Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Clarification without Apology Pt 2

Now people of Faith also have responsibilities in this arena.  We must not be mean, condescending or prejudice. We must always maintain our professionalism and be ready to explain why God said what He said about marriage. We must always be willing to pray for those who we know are on a dark path and risk their soul's salvation. We must be willing to share that despite all of our faults Jesus Christ still loves us and wants us to come to His side. Because trust He ain't moving over to anyone else's. We must walk in Love!!

We must be able to agree to disagree with our neighbors in the LGBT community in a respectful way. We must show love, not hatred or indifference and support members and businesses of the Faith community. We must not try and separate ourselves from everyone else but interact in the hopes of spreading the message of the Gospel. God will hold us accountable for our actions just as He will hold them.

If you are not in the business of providing services for marital ceremonies then you do not grounds to refuse service to a member of the LGBT community. I would hate for a hospital to interpret the Religious Freedom Act as a means to not help a gay man who is sick. Or for a restaurant, to refuse to serve a meal, (not a catering event that is up to the restaurants discretion if  they are Faith believers), to a lesbian couple. I also wouldn't want a school, sports club, daycare or other entity to refuse entrance to a member because of their orientation or their parents orientation. Of course this opens up the discussion of whether or not Boy Scouts should allow openly gay scouts the opportunity to participate and hold positions of leadership. Yes to participation no to leadership. Why? Because we are training boys to be young men and like all humans we will follow examples set before us.

Do I dislike the LGBT community? I dislike what they stand for because God said in His Word that this practice is an abomination to Him. I don't want people to risk spending an eternity without God because of the lifestyle choices they make here on earth. No I am not saying all members of the LGBT community are going to Hell. I can't make that call. I am just saying they like all people who refuse God's gift of salvation and/or live expressly against His edicts are risking it. You might be saying to yourself - Hey Souljourner, there are plenty in the LGBT community who believe in God and go to church, are good American loving, tax paying citizens. So how can you say they don't believe in or have a relationship with God? And I would answer you with the same statement as I would people who are cohabiting without being married, having kids outside of wedlock, stealing, lying, cheating and practicing idolatry. A tree is known by the fruit it bears. (Matthew 7 15-20) Jesus asks us to come to Him as we are in all of our mess, but His love doesn't allow us to stay in it!

While you are choosing who you are going to serve remember a student is not above the teacher, as a servant is not above their Master. Standing for Christ is an offense to this world but living without Him is a death sentence.

Live, love and laugh

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