Thursday, November 12, 2015

Candid Conversations Pt 2

What we fail to realize is that when we let someone into our spaces of power (mind, body) we allow them to have open access to us. Sex combines two bodies into one, forming not only a union but a portal that opens both ways. He shares with you and you with him. If he has crazy in him guess what you will pick up that crazy. If she has a demonic spirit residing in her the act of sex allows that spirit to have access into you. Don't believe me? Keep hanging on to something you should not have and continue to watch as your life unravel. How far are you going to travel down that hole, Alice? Too many of us have emerged scared and full of regret and constant reminders or blessings (children) from that situation.

Premarital sex will cause one to conform to unfair treatment; horrible situations all because you have linked yourself to that person and are attached. There is no such thing as sex with no strings and one night stands leave you feeling just as empty as you were when you started the evening. Sex is not something cheap or pagan. It is a privilege and a right that belongs to the traditionally married couple.

I can't even remember the last time I watched a decent television program on one of the major networks that didn't involve an illicit sex scene. Who wants to see all those fakes? When did we become slaves to our natures? When did we lose our ability to exercise control over our bodies? When did sex become a requirement for our entertainment? What happened to the beauty of the act? It shouldn't be shared except for the two people who made a conscious effort to commit to each other and carry the mantle of husband and wife. The last time someone showed their breast and got an Oscar I stopped watching that particular actress's movies or shows. Nudity does not equal talent.

And another thing..if sex with multiple partners in various situations is so doggone fulfilling why was ice cream ever invented? I know that doesn't make sense but neither does the attitude America has adopted as its's norm regarding sexual relations.

We need to let people know that they are precious! That you can't give anyone more than your body; that it is valuable and should be treated as the treasure it is. We should encourage people to love themselves enough to wait for their God-sent mate! We should be bragging all about that married life! Because without the circle of trust, security and affirmed love then the whole sexual experience is lessened.

Honestly, sex begins before the actual physical act! It begins with tried love and trust. Only when those two components are well established can the participants reach new heights in their acts of intimacy...surpassing those scenes on television!

So I guess the ladies on t.v. or in the movies really are good actresses. Because sex with a stranger doesn't feel that good...really.

Don't settle for less than the best that God has for you! Trust you are worth the wait! If you have decided to trade in your virginity it is never to late to take a vow of abstinence even if you have had a child.


You are so valuable to One that He went to the Cross to have relationship with you

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