Friday, February 3, 2017

A Good Burden

Some Problems are Good to have!

  • pile of clothes on the laundry floor?
    • It's good to have clothes to wear; apparently in abundance because it can wait several days and no one is complaining nor asking for garments...
  • an Empty deep freezer?
    • At some point the promise of 'I will provide all ofyour needs' (book) will be fufilled (yet) again and evidence of the overflow is the reason you have a deep freezer in the 1st place
  • Dishwasher full again?
    • Really??? why does this one need a connection? Fine if you insist
      • your house is blessed because you have a dishwasher! Your water and electric bills are met which serves as further evidence of God's provision. 
      • you live in a nice dwelling!
        • A day under a roof is better than any day without one
  • the forgotten Backpack ...oivee!
    • He is healthy enough to go to school
    • there is structure in place to provide an education with no regard to the color of his skin or economic status
Yes, I realize that some freedoms have yet to be; but others were won from the struggles of someone else. We (you and I ) are living the dream of those who walked before us every day. 
Like I said some problems are good to have; however, I am concerned that you might need one  ore illustration..especially for you Eve:

  • He left his towel on the floor AGAIN!
    • That shows that you are in the blessings of marriage <A GOD Ordained union between 1 man and 1 woman>
    • That you have the privileged of walking with another soul
    • The joy have having a help mate, prayer partner, comforter and comedian all without leaving your home! 
Like I said it's a good problem to have! 

A Good Burden

before you complain or sigh..
the next time your chores are meeting you eye to eye
try to imagine how empty 
your life would be
without these things 
that come with your blessings!
I will take mine without a blink
because to do without ... just the thought of 
the vast unquenchable emptiness that space would leave
 the pain of loneliness that life would bring
give me my blessings and their burdens
the absence of which would cause me to grow
in my self-centeredness not caring for the welfare of others
or stunt my thankfulness because I never learned how to be
or at the very worse leaving my joy untouched, undiscovered 
never fueled by a laugh
like I said I will take them 
these are all good problems to have

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