Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Stop, Look and Listen

This morning I was sitting in my living room listening to the birds chirping and enjoying the stillness of the house. The children were off to school courtesy of my mom, Anthony was gone to work and there I was. Alone in the beautiful silence. 
Have you ever just sat? With your eyes closed...just focused on a fix point like the miracle of breathing or in my case the chirping of my feathered friends. I have found in that time I feel so much more closer to the LORD; in that time is when I have the most peace, it is also where I find myself most contented. That is a glorious gift in itself because I am a goal-oriented person and I always need the proverbial carrot hanging in front of me. In my mindset it never accord to me to enjoy the journey while traveling to my destination. It was always the destination that I was obsessed with. What is wrong with this mentality is that you fail to see all of the beautiful scenery surrounding you. You also miss valuable opportunities to enjoy the small things, which, when you think about make up the fabric of your life. Who knew I would get so much joy watching my youngest son dance? He dances to everything in and out of his unmentionables! Its like he doesn't care he is just so happy. Or my eldest son and his milestones like remembering to make up his bed or take the trash out without me asking. Or the best one yet, him asking his dad how his day was. It may not sound like anything to you but all of these things have put such a smile on my face. These moments have really made me take stock in what matters. I am freed  from my obsessive goal attaining nature and I like it. I like laughing at nothing in particular, going with the flow of the day and just enjoying the art of breathing. 
I realize that once I get back on my feet - I will not always be able to get back to this place of peace absolute but the challenge is always trying to do so. 
In summary - Stop, Look and Listen. Enjoy the day, watch the sunrise or the sunset. Admire your spouse just to admire her. Leave work early, if you can, and grab the kids early go to the park or watch them ride their bikes. In all things Thank GOD for the gifts he has entrusted you with and purpose to enjoy your life no matter where you are. For your strengthening - Psalm 105: 1-7
With Love, 

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