Wednesday, February 15, 2017

GOD WHIPSERS...Purpose to listen

I will be the first to admit that sometimes when you are trying to complete the work that Christ gave you it is hard!

Doors seem to stay closed more than they are opening; but you are doing what the Lord directed you to do.

There are no pat on the backs or atta girls when you are at the point of low. Just the still quiet voice of the Creator of Heaven and Earth reminding you that He is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you.

So you go on. Despite accolades, awards and recognition given to those who perpetuate the will of their father the Devil. Yet you have the good news, a wonderful message, a delightful calling why is it that people are not receptive to you? Even in your own community; even those who are a part of Christiandome?

Then I am reminded, which is why I wrote to you today, that the world first hated Him; so naturally it will hate you. Does that give me a pass to stop doing what I am supposed to do? Are you? I hope you answered no. I did.

In direct opposition to the climate we live in; in contradiction to the percentages of non-success I will still continue to speak; encourage; exalt; teach; correct and motivate because that is what He put in me. I want my crown! I want to hear the words of my savior " Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant". So I continue. I move forward and I advise you to do the same.

Remember beloved that the race is not given to the swift but to the one who endures!

Endure Soldier and continue to press towards that High Mark of Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!


ps Yes this was for me! I needed some encouragement for myself today..
pss special thanks to Jo Edwards for lending her voice it so strengthened me today

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