted to unleash all of my anger on the ignorance that was being displayed within our family. She reminded me that I never, ever have to stoop to anyone's level to get my point across. Learn all I can about my kids, because they are mine and no one could take that from me. She kept me calm through many storms of prejudice and intolerance in the circles we shared. So many things I will miss but one of the most is her sense of humor. Every time she saw me she made sure to relay that she was going to 'kick my butt' about something or another. That was our thing. She knew adversity. She knew how far colored people had come and how far we still needed to go. Thru her life I learned a thing or three about people. Her parting, so sudden and unexpected, taught me that no matter what type of anchors we have in this world, when the Lord calls we don't have any choice but to answer. So live an honorable life and you will have little worries.

Did I learn more from her death than her life? Certainly not. I respected her and admired her for all of her tenacity. She planned her arrangements, she organized her final affairs to the best of her abilities. She had little to no worries.


Full Circles III

Stacey was so beautifully creative and socially conscience I just couldn't stand it! I was always so jealous (in a good way) of her gifts and her ability to connect with people. Did I mention the girl was as smart as a whip. She knew history and she was solid in her beliefs. She was gentle, classy and powerful. I remember working with her and wanting to be just like her, cool, calm and collected. Guarding her thoughts until the most opportune time. We were polar opposites. Everyone always knew what was on my mind. I controlled the atmosphere in a room and would change it to suit my liking. Not Ms. Dabney, she would adjust, learn and move on. She was awesome! I wish she had aspired to be a professor because anyone who loves the purest pursuit of knowledge, like she did, could gleam so much from her.

When I heard she was diagnosed with cancer my thoughts were immediately shadowed with the worst. I shrugged it off and said no, not her. She is a survivor, a beautiful diva. It will be all right. As the year passed my attentions were completely engulfed with Nathan his pending kidney transplant, my own health issues and our daughter. Myles was a silent bystander flexible, brave and forever my companion. He just rolled with what ever was going on for that day. He was just amazing. I kept our little click informed via our mutual friend. She kept me informed on Stacey's progress with chemo and stuff. I kept meaning to call, to send her a copy of my book, to reconnect and a 1000 other things. But I didn't.

Bernice passed in October this year and by late November I had gotten a picture of Stacey. I knew I had run out of time to express my love and appreciation of her friendship. Our friend called me to share of all of the fantastic exploits they had recently experienced together and how she was so courageous. She dictated her obituary, she picked out her headstone, she facilitated all of her final arrangements. She directed her closest friends on how to handle her business affairs, she published a book and took a trip to Florida to everyone's surprise and she decided when to stop her chemo. Not two weeks later I had gotten the news that she had passed. I cried. I was angry. I decided that I hated cancer. I also decided that I would be as courageous as she was not in facing my end; but with facing my every day's.

There is an open wound, there is a split in my soul but I will heal. Stacey would tell me to have a lot of sex with my husband (she was a cheeky one) and love on my beautiful babies and never let anyone stop me from reaching the achievable. Her very presence reassured me. Her knowledge astounded me and her realness made me fall in love with her! She was my friend. It was an esteemed privileged to know her.

I learned from her in her final days almost as much as I learned from her while she lived.


Full Circles I

Rabbi, Sensie, Teacher, Instructor  those are not the titles that one would normally associate with the most notorious of our enemies, Death. 

Matter of fact, Reader you may think I am totally off my mark by even attempting to use these words as synonyms for that destroyer. I wouldn't blame you; but humor me. Let's start by taking a better look at two of the titles we will be using Rabbi and Sensie:


  • JUDAISM a scholar and teacher of the Jewish law; now, specif., an ordained Jew, usually the spiritual head of a congregation, qualified to decide questions of law and ritual and to perform marriages, supervise religious education, etc.
  • SLANG a sponsor; influential friend

  • Rabbi is an honorable title which carries with it a huge weight of influence, hence the 2nd definition associated with the term.

    a teacher or instructor usually of Japanese martial arts (as karate or judo) http://beta.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sensei 

    Again there is no logical reason, on the surface that is, to associate either one of these nouns of distinction with our enemy Death. However, I would like to propose a thought to you and that is that all of the a fore mentioned terms are unavoidably linked. Don't think so? Please allow me to present to you my argument because I believe as much as Dorothy did in those red shoes that they are indeed part of a circle of infinity. Not able to be broken, following or proceeding one another but always in the same flow. 

    The discussion continues in Pt 2 

    Friday, November 27, 2015

    Word to The Wise

    The Word of God cautions us not to add to it or take away from it. It is GOD Breathed therefore it is perfect. With that being said I just want to share what His word, more specifically this Psalms means to me. I will preface it by saying that many of you have been keeping up with my blogs and know that I have not hidden my struggle. We all face challenges and some seek to overtake us, some will leave us different and better still some will inspire us to do better. The only difference between a Christian and a non-believer is that we have The Living GOD right there beside us as we go thru it. He promises to never leave nor forsake us so..we fight on to live and to show His glory in our triumphs. Because without Him we could do nothing.

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
    2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV (www.biblegateway.com)

    Without any delay my personal interpretation of Psalm 23:

    23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
    He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


    Thursday, November 12, 2015

    Candid Conversations Pt 2

    What we fail to realize is that when we let someone into our spaces of power (mind, body) we allow them to have open access to us. Sex combines two bodies into one, forming not only a union but a portal that opens both ways. He shares with you and you with him. If he has crazy in him guess what you will pick up that crazy. If she has a demonic spirit residing in her the act of sex allows that spirit to have access into you. Don't believe me? Keep hanging on to something you should not have and continue to watch as your life unravel. How far are you going to travel down that hole, Alice? Too many of us have emerged scared and full of regret and constant reminders or blessings (children) from that situation.

    Premarital sex will cause one to conform to unfair treatment; horrible situations all because you have linked yourself to that person and are attached. There is no such thing as sex with no strings and one night stands leave you feeling just as empty as you were when you started the evening. Sex is not something cheap or pagan. It is a privilege and a right that belongs to the traditionally married couple.

    I can't even remember the last time I watched a decent television program on one of the major networks that didn't involve an illicit sex scene. Who wants to see all those fakes? When did we become slaves to our natures? When did we lose our ability to exercise control over our bodies? When did sex become a requirement for our entertainment? What happened to the beauty of the act? It shouldn't be shared except for the two people who made a conscious effort to commit to each other and carry the mantle of husband and wife. The last time someone showed their breast and got an Oscar I stopped watching that particular actress's movies or shows. Nudity does not equal talent.

    And another thing..if sex with multiple partners in various situations is so doggone fulfilling why was ice cream ever invented? I know that doesn't make sense but neither does the attitude America has adopted as its's norm regarding sexual relations.

    We need to let people know that they are precious! That you can't give anyone more than your body; that it is valuable and should be treated as the treasure it is. We should encourage people to love themselves enough to wait for their God-sent mate! We should be bragging all about that married life! Because without the circle of trust, security and affirmed love then the whole sexual experience is lessened.

    Honestly, sex begins before the actual physical act! It begins with tried love and trust. Only when those two components are well established can the participants reach new heights in their acts of intimacy...surpassing those scenes on television!

    So I guess the ladies on t.v. or in the movies really are good actresses. Because sex with a stranger doesn't feel that good...really.

    Don't settle for less than the best that God has for you! Trust you are worth the wait! If you have decided to trade in your virginity it is never to late to take a vow of abstinence even if you have had a child.


    You are so valuable to One that He went to the Cross to have relationship with you

    Candid Conversations Pt 1

    Did you ever wonder why God requires us to abstain from sex before marriage? I mean besides the obvious ills in our society..why did He say that we needed to sanctify (set aside for a purpose) ourselves committing to wait until we say our 'I do's'? Well I thought about it and I would like to share them (my thoughts) with you.

    Intimacy is a beautiful selfless act; it should only be shared between two people (a man and a woman) who are deeply committed to one another. Sex is one of the perks or highlights of being in a relationship with that person. It allows two people to communicate in a love language that only they understand. It is meant to re-affirm ties; draw them closer together, strengthen their bond and create life.

    Wouldn't it be interesting if we actually adhered to what the Word of God says about sex? The abortion debate would be a thing of the past because there are no more unwanted pregnancies; STD's would be almost unheard of because there would not be multiple partners involved; No baby momma drama! Matter of fact Maury would be out of a job.

    Of all the things man-kind has gotten wrong, this has to be one of the worst. In our upside down world it is a sin or a travesty for one to keep their virginity (both male and female); we are redefining sexuality as a do what you want; how you want; to whom you want mentality. We are failing to lead by example so that the generations next to us and after us will have healthy and rounded examples to follow.


    Wisdom Pearl #199

    Crazy is not normal

    Toxic is not healthy

    And marriage does not make the unequal .... equal


    No title; just a statement

    Structure for sexual relations was given because our Creator, The Lord our God knew how powerful He made it.
    To bind together not produce bondage
    To create expressions of love
    Not to destroy them
    To strengthen and affirm
    Not to be redefined
    Perfect is its design
    It never needs to be anything else
    Talking bout One Man for His One Woman
    It had to be said

    Notes from Bishop

    Notes from Bishop:

    Remember Service is an extension of showing Me (GOD) thru acts of love; however it does not define who you are, I DO!


    Wisdom Pearl #33

    Wisdom Pearl #33

    Don't Commit to Failure


    Wednesday, November 11, 2015

    Wisdom Pearl #9

    Sex is a soul-tie; it should not be taken lightly or engaged in thoughtlessly


    Wednesday, November 4, 2015

    Wisdom Pearl #31

    Wisdom Pearl #31

    You are always teaching

    Good, Bad or Indifferent

    So be aware


    Wisdom Pearl #30

    Wisdom Pearl #30

    Public ministry starts by serving those closest to you in private

    Because, if you fail to live what you teach

    How effective can your ministry be to others

    When it isn't adhered to in your own household?

    Teachers beware


    Wisdom # 17

    Wisdom Pearl #17

    It may be them

    But it is always you

    Never sacrifice your royalty

    For the petty satisfaction of being right


    Wisdom Pearl #13

    Wisdom Pearl #13

    If your goal is PEACE then it does not matter if you walk away from an argument

    Your peace was maintained - and so was your Victory


    Wisdom Pearl

    Wisdom Pearl #7

    Learn how to disagree without being offended

    Sometimes one must agree to disagree and part in peace


    Wisdom Pearl

    Wisdom Pearl #18

    Without love being right is just as bad as the wrong one is trying to correct


    Wisdom Pearl

    Wisdom Pearl #5

    One can't give correction without first receiving correction  themselves
    No one is exempt

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015

    The Who and The What

    Who is your idle?

    Who do you look up to?

    Who do you want to be like when you grow up?

    Whose number are you wearing?

    Whose jersey do you have on?

    Whose sticker is on your car?

    Whose name is one your coffee mug?

    Whose symbol is on your purse?

    Whose picture is on your wall?

    What do you worship?

    Is your trust in the fragility of humans?

    Is your security and hope in flesh?

    Is your enjoyment 'inked' in or 'penciled'?

    Do they know your name?

    Can they speak Peace over you?

    Who can control your trial?

    Who can set boundaries that don't outlast your abilities?

    Who tore the veil for you?

    Who gets your enegy?

    Who has your attention?

    Who loves you enough to die for you?

    Who do you worship?


    Wisdom Pearl #8

    Control is an illusion.
    It masks the true reason behind intentions and
    gives its owner a false sense of superiority.

    The Word says we all fall short...no exceptions


    Wisdom Pearl #213

    An Unintended Consequence can neither be planned, controlled or expected. As it usually arrives with no forewarning.


    Helpful Terminology

    Unintended Consequences:

    Items or situations that materialize as a result of your actions or lack of action; not deliberate but not planned either. Completely outside of your realm of control.

    i.e. Sex before marriage: 1.pregnancy or 2 disease or 3. no call backs

    i.e. Purchase of a vehicle: 1. able to offer a ride to disabled stranger who is walking (under the unction of the Holy Ghost). 2. able to volunteer at children's activities 3. able to offer transportation so that others can participate in an event

    Wisdom Pearl #212

    Sometimes the very thing you need the most is right in front of you..


    Saturday, October 24, 2015

    SALT Thy Name is Bishop


    What Do you hear

    Can you understand

    Thru all of this noise

    Pots are clanging

    Pans are banging

    All claiming to be the best

    Yet their flock is lost


    Right is wrong

    and wrong is acceptable

    Sin covers their walls




    But their is one

    who remains pure

    True to the calling

    To teach


    and live the Gospel of Christ

    To her

    The Crown is worth

    The burden

    Her Salt will never lose

    Its Flavor

    Or its strength


    Friday, October 9, 2015

    Celebrate You!

    Greetings Readers!

    The other day I was at my gym participating in a Zumba class. It was awesome; the music, the energy, the atmosphere was full of life and excitement. The instructor had pep and sass to spare. It really was a wonderful class. 

    But what got my attention wasn't the vibe or the colorful work out gear. It was the people. The ladies were beautiful and overflowing with vigor. Some were my elders, some younger than I and some were my age. A plethora* of races were present: White, Black, Indian, Hispanic, Latino, and Oriental. They were short, tall, hippy, skinny, overweight, long haired, short haired, colored hair, and natural. Some had dimples others freckles. Some had age spots others did not. None of that mattered. There were no boundaries. We were simply a group of 20 (or more) woman gathered together to either lose weight, stay fit or a little bit of both. It was amazing.

    So much so I thought to myself look at all of this femininity! Each one of us tailored to fit our Adam. Think about it. Every man has his own set of unique characteristics he would like his Eve to have. Some enjoy full lips others shiny hair or sparkling eyes. Even though most men would agree on a generalization (maybe a magazine model) of beauty, individually they know what they hold dear. What is even facinating is that our Heavenly Father created each one of us, every woman in that classroom, for one purpose and that is to bring Him Glory. Whether it is by being a fantastic mom and raising kids in the fear and admonition of the Lord; or a loving grandmother who just wants to keep up with her grandchildren; or a mom who has found herself mature, full of wisdom with sparks of sexiness and she just wants to enjoy her husband and look good doing it. Whatever the talent or skill, in whatever season they (us ) are in. We were made for one Adam. We are God's gift to His Adam. Proverbs 18:22 reminds us that: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.(http://biblehub.com/proverbs/18-22.htm).

    I just want to encourage those who are still waiting for their Adam to continue to. It's worth the wait. And for those who are just simply too young for the demands of a committed relationship..you are worth the wait! Hold on to your Virginity it is a treasure for you and your Adam. We were not made to fit 'everyone' we were made to fit just one. No worries if he doesn't  get you..he wasn't meant to. Don't get upset if you can't seem to find the 'right one', trust in the One who created you! In His timing He will bring you together with your mate, your lover, your friend, the spiritual overseer of the home you will make. If you have had a history filled with brokenness and all of the mistakes and pitfalls it brings, (I did), then make it a point to break with unhealthy behaviors that always bring you to hurt. Start by acknowledging your need for Christ. Next make a promise of Celibacy to yourself. Trust me you can hear the Lord so much better when your skirt is not up..(cheeky but true). Realizing that sex used in its correct context is a gift for a married couple, (man and woman), who have pledged their lives to one another in the sight of GOD. 

    Eve you were made for one Adam. And that is a beautiful thing! Celebrate your diversity because you can only fit into his mold, not anyone else's. What makes you YOU is fantastic! Your spark adds to the complex fabric of life. 

    After the workout class ended the ladies would group in small clusters congratulating each other on finishing another Zumba session. Complimenting one another on how well they did. Eventually all of us would return to our worlds feeling a little lighter. 

    No one can love your Adam the way you do; no one can hold your babies the way that you do; no one can walk, talk  and carry on the way that you do. No one, Eve, can complete your work the way that you were made to. Lastly, no one but  your Adam can love you the way you need him to. 

    http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plethora (Def. #2)

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Performance Snippet Seattle 2015


    Comfortable Success Pt. 2

    When I didn't possess my degrees or teaching licence the hope of better opportunities drove me forward. Once those goals were met the expectation of an immediate pay out kept me pushing forward. Now the reality of the type of sacrifices necessary to procure and maintain any type of position has brought me to a halt.

    I am once again at an uncomfortable crossroad. It would take so much pressure off of Anthony if I could pitch in. I could feel like I was making a real contribution to our household. While still operating in some of my gifts. The issues that multi-taskers have. Reader you maybe thinking well what exactly is the problem? You know what works best for your house. Yes I do and that is mom being whole. Which is impossible when you are split in too many places.

    I don't trust myself really. I have a very dogged personality. It is either all or none. I have tried with very little success to manage 'me' and I have gotten better but still not quite there yet. I am afraid that if I take on another responsibility then I won't write. Not writing isn't an option. But then again, maybe I am ready. Maybe I am so dedicated to developing this ministry that I wouldn't let anything deter me from getting whatever I needed to done. Maybe I am at a point in my life where I am so hungry for GOD that I could squash my selfish ambitions along with drowning the notion of helping GOD. He doesn't need my help to do anything. He is the GREAT I AM.

    Maybe...I could juggle it, successfully.  But I have not in the past. I give myself a vote of no confidence. I just am too afraid to fail..so I won't even try.

    The cost of publishing keeps gnawing at me. The needs of the house are sometimes overwhelming. I am so confused that I can't hear GOD.

    Earlier this morning, as I was tidying up around the house, I noticed a piece of scrap paper on the floor. It read: Habakkuk 3:19- The Lord God is my strength and He will make my feet like hinds feet and He will make me to walk upon mine high places.

    For today I have the courage to wait and hear from the Lord. I will thank Him in advance for His Grace and Mercy should I awake tomorrow. But in the here and now I will forget about the pressure of wanting to be able to do more for myself. I will not give an audience to the nagging voice of failure or his cousin regret. Today I will purpose to stay in His Peace and be strengthen.

    It is a sacrifice to continue on one income. Many would contend with me that it isn't wise. But I have been on this side before and made the wrong choice. I am tired of going around this mountain. I don't want to see days like this again. I know I have a lot of work to do and I don't want to be side-tracked by my own ambitions. No one can be a more effective enemy to me than me.

    It's real out here. But I am so glad my circumstances, although they affect me greatly, don't define me. GOD has already declared that  I am more than a Conqueror.

    I take comfort in that.


    Comfortable Success Pt 1

    Another year has passed by. One full of blessings and accomplishments. So full are my memories of  all the great things I was privileged to witness in this year of 2015. So why in the world am I feeling some type of way?

    It's simple really. For all of our gains we still have not been able to elevate our living style to the level of comfortable success. We had two trips this past summer! Two! We have not been able to travel, because of Nathan's health issues, for several years. We couldn't even afford to visit anywhere out of Virginia without help from family. Maybe its because my role hasn't changed.  I continue to be a full time homemaker. It's a hard job, but rewarding..did I mention it doesn't pay very well?

    There it is. We are eating well; rent is paid; we live in a very nice complex; the kids are in an awesome autism program. Nathan is adjusting to middle school like a champ. Myles is a soldier. Outside of the sniffles and a little coughing from the flu shot Nate has been really well. His labs are steady and we don't have to return for 6 weeks.  But yet my frustration is hot. My disappointment with our lack of progress in some areas makes my blood boil.

    Honestly, if I would go back into the work world so much could be settled. Elimination of our credit card debt; the re-establishment (for the 100th time) of our savings; the ability to add small items to our home; purchase of a bedroom set for Anthony and I, (we have been married for 15 years and have yet to purchase one. Always took care of kids first); a new van for me and the list continues. So me working outside of the home even on a part-time basis would be perfect! No big deal right? Except for the fact that when I work I don't write. God has charged me with the burden to use my gifts to bring Him Glory!

    Remember last year in October? I think I was close to having a nervous breakdown- let me do a quick recap for you: Nate had a successful kidney transplant; I had a large tumor removed from my abdomen; Nate had no less than 4 or 5 surgical procedures; we relocated to a suburb of Richmond; I turned down a possible full time teaching opportunity; Anthony started a new job. By the fall of 2014 I was an emotional wreck, searching for my purpose in life. The Lord reminded me of the gifts He gave me and I got busy completing the first of many written works, 'Degrees of Perfection'.

    So why am I feeling the all too familiar tug of frustration?


    Coldness fills my being

    Fog enters into my mind

    I can't think

    My thoughts are thick with doubt 

    Of misgivings 

    Of despair

    I look out unto a vast land of waste

    Littered with past failures and mistakes

    My confidence

    Shrunken in a corner

    Lays almost lifeless on

    The ground

    I have been here before

    My enemy has not changed

    His form is still the same

    Whatever he chooses it to be

    Will I fight or give in

    Will I listen to the screams of un-sureness 

    So convincing is their wail

    So easy is their embrace

    I know where I am

    I have been in this place before

    My steps are weak

    My actions are desperate

    Stop, I tell myself

    In silence can be fear

    or Peace

    You choose

    This day

    This moment

    What will Reign


    Monday, September 14, 2015

    One to Grow On

    Can you make a tree grow?

    No, you can only watch its progress

    Can you create fruit out of air

    No, you can only harvest it

    Can you ripen the apple?

    No, it will let you know when it is ready

    So why Eve do you choose without


    Or seek without


    Or fill a place with

    what should not be?

    Go back to your what you were made to love

    He will never leave you nor forsake you

    He is your Rock, Sword and Shield

    Only He has your Adam

    Trust without hesitation

    Love without reservation

    Wait with joy laced expectancy

    Let who You believe be your guide

    only the One who made the Two can

    Make an us


    Wisdom Pearl #150

    Ignorance is Bliss

    Because Knowledge is sorrowful

    Let know one deceive you



    Thank God for giving you what you needed

    Not What you wanted 

    Not What you lusted after

    Not What you craved

    but What would make you stronger

    What would make you grow 

    What would drive you to Him

    What would sustain you

    What could love you

    What could learn you

    What could carry you

    What would move you forward

    What would make you refrain

    What would make you better

    What could and would stand beside you

    For better or worse

    For richer or poorer

    In Sickness and in Health

    Till death do you part


    Wisdom Pearl #112

    Don't give someone keys to your Garden...when they have not tended their own.


    Blind Worth

    If he doesn't pray

    Then how will he strengthen you?

    If he doesn't know God-love

    How will he love you?

    If he doesn't embrace himself

    How can he embrace you

    If love is shared but not managed

    How can you give him a title

    He has not earned?

    How can you give yourself

    And he has not proven

    His worth?

    Words are sweet

    But of little value

    Let his actions show his intent

    Pray Eve before you act

    Seek Daughter before you commit

    Watch Child before you decide

    Your future will be better for it

    Don't be blind to your Worth


    My Quiet Strength

    You never speak of it

    But I know it is on your mind

    So private are your thoughts

    So guarded are your feelings

    Then you squeeze my hand

    To remind me you are alive

    You sit in silence


    Wondering what could have been

    Never asking The Why

    Always dealing with the Now

    I am jealous of your confidence

    God Speaks it is settled

    You encourage me

    I catch a gaze, not long

    quick as a blink

    but there was water in your eyes

    Your strength has been shown

    The yearning in your heart is the same as mine.

    We continue, as we have

    A little stronger

    A little wiser

    But we are still we

    You remember and love

    As only a Father can

    I am in love with you more and more for it


    Grief, Sorrow, Joy and Hope

    What a difference a day makes...

    Not long ago

    I could not see any weight in my life

    My heart had slipped thru my grasp

    So helpless was I

    As his life passed through my hands

    I wanted the earth to open and cover me

    I didn't want to breath

    I was broken



    More than a dozen times I have remembered him

    Annually, monthly, weekly

    But it gets better

    The pain of loss isn't as sharp as it was

    But I fear won't dull any more past this point

    I have grasped my strength

    I have remembered my joy

    I live, so he lives

    I love because it is a privilege to do so

    I will not forget because I am his Mother

    Until we meet forever,

    In Remembrance of Elan Micheal Howard
    Buried on 9/11

    Wisdom Pearl #111

    Wisdom Pearl:

    Be Warned for when one seeks the friendship of wisdom, sorrow is an unintended companion.


    Mirrored Thoughts

    Another September 11th has come and gone. To some the day has little meaning. To others it marks a day of mourning, a time of remembrance and reflection. I guess for us who were alive and old enough to grasp what was going on it was our D-day.

    As I passed through the city and noted all of the American flags that were lowered in salute to the fallen souls, I was humbled and encouraged.

    Humbled because of the reality that life is so much bigger than one individual and there is so very little we control; because we really don't know how blessed we are to live in a country where we are free to work, worship and grow with little interference; How protected we are and have been from the rest of the evils that many countries have had to face; And lastly for the endurance of the human spirit recorded in text messages, voice mails or phone calls from the brave to their love ones.

    Encouraged because despite the horrific tragedy that took place on our soil, people came together. They helped one another. They cared for their brother and cried with their sister. We were never more like an example of GOD to one another than we were in that moment. We loved as He loves. We didn't care about color, gender, religious preference or financial status. We knew we were bonded. Kindred spirits who shared the same blood. So we went across the lines that usually bar us and dared to love, to show compassion to be bigger than ourselves.

    It is unfortunate that 14 years later many of the same things that we ignored now divide us again. Where we were calling out the name of GOD because we knew there was and still is power in His name. We were full of repentance we wanted His Grace and Mercy, we were thankful. We purposed to live for Him because in one moment we all realized that life is bigger than death and death is bigger than us and GOD is bigger than all of it. We knew we were not at the head of this thing and honestly didn't want to be. It was easier to give it to Him.

    Now we are back to our old tricks again. We allow the travesty of same sex marriage; the confusion of transgender-ism; abortion on demand at any time in the pregnancy; we have allied against Israel by allying with Iran; we have fanned the fires of religious persecution in this country sponsored and sanctioned by our own government; we have decided to teach our young about the unlawful and call it lawful; we have politely threw GOD out of our homes, our military, finances, personal lives and political actions; we are encouraging non-accountability as a cure all for our societal ills and we sit still while our government has become anti-christian.

    How far we have fallen from 9/11. A shame really. But I am encouraged because there is a remnant that still honors America and her heritage which is ONE NATION UNDER GOD WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

    Thursday, August 20, 2015


    Dear Reader,

    If you have been following me for a while, then you know that the title of this piece is alarming at best and full of contradiction. I am on the side of GOD and as a Spirit filled Woman of Christ I support life at the moment of conception. Period.

    However, I felt the need to give this piece such an attention getting title. To every adult in my circle plus some. Especially adults who are sexually active, hopefully in a God-sanctioned marriage, but if not keep reading any way. After all Jesus came to save the world because it needed saving..put another way He knows our sins and chooses to give us His healing salvation despite our nature.

    Now on to the topic at hand...


    Recently I was on Facebook reading a friends post and comments regarding Planned Parenthood. She is a woman of Faith so it was no surprise when I agreed to all of her comments. However, curiosity got the best of me and I started reading other posts that were available under her original thoughts. There is one in particular that I read that actually bothered me and ironically that thread about death gave life to this blog entry. 

    A young woman tried to give credit to Planned Parenthood for early cancer screenings, mammograms, various types of contraceptive etc..and if, she continued, we de-fund P.P. then we might as well take away all of the rest of women's rights because in essence that is what we are doing. 

    Really? I thought after I let the weight of that post sink in. I tried to dismiss it and went on to read several more threads but I always kept coming back to that one. The more I read it the angrier I got.  The more I lingered on it the sadder I became. Because eventually after my anger subsided, I realized that we (humans) have it all wrong. We casually take the gift of life and the miracle of pro-creation as something that holds no value...until we say it does. We act like the power of life and death is ours to wield in our broken state. We act like saying no to such a horrible, senseless and barbaric act as murdering babes in the womb some how transcends into our rights being taken away and sending people into bondage. 

    My GOD please forgive us. 

    When in reality we don't even use our rights because we don't know what they are. Let me list a few for the uninformed, mis-educated and non-directed:

    1. A Woman's right to choose also includes abstinence or refraining from having sex in the first place.
     a). This also includes the right to have and use discernment. If the situation wasn't right before you laid it down then it won't be right when you get back up.

    2. A Woman has the right to not use sex as a tool of manipulation.
    a). If you had to get the man by getting pregnant, you will not be able to keep him once the child is born..because then the pregnancy will be over..just saying. 

    3. Women and Men both have the right to remain virgins until marriage. 
    a). This would allow two people to get to know each other a little better with the hopes of building a foundation that will nurture the challenges of life and welcome little ones

    4. Little known fact Abortion is not birth control it is genocide
    a). because abortion kills it also kills all of the generations that would have come out of that child
    b). what would have happen if Sarah decided Abraham was to old to have a baby by plus she was still mad at him for getting with Hagar..so she takes it out on the child by killing it. 
    c). If you don't want a child before you are "ready" then take a pill, get a shot or use an IUD..or better yet keep your skirt down. The last one is 100% effective

    5. Abortion is a result of Sexual Bondage
    a). Abortion does not address the behavior that brought the woman to this choice in the first place. So if the true issues are not addressed then she will more than likely fall into that same situation again and again.
    b). If a woman keeps aborting babies then why is she still sexually active? because what she seeks is not the sexual gratification but a longing much deeper that is not being met by men she meets
    c). Does she love herself? that is the question that needs to be asked. If she does how can she kill a part of herself. Refer to point B

    6. Delusion..
    a) The abortion industry does not care about the well being of their clients. They hide behind the "choice" banner as a means to continue to finance their industry. They profit in blood money
    b) The same industry has disillusioned the populace by packaging murder as a choice so that makes it OK? 1 of the 10 commandments specifically states ' Thou Shall Not Commit Murder'. 
    c) What happens after the act is done? Where is the industry to comfort that individual by assuring her that she has a lot to give society and that her self worth is priceless? Where are the naysayers that will tell the woman that she can choose to empower herself by making healthy lifestyle choices. Or that she is forgiven by Jesus Christ if she just asks?
    d) No they just send her out the door with a set of instructions and clean up the room for the next victim, I mean decision maker, I mean woman. If her choice was so doggone important then where is the aftercare to help her with the guilt as her actions sink in. Or the self-loathing that may follow? Again Nothing..

    7. Withholding the Truth
    a) Children are a blessing from GOD
    b) Sex before marriage deprives both parties. 
    c) Sex creates a bond between two people; if the bond shouldn't be then sex will make it that much harder to walk away from a relationship that should have never happened
    d) the best gift one can give is self. Just ask Christ. 
    e) Sex taken out of context is demoralizing, crippling and wrong. A woman having multiple partners does not empower her but takes her power away little by little. Her body should not be a common thing. It should be a Holiday for her husband. Think about it, if we celebrated Thanksgiving everyday, eventually we would grow tired of it and even go so far as ignoring it. Because it isn't a big deal.
    f) Abortion takes away the responsibility of ones actions. But it doesn't erase the mistakes
    g) Rape, incest, prostitution are all evil; there is no excuse for anyone to commit these acts against a woman, child or man. I don't have all of the answers but I do know that once one accepts salvation from Christ, He can and will give you beauty for your ashes. Does it erase the pain or the memory of what was done. No. But His grace will give you strength to carry on. 
    h) Adoption is better than abortion. 
    Pro-lifers should have this option on their t-shirt and be ready to put to action what they say they stand by. 
    i) many abortions are carried out by women who had mutual sex; so why should my tax dollars go to fund ones poor decision making skills
    j) doesn't everyone have insurance? I thought that was the law. doesn't p.p. accept insurance for mammograms and cancer screenings? so why do they need government funding.
    k) Where are the real men? Men you need to be heard in this fight. If you are claiming that you are grown and sexxy enough to have relations with a woman, both of your free will, then you are grown and sexxy enough to take care of the child you helped create. No court or office needs to tell you to do so. This is your seed and you need to take an interest in the life of the child, to help nurture and grow them, regardless of the relationship status of you and the mom. If she doesn't want the responsibility then take your baby and raise him/her. 

    8) Most of us in the Western world do not believe in child sacrifice..
    a. That's funny because abortion is child sacrifice
    b. Especially late term abortions
    c. You are your own idol..cut it out this is not helping you

    My hope is that after you have read this post that you would understand that my position is that choice begins before the sexual-act. Therefore I am pro-choice. We all have a right to the life Christ died for us to have and that includes living under His statutes. He knows what is best for us. He also will not withhold any good thing from His children. 

    Trust in His Will 
    Take responsibility for your actions.
    Ask for forgiveness of your sins
    Receive Forgiveness
    Break the cycle of destruction in your life


    Simple Delights

    Warmth fills my soul
    as my nostrils breath in the 
    fragrance of the air
    Strong, unmistakable
    Unable to be hidden
    It perfumes my surrounding
    it covers my face
    as I enter doors familiar
    Strength pours into me 
    as I hear your voice
    Scents of vanilla and lemon 
    engulf my senses
    I am whole once again
    I am home
    Sugar, butter they both greet me
    Peace washes me over
    I am refreshed
    I am grounded 
    I am renewed


    Only To You

    So what my plates don't match;

    or We use a spoon as a fork..

    we may Drink wine out of a cup

    but my Table, to you, is always open.

    So what my chairs creek? 

    big deal my floors are Scraped

    and just a Little worn

    but my Door, to you, is always open.

    Funny how a cake pan doubles

    as a Bread pan

    which Triples as a chicken basket

    it Is okay that it is mismatched

    so Am i

    But you Will experience no greater welcome

    this side of heaveN

    what is Mine is yours

    my Heart, to you, is always opened


    A Molding Experience

    a mission of Grace 
    You called me on

    An assignment of Mercy
    You required

    i proteseted, i resisted,
    i fussed, i meandered
    i dulled my joy

    Correction came with Your Love daily
    my how strong it was.

    i yielded
    You Blessed
    i became supple
    You Strengthened 
    i made my anger subside
    You Washed me in Your
    i traded my defenses
    for laughter and comradre

    i came with the mind to fight an enemy
    You allowed me to leave with a friend
    i was wrapped up in hot dissapointment
    You showed my sin
    i repented
    my will is Your desire

    Thankfulness has surrounded me
    Only Praise forms on my tongue
    where there was confusion
    Love now resides

    A mission of Grace you assigned
    Compassion Your required
    Helped us all YOU did


    Flowers for the King

    Deeper are your wrinkles
    Stronger is your grey..
    But your smile remains familiar

    Surer are your steps
    Slower is your pace
    But strong your voice remains

    I run to sit at your feet
    gleaming knowledge, direction
    and comfort

    Like the wisest of mountains
    I look to you 
    You ground me 
    I appreciate you 

    Oh the days you have seen
    The things you have learned
    Challenges you have faced

    Your experience sits as a crown of strength on top your brow
    Your methods flow as a robe
    Long, royal, moving with the wind

    Radiant is God's Glow
    Its all over your face

    Your love is etched across my heart

    Respect, Honor and Thankfulness patterns my thoughts towards you.
    My desire is to be 
    To mine
    What you are to me

    Deep are your wrinkles 
    And so is your love

    -From your daughter,

    All About Davis..

    Our journey together was brief
    But memory of your warmth still makes me smile

    We didn't get to spend years forging memories
    We got a year to create a bond!

    Your wit was lovely,
    Your strength was amazing..

    Even though you knew the end was near
    You fought your giant courageously

    Through your tears you taught us what
    Bravery truly means
    Your last week you ate as you lived, with vivaciousness

    No rules or limitations

    Your voice was color filled
    Full of rebellion & mischievous humor
    Reminding us of who you are

    So much so that when your body finally gave up the fight
    We saw only what you truly were

    Alive and full of All things good

    With celebration we welcomed your transition
    After all
    Death is only the beginning
    Rest well my friend


    Wisdom Pearl

    Wisdom Pearl #110

    Some people don't get to stay in your life long...
    Usually those are the ones that leave the most
    Lasting of Impressions..


    June the 23rd


    Yesterday I lost a dear friend.
    She was dear to me not because of the length of time
    We knew each other
    But because of our struggle together

    I met her thru dialysis
    During one of my son's treatments

    Her family was warm and inviting
    We laughed, we cried

    She lost her battle but won the war..
    Until we meet again
    Rest well my dear friend


    Just Thought I Would Ask......

    Brothers from all Mothers...

    May I ask a simple question? If a law was created that required all males from 15-25 to wear their pants below their waist as to expose their derrieres, behinds, underwear, butt cheeks, etc
     as a sign of cultural submission...would you still think it was cool?

    Didn't think so. Wise up, Pull em up and Man up.


    Saturday, June 20, 2015


    The Beauty a Sunrise holds
    In all its Greatness
    With All of its Majestic Serenity
    Is but a Herald
    A Witness
    To the Greatness of The 
    Living God
    Who Created it


    *Only a fool says in his heart there
    is no GOD

    Wisdom Pearl #55

    A Half Truth is Still A 
    Whole Lie


    Wednesday, June 10, 2015

    Wisdom Peal #17

    A 1000 broken pieces will never make a smooth a mirror


    Unconventional Methods

    Sometimes I wonder if my Mom was a Psych major and just didn't tell anyone. How did I come to this conclusion? I am glad you asked. The other day I had a pretty bad melt down..I mean it was one of those moments that had me wondering who I was. I was angry and I cried alot. I locked myself in my room for several hours thinking a forced time-out was probably what I needed. Eventually I calmed myself, my husband convinced me to let him into the bedroom (after several hours) and I didn't take anymore calls that evening. Including any from my mom.

    The following day I was out running errands and my mom called and asked me if I was okay. I wasn't I confessed but I was able to function. She then proceeded with her regular Motherly advice and critiques and I thought to myself am I ever going to catch a break from this woman? We finished our conversation with our regular pleasantries and I thought no more of it.

    That is until today. I realized that my mom was doing the most effective thing that she could do at the moment. She admitted she didn't quite understand what I was going thru but in her own way she was challenging me because quitting is not in my nature. She was making me realize that by gently agitating me.

    It gave me enough clarity to decide to stay my course for that day and the next.

    Sometimes strength is not imparted to you through conventional ways. Even Superman has to use force when blowing away the fog in order to save a ship. The fog might feel some type of way about it. But who cares, the ship was saved.

    Kinda cool Mom. You got me on that one.
    Thank you


    Wisdom Pearl#80

    The standard should not be lowered to meet your normal.
    If it is then it is no longer the standard.
    It then becomes a genuine reflection of the lack of perseverance in your life.
    And a short cut to achievement.
    Self how great is thy reward?


    Elephants won't ever be Flowers

    Wouldn't it be silly for an elephant to want to be a flower?

    I mean an elephant was gifted with all of its uniqueness in order for it to complete its task

    A flower can't roam the plains with thunder underneath its feet

    A flower doesn't have memory or demonstrate conscience thought

    A flower can not wrap it's trunk around its calf

    Nor delight itself in the joy of the herd

    But an elephant can

    In the same vein

    The Elephant as royal and demanding its presence is

    Can't glitter in the sunlight

    Its colors won't dance upon the wind

    The Elephant no matter how wondrous of a created creature it is

    Doesn't articulate beauty in the way the flower can

    The Elephant is regal but it doesn't dress in

    Beautiful Blues
    Majestic Magentas
    Tantalizing Pinks
    Flirtatious Oranges
    Or lively Yellows

    Grays and Browns the color of earth are the Elephant's cloak

    So  although I can I understand why an Elephant may look upon

    A flower with envy

    It can't be one

    If it paints itself with all of the rainbow

    It will still be an Elephant

    Because that is what it was made to be

    We can't celebrate it or recognize it as being anything else

    Woe to the beast that desires so much but appreciates so little

    Woe in deed


    True Petitions

    A Prayer for The Masses
    A Prayer from the Heart

    God, you withhold much of what we deserve
    Father we have taken for granted how Holy You are
    How Holy Your Name is
    We disrespect it
    We profane it out of our ignorance and rebellion
    Father what we should protect we destroy
    We celebrate what should be condemned
    We delight in punishment but refuse to
    Apply correction
    We call evil just and we shun righteousness
    Forgive us Lord God! You have given us plenty
    You have blessed us beyond measure
    And still we are consistently unfaithful to you
    Thank you for doing so much
    Thank you for upholding your promises despite our adultery
    We are a proud and sinful nation
    We have defiled your creation without repentance
    Arrogantly we accept Your gifts
    As if we are owed something
    We have forgotten ourselves
    Master Your remnant is sorry
    We plead for your forgiveness
    But we know we can’t escape the coming consequences
    Protect and prosper Your chosen
    Allow Your Grace to flow freely over Yours
    As we stand in our coming season of challenge and persecution
    The ones in the present
    The ones coming in the future
    And the ones who have not yet decided to accept Your Salvation
    Thank you Lord God You are Mighty
    You are Holy
    You are the Great I Am
    You are He who is to Come
    Glory to the Lamb of God


    Thursday, June 4, 2015

    Land of the Blind

    America, Home of the Complacent, Land of the Blind

    As I sorrowfully follow some of the news that is decorating our media landscape, I can’t bring myself to believe that we continue to celebrate deviant and rebellious behavior. It’s now brave when a man changes his sex to mimic that of a woman? Or vice versa?
    It is socially incorrect or even rude to point out that a lesbian who kills all but the smallest part of her femininity as to reflect the male portion of her partnership is a living contradiction. Does anyone think to ask why a woman would want to have a relationship with another woman who acts like a man? Don’t you just want a man?
    Why is it insensitive to refer to a he as a he because he prefers to be called a she? Really…
    Even worse we are now in the era where federal law mandates that individuals be recognized and accepted for their choices no matter how far off the grid they go.
    Same–sex marriage shouldn’t be an issue up for discussion. It goes against God’s structure for family and His Holy design for both man and woman.
    Homosexuals and trans-gendered individuals should not serve in leadership positions in churches or other Christian organizations because it conveys a message that it is okay to make this lifestyle choice. It says that God is giving a pass on a behavior that He expressly calls an abomination. That it is not cool to point out this standard of living as wrong. Hollywood and the entertainment industry has taken this thing and ran with it. Glorifying the open rebellion against The Holy One.
    Where are the strong leaders of Christian organizations? Has anyone told the Boy-Scouts C.E.O. the story of the group’s origin? Maybe while they are at it maybe they could share some common sense with the Girls Scouts. I will not be affiliated with a group that allows confused little boys to dress up as girls and make my daughter accept that as the norm.  Still on the fence about the cookies though..
    I am praying for our America because we are blessed beyond measure but because GOD, in His Grace, does not allow mountains to rumble or chooses not to display His power on a grand scale we say He doesn’t exist. That the plane that we dwell on is the only life in action. We couldn’t be any more wrong. We as a Nation need to repent and publicly accept Jesus Christ as Our Countries Lord and Savior again.
    It doesn’t matter that we are melting pot of other cultures and religious beliefs. Non-believers should be free to worship as they see fit, (not withstanding human sacrifice..planned parenthood and other ‘choice’ clinics have the market cornered), but that doesn’t mean we change who we are or our core values and beliefs.
    Changing that changes us. We are America. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. We are One Nation Under GOD Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All. That includes protecting the rights and property of its Faith practicing Citizens. It’s about time we remembered that.
    I will love the Lord with all my heart and all my soul. Me and my house


     https://youtu.be/tB2zorqPpNY GET READY GET SET AND FIGHT! YOU TUBE POST