Thursday, November 12, 2015

Candid Conversations Pt 1

Did you ever wonder why God requires us to abstain from sex before marriage? I mean besides the obvious ills in our society..why did He say that we needed to sanctify (set aside for a purpose) ourselves committing to wait until we say our 'I do's'? Well I thought about it and I would like to share them (my thoughts) with you.

Intimacy is a beautiful selfless act; it should only be shared between two people (a man and a woman) who are deeply committed to one another. Sex is one of the perks or highlights of being in a relationship with that person. It allows two people to communicate in a love language that only they understand. It is meant to re-affirm ties; draw them closer together, strengthen their bond and create life.

Wouldn't it be interesting if we actually adhered to what the Word of God says about sex? The abortion debate would be a thing of the past because there are no more unwanted pregnancies; STD's would be almost unheard of because there would not be multiple partners involved; No baby momma drama! Matter of fact Maury would be out of a job.

Of all the things man-kind has gotten wrong, this has to be one of the worst. In our upside down world it is a sin or a travesty for one to keep their virginity (both male and female); we are redefining sexuality as a do what you want; how you want; to whom you want mentality. We are failing to lead by example so that the generations next to us and after us will have healthy and rounded examples to follow.


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