Thursday, August 20, 2015


Dear Reader,

If you have been following me for a while, then you know that the title of this piece is alarming at best and full of contradiction. I am on the side of GOD and as a Spirit filled Woman of Christ I support life at the moment of conception. Period.

However, I felt the need to give this piece such an attention getting title. To every adult in my circle plus some. Especially adults who are sexually active, hopefully in a God-sanctioned marriage, but if not keep reading any way. After all Jesus came to save the world because it needed saving..put another way He knows our sins and chooses to give us His healing salvation despite our nature.

Now on to the topic at hand...


Recently I was on Facebook reading a friends post and comments regarding Planned Parenthood. She is a woman of Faith so it was no surprise when I agreed to all of her comments. However, curiosity got the best of me and I started reading other posts that were available under her original thoughts. There is one in particular that I read that actually bothered me and ironically that thread about death gave life to this blog entry. 

A young woman tried to give credit to Planned Parenthood for early cancer screenings, mammograms, various types of contraceptive etc..and if, she continued, we de-fund P.P. then we might as well take away all of the rest of women's rights because in essence that is what we are doing. 

Really? I thought after I let the weight of that post sink in. I tried to dismiss it and went on to read several more threads but I always kept coming back to that one. The more I read it the angrier I got.  The more I lingered on it the sadder I became. Because eventually after my anger subsided, I realized that we (humans) have it all wrong. We casually take the gift of life and the miracle of pro-creation as something that holds no value...until we say it does. We act like the power of life and death is ours to wield in our broken state. We act like saying no to such a horrible, senseless and barbaric act as murdering babes in the womb some how transcends into our rights being taken away and sending people into bondage. 

My GOD please forgive us. 

When in reality we don't even use our rights because we don't know what they are. Let me list a few for the uninformed, mis-educated and non-directed:

1. A Woman's right to choose also includes abstinence or refraining from having sex in the first place.
 a). This also includes the right to have and use discernment. If the situation wasn't right before you laid it down then it won't be right when you get back up.

2. A Woman has the right to not use sex as a tool of manipulation.
a). If you had to get the man by getting pregnant, you will not be able to keep him once the child is born..because then the pregnancy will be over..just saying. 

3. Women and Men both have the right to remain virgins until marriage. 
a). This would allow two people to get to know each other a little better with the hopes of building a foundation that will nurture the challenges of life and welcome little ones

4. Little known fact Abortion is not birth control it is genocide
a). because abortion kills it also kills all of the generations that would have come out of that child
b). what would have happen if Sarah decided Abraham was to old to have a baby by plus she was still mad at him for getting with she takes it out on the child by killing it. 
c). If you don't want a child before you are "ready" then take a pill, get a shot or use an IUD..or better yet keep your skirt down. The last one is 100% effective

5. Abortion is a result of Sexual Bondage
a). Abortion does not address the behavior that brought the woman to this choice in the first place. So if the true issues are not addressed then she will more than likely fall into that same situation again and again.
b). If a woman keeps aborting babies then why is she still sexually active? because what she seeks is not the sexual gratification but a longing much deeper that is not being met by men she meets
c). Does she love herself? that is the question that needs to be asked. If she does how can she kill a part of herself. Refer to point B

6. Delusion..
a) The abortion industry does not care about the well being of their clients. They hide behind the "choice" banner as a means to continue to finance their industry. They profit in blood money
b) The same industry has disillusioned the populace by packaging murder as a choice so that makes it OK? 1 of the 10 commandments specifically states ' Thou Shall Not Commit Murder'. 
c) What happens after the act is done? Where is the industry to comfort that individual by assuring her that she has a lot to give society and that her self worth is priceless? Where are the naysayers that will tell the woman that she can choose to empower herself by making healthy lifestyle choices. Or that she is forgiven by Jesus Christ if she just asks?
d) No they just send her out the door with a set of instructions and clean up the room for the next victim, I mean decision maker, I mean woman. If her choice was so doggone important then where is the aftercare to help her with the guilt as her actions sink in. Or the self-loathing that may follow? Again Nothing..

7. Withholding the Truth
a) Children are a blessing from GOD
b) Sex before marriage deprives both parties. 
c) Sex creates a bond between two people; if the bond shouldn't be then sex will make it that much harder to walk away from a relationship that should have never happened
d) the best gift one can give is self. Just ask Christ. 
e) Sex taken out of context is demoralizing, crippling and wrong. A woman having multiple partners does not empower her but takes her power away little by little. Her body should not be a common thing. It should be a Holiday for her husband. Think about it, if we celebrated Thanksgiving everyday, eventually we would grow tired of it and even go so far as ignoring it. Because it isn't a big deal.
f) Abortion takes away the responsibility of ones actions. But it doesn't erase the mistakes
g) Rape, incest, prostitution are all evil; there is no excuse for anyone to commit these acts against a woman, child or man. I don't have all of the answers but I do know that once one accepts salvation from Christ, He can and will give you beauty for your ashes. Does it erase the pain or the memory of what was done. No. But His grace will give you strength to carry on. 
h) Adoption is better than abortion. 
Pro-lifers should have this option on their t-shirt and be ready to put to action what they say they stand by. 
i) many abortions are carried out by women who had mutual sex; so why should my tax dollars go to fund ones poor decision making skills
j) doesn't everyone have insurance? I thought that was the law. doesn't p.p. accept insurance for mammograms and cancer screenings? so why do they need government funding.
k) Where are the real men? Men you need to be heard in this fight. If you are claiming that you are grown and sexxy enough to have relations with a woman, both of your free will, then you are grown and sexxy enough to take care of the child you helped create. No court or office needs to tell you to do so. This is your seed and you need to take an interest in the life of the child, to help nurture and grow them, regardless of the relationship status of you and the mom. If she doesn't want the responsibility then take your baby and raise him/her. 

8) Most of us in the Western world do not believe in child sacrifice..
a. That's funny because abortion is child sacrifice
b. Especially late term abortions
c. You are your own idol..cut it out this is not helping you

My hope is that after you have read this post that you would understand that my position is that choice begins before the sexual-act. Therefore I am pro-choice. We all have a right to the life Christ died for us to have and that includes living under His statutes. He knows what is best for us. He also will not withhold any good thing from His children. 

Trust in His Will 
Take responsibility for your actions.
Ask for forgiveness of your sins
Receive Forgiveness
Break the cycle of destruction in your life


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