Monday, October 21, 2013

Just An Observation

Technology is a wonderful thing. It is both a gift and a curse depending on how one uses it. Sure it has made our lives easier, it has helped us live with a better quality of life but it has also made us cold, complacent and a little worse for the wear. Now before you reject my comments completely let me explain my position. 
Before television families would sit around at the dinner table and have, what is becoming a lost art, conversation. It was a time to bond, to inform and to share. It also set a precedent for the up and coming generations to value time with one another and pass down the craft of slow cooking. Before video games kids never had to be told to go and play 20 minutes a day - because that is what they did. They made up cool games, jumped rope, played jacks and had block bike races. Again there existed a sense of community and belonging. Before my husband and I bought smartphones we actually had conversation instead of jumping at the first notification of something new on Facebook  I mean we actually sat in our room last night, half watching the Sunday night game, barely speaking a word to one another. What in the world? We were too busy playing CandyCrush on our phones trying to beat our friends scores! At some point I thought...what is wrong with this picture? We used to converse,  laugh, talk, plan and complete crossword puzzles. I decided right at that moment that I wanted my family time. I want to not lose touch with my spouse. I don't want tech replacing anything that only human interaction can give. So what does that mean for the family Howard? For starters no tech at night, except for when Mr. Howard is on call; consistent weekly family game nights; no more t.v. after 6pm and lastly shutting that phone off after 8pm. I know to some of you this may sound desperate and controlling; but out of desperation the true nature of our humanity is brought forth. I want my family time. I want to build strong family ties in our children. I want us all to have good memories of our time together. I want to leave an effective legacy to be mimicked for the up and coming generations in my house. I want to know my children better and I want to love my spouse more and to me I can do both by spending more un-distracted and un-rushed time with them. Now you will have to do what is right for your family dynamic. Some of you have the kids in winter sports so several of your evenings are spent in practices or whatever. Some of you are in the 'year-end' crush at your job and are spending long hours at your desk. I didn't say it would be easy but nothing worth fighting for ever is. You set your own boundaries and purpose to live within them. Because when all is said and done and you are too old for any of this to matter anymore, who will you look to to comfort you? Your family maybe? No your family definately.
America, we need to set our priorities in order. The family is under attack and we must defend it by any means necessary. Start by buying popcorn, the kind you must cook on the stove, and watch a movie with your kids! It will be time well spent. 
Walk in Peace all today and the days to come! 
Souljourner Howard

1 comment:

  1. I cannot take credit for the words quoted that follow which are credited to Sarah Young, who has written a wonderful tiny book called "Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace In His Presence", which gives devotions for every day of the year.

    This is not a suggestion, but a COMMAND. I divided time into days and nights, so that you would have MANAGEABLE PORTIONS of life to handle. My grace is sufficient for you, but its sufficiency is for ONLY ONE DAY AT A TIME.
    When you worry about the future, you heap day upon day of troubles onto your FLIMSY FRAME. You stagger under this heavy load, which I NEVER INTENDED
    you to carry. Throw off this oppressive burden with one quick THRUST OF TRUST. Anxious thoughts meander about and crisscross in your brain, BUT TRUSTING ME brings you directly into My Presence. As you thus AFFIRM YOUR FAITH,
    shackles of worry fall off instantly. Enjoy My Presence continually by TRUSTING ME at all times."
    Matthew 6:34 : "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own". (Is this not the truth, plus some?) I have found that worry accomplishes NOTHING, except maybe to give me more things to concern myself with, such as physical illnesses that seemingly result from the unnecessary worry.

    2 Corinthianss 12:9 : "But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." (Is this not the truth, plus some?) I find that when I am feeling weak and experiencing those moments of seeming helplessness, these are the times I call out most for His power to sustain me.

    Psalm 62:8 : "Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. Selah" (Is this not the truth, plus some?) What has helped me most in trying to overcome this issue with worry, for which I have struggled for most of my life, is that as I grow stronger in my relationship with Christ, I realize that I am not trusting in Him. I am starting to worry much less when I give it over to Him, as He has asked me to do, throughout His Word, believing that He is my ever present help at all times and in all things, and that He truly is my refuge.
