Friday, February 3, 2017

Things that Make Life Interesting

Sometimes in my rush to get to an appointment or make the bus on time to do this or that; I forget that my kids are limited in their abilities. Sometimes I forget they are autistic and they have issues processing information or completing several tasks at a time.

I am learning to not get frustrated with them or myself but to slow down and keep myself calm. Taking a deep breath usually does the trick. Then I am back in the moment and to my surprise I am finding that the little things that used to wreck my nerves now bring me joy. 

Such an instance happened a few days ago. The family was in the routine of a weekday morning. The house was buzzing with energy. I was bouncing between the ironing board and the kitchen trying to keep an eye on breakfast. 

Myles had finished his morning duties and earned some morning t.v. time while Nathan was bringing up the rear. I continued to press a pair of jeans and without looking up I started to rattle off a list things I needed Nate to complete such as: put on deodorant; brush his hair; find his belt and don't forget his glasses. He responded and went about his business. 

Sometime later, probably about 2-3 minutes, I asked him what he was doing and he replied (the first time because that rarely happens!) and I encouraged him to hurry up so he would have time to eat his breakfast. I am still preoccupied so it was no surprise when I bellowed a reminder (a two bedroom apartment can be very noisy) about 30 seconds later. What happened next, however, stunned me to the point that I had to stop and look at my son. Wondering if that was truly him that was talking back to me. 

Not in a bad way like a smarty-pants but in a way that showed growth, maturity and boldness. When I asked him to hurry up I didn't really wait for his reply before I moved on to saying something else. He politely came up to where I was and said "no mom, 1st I do this then I do that". 

Maybe to you this holds a very small significance; after all why wouldn't a 12 year old respond to his mom. Exactly! He isn't your typical 12 year old. He is a boy that is challenged with Asperger,  processing delays and a short attention span. He also is a wiz at math, music and science and loves video games! But he doesn't speak well. He always misuses first person pronouns and relays information in broken sentences. Sometimes he can be very hard to understand. Unless you have been around him awhile.

Me: Nate, did you finish XYZ? Nate: noooooo. Me; why not (feeling slightly annoyed) Nate: because I need to do XYZ and I only on Y. Then I can finish. Me: okay, that sounds good.  By now I had stopped ironing and just marveled at the clarity of his words; the organization of his thought and lack of fear at speaking my words back to me. There are more instances where I have given him too much to do at one time and each time he catches me and says "but I thought you said do this first". 

What amazes me the most is that when Nate speaks my words back to me I am compelled to oblige. I must honor my word or at the very least explain why I must deviate. Either way I am forced to stop what I am doing and give him my full attention. 

If I do this for my son and he does this for me; how much more does God do for us when we speak His Word back to Him? He has to honor His Word because He is Holy! Unlike me where I will change my mind because the circumstances dictate I do something different; He knows all of our circumstances! Before, after and during. All the time. What a powerful illustration in such a simple moment. 

My grandmother told me a long time ago that I should speak God's Word back to Him when I am requesting something of Him. Show Him honor, respect and reverence that is due Him but be sure to speak His Word. He is tied to it and must perform what He promised. When I am low on funds, resources etc..I will pray and remind Him that He promised to provide all of my needs. When I am feeling afraid or intimidated over a task, I remind Him that He said He would never leave me nor forsake me.  Do I feel better in the immediate? Yes I do. Do I always get what I ask for? No, but I always get what I need in His timing. 

There is a powerful bond that exists between parent and child/ grandparent and grandchild. It is the younger looking at the elder and expecting them to hold true to their promise. To their words. If we all do this then we would never need to 'swear' to something. The Lord expressly asks us not to perform such an oath. He says let your yes be your yes and your no be your no. Learn how to honor your word just as God honors His. Even your enemies will know that you may be a great many things (in the negative) but you are not one to go back on your word! Everyone in your circle will place their confidence wisely with you because they know you said it, you will honor it. That's a check that can be taken to the bank (figuratively). 

You can find the hidden jewels in your everyday if you take a moment to stop, breath and watch. When you do be sure to thank the Lord for the gems He gave you that day. More than likely they will stay with you much longer than 24 hours. 


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Wisdom Pearl

 2024 Phoenix Arizona If you ask God to help you see your life as He sees it, then you will see that your thread is a single line of beauty ...