Thursday, December 10, 2015

Full Circles I

Rabbi, Sensie, Teacher, Instructor  those are not the titles that one would normally associate with the most notorious of our enemies, Death. 

Matter of fact, Reader you may think I am totally off my mark by even attempting to use these words as synonyms for that destroyer. I wouldn't blame you; but humor me. Let's start by taking a better look at two of the titles we will be using Rabbi and Sensie:


  • JUDAISM a scholar and teacher of the Jewish law; now, specif., an ordained Jew, usually the spiritual head of a congregation, qualified to decide questions of law and ritual and to perform marriages, supervise religious education, etc.
  • SLANG a sponsor; influential friend

  • Rabbi is an honorable title which carries with it a huge weight of influence, hence the 2nd definition associated with the term.

    a teacher or instructor usually of Japanese martial arts (as karate or judo) 

    Again there is no logical reason, on the surface that is, to associate either one of these nouns of distinction with our enemy Death. However, I would like to propose a thought to you and that is that all of the a fore mentioned terms are unavoidably linked. Don't think so? Please allow me to present to you my argument because I believe as much as Dorothy did in those red shoes that they are indeed part of a circle of infinity. Not able to be broken, following or proceeding one another but always in the same flow. 

    The discussion continues in Pt 2 

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