Monday, December 14, 2015

Just A Friendly Reminder...

Greetings Reader!

As we are in full swing of the Season of Christ, many of you may be struggling to find a reason to be joyous. Some of you might be facing some very difficult issues, various challenges and struggles. Well you are not alone. Trust I have been having more moments in the last 2 weeks than I can remember having in a long time.

We are approaching the end of the year and what should be an awesome time for celebration and remembrance is turning into a time of depression and overwhelming sadness. Personally I have buried more friends this year than I care to count. The last two hitting me especially hard. So much so that when I visited the local Penny's store, last Saturday,  I was a little taken a back by the amount of people that were at that mall. I remember thinking, what in the world is going on here? Must be a fire sale or something. Uhm no it's 2 weeks before Christmas and retailers are pulling out all of the stops to make it a profitable one. Oh..yeah I forgot about that.

Sure my tree is up and decorated; our apartment has lights hanging both inside and out. We have been listening to Christmas Themed music for almost 3 weeks straight. But yet I forgot what time it is. My attention has been divided. My person has been wounded and my emotions are scattered. Not to mention the weather here in the East is more reminiscent of an early spring than winter. It just doesn't feel like Christmas. You know what I mean? Like the last thing I am feeling right now is joyful and triumphant. Matter of fact I would just like to curl up in the corner with a gallon of Trini Egg-nog ( you have not lived till you've had it) and my favorite cartoons and forget that I exist for a while. Which I can't really do at all because my doctor has placed me on a diet...Oiveee

But I was reminded today. So gently, so silently that God IS no matter how I feel. Christmas has already happened. The miracle of the Virgin Birth has already happen. Christ walking among us has already happened. So it doesn't matter if I am 'feeling' it or not. God IS, HAS and WILL. None of which has anything to do with feelings. My bible reminds me that the Joy of the Lord is my strength! (Nehemiah 8:10) He spoke thru the Prophet Habakkuk (3rd Chapter) to remind me that The Sovereign Lord is my strength and that is not predicated by circumstances. That no matter what is going on in the world: the reality of ISIS; death of a loved one; wars and rumors of wars; growing open persecution of the Christian Faith, nothing can separate me from Him!(Romans 8:38)

So I challenge you, as I am challenging myself, to offer up PRAISE to The Lord of Host despite your tears, loneliness or depression. I am encouraging you to have a thankful heart as you push thru your day without your loved one. I dare you to show GOD to someone despite being broken. If you do I know you will discover what I have this day. That my strength (joy, courage, will to live) doesn't lie in what I make of the Christmas season but is given from the One through whom the season was made.

Look to Christ not your circumstances and embrace His joy. In the words of now immortal Stacey N. Dabney, "Girl, you betta Live!"

Warmest Regards,

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