Monday, October 7, 2013

Everyday Purposes

Greetings Readers,
First let me apologize for my long absence. I will purpose to do better. Isn't that the truth? The last statement I mean. Everyday we make promises that we never intend to keep, which we don't do on purpose, but has turned into an acceptable practice in American culture. 
Take the statement " Let me Call you Right back" What is wrong with that? Nothing except given the time of day and all of the items left on your to do list you probably will have to continue the conversation on a later date; the mistake was made when you placed the term 'right' in the sentence. An expectation was created that shortly the conversation would be continued. I am terrible at this so I am trying to get better. Another one of my bad habits is making the promise not to make a mistake again. Really? Life is a learning process and for those of us who prefer the structure of an expected turn of  events everyday this leads to a long list of things that make us miserable and we quickly say I promise not to do such and so. And although somethings are really bad and should be avoided at all costs I refuse to use that statement again. Purposing to do better is an acknowledgement of my frailness and my sometimes refusal or ability to make to right choices. Purposing says I will continue to make mistakes, prayerfully not the same ones, but their will be errors. As long as I am on this side of the grave and I am now o.k. with that. Purposing allows me to let go of the invisible ruler I measure myself with; it allows me to lay down the score board of all the goof-ups I have made and the consequential self -judgement that comes after it. I am allowing myself to be me with all of the good, the bad and the ugly. I wanted so desperately to come to a point of agreement so I can enjoy my life and everything that comes with it. Well, I am at that place where I realize I can't get it right, I won't get it right and its ok. That is the whole reason why The Christ allowed Himself to die in my place. Sobering thought huh?
Now does this mean I am off the 'hook' and can just run through my day rip-shod, (is that an actual phrase),with no accountability to my actions? Absolutely not. I said I acknowledge my limitations but I am free to strive to do better. I am not a quitter or a complacent individual, quite the opposite is true, but now I acknowledge that I have the right to be free from fault finding, self condemnation, criticism and fear. It is replaced with acknowledgment of my need of Jesus Christ daily and the fact that my actions do not dictate His love for me. So I don't have to beat myself up. Will I continue to purpose to do better... undoubtedly. Will I still be disappointed or angry when I mess up...yeah probably, but I won't stay in that place for longer than necessary. Will I look forward to the twists and turns that life brings, not really but I am purposing to do better.  
For your joy and strengthening...Romans 4:12-16; Romans 8:1,16-17 & 31-39; 


  1. Amen, Nette! You are so wise and good! Thanks!

  2. You are so welcomed! I am honored for GOD to use me to help others and vice - versa!
