Monday, September 23, 2013

Pebbles in a Pond

Greetings Readers I hope all is well with you and your families. I had an interesting day; One of our family members was placed in dire straights and ended up in the hospital with a not so great prognosis. It doesn't matter who it was, so don't call me and ask (smile), just know that it had a ripple effect in the family; and it actually got me to thinking. Do we really understand the implications of our decisions? I don't think so. Let's take something simple for an example. Let's say today you went out to lunch at a decent restaurant and at the end of the meal you tipped your waiter or waitress. Well depending on how well you tipped that person will make the difference on how much gas they can put in their car, if they can buy something to eat tonight or pay a bill or maybe go to the movies. You are probably thinking, yeah right - my contribution does not make that much of a difference in someones life. I would sorely disagree with you because you were not that person's only table. Every person that was served had the opportunity to show gratitude in the size of their tip and at the end of the day they will add up what they have and make the decision on what to do with their earnings. Our choices are much like those tips. At some point they add up either good or bad and we reap a harvest either good or bad. So we must be careful with our choices, they are powerful and will eventually yield a seed. If we litter our lives with a bunch of bad choices then the reaping will be sore and bitter. You may say but I have GOD, well I am glad that you do because He will help you by: 

  • comforting you
  • remind you of the peace He has left in you
  • guide you to making better choices
  • teach you how to forgive yourself and others
  • create in you a spirit of excellence so you can be a better steward
  • expand your awareness of Him and how badly you need Him
  • develop a new appreciation for the sacrifice at the cross
  • help free you from addictions
  • help free you from destructive behavior by renewing your mind
  • address and break patterns
But what He will not do is remove the consequences of our decisions. Just ask King David and Bathsheba - that pebble (his choice) had such a far reaching effect that it never really truly got out of his house.  Some of our decisions carry a heavy weight and go a far distance long outweighing the benefit of the moment. So I encourage you to think long and hard before you make what could be a life altering decision. I encourage to have a relationship with the LORD. I encourage you to yield to His will and not your own. Remember we can only see our bottom step. GOD sees up the street and around the corner and beyond. It is wise to follow His path and not our own. For your benefit check out Proverbs 3:1-7 and Matthew 7:13-14. One last thought - your decision never affects just you.

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