My fear caught me off guard today
Tears kept leaking from my hiding place
I am so full
I don't know how to release
My days are off
I feel like I am lost
There are no breaks
No one to shelter me
Who can I call?
Who understands me?
Who can encourage the encourager?
Mom what is for breakfast
Mom what is for lunch
Mom I need, can I have
It never ends
Their life shouldn't be interrupted
Because their mom is having a moment...
Cereal for dinner has never hurt anyone
I resolve to find the hidden pleasures in my day
I will not be defeated
I am a Champion!
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
I fought and
You gently
I was angry
You hugged
me with a breeze
I was
inside me were moving
At the speed
of life
You spoke
My waters
were calmed
I am still
But I know
You I can trust
You are my
My soul’s
Still I
struggle with myself
I am only
living clay
Help me when
the fragility of my nature
Covers me,
Stifles me,
Overtakes me
The shadow
of your Majesty
Reminds me
of how
Tiny I am
A microcosm of
thought and emotions
But still You
watch over me
I don’t
understand Your ways
You assure
me that I don’t have too
The lake
glistens with life
The air is
sweetly perfumed
The sky is
adorned beautifully
I am
reminded that You are with me
My courage
has returned
Thank you
for seeing past my anger
I wear your
strength as a shield
challenges will not overtake me
Two Eggs With Bacon
I knew when my eyes
finally focused
and acknowledged the new day
I wasn't ready
I knew when I heard the familiar sounds of the morning
I wasn't ready
I knew when I wished someone else could fry the bacon
Or butter the toast
I wasn't ready
But that no longer mattered
Like a soldier called into battle
Ready wasn't an option
It's a requirement
1 Sugar, 2 Creams Please
I didn't want today
No particular reason
I just wanted to stay in my dreamscape
Sleep is such a sweet release
Nothing makes sense
But it doesn't have too
I don't struggle to understand
What's happening around me
It's curious and even entertaining
My mind is free
I love it, I crave it
It is my addiction
Now you understand why the dawn
Was greeted with mourning
The chores of the day screaming at me
Invading my space
My palace of peace
Where is my comfort?
Who will aide me?
Can someone else fix breakfast
Can someone else get me coffee
1 sugar, 2 creams please
No particular reason
I just wanted to stay in my dreamscape
Sleep is such a sweet release
Nothing makes sense
But it doesn't have too
I don't struggle to understand
What's happening around me
It's curious and even entertaining
My mind is free
I love it, I crave it
It is my addiction
Now you understand why the dawn
Was greeted with mourning
The chores of the day screaming at me
Invading my space
My palace of peace
Where is my comfort?
Who will aide me?
Can someone else fix breakfast
Can someone else get me coffee
1 sugar, 2 creams please
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Word to Who Want to Be Wise
My Word is Life. It is Truth. It is I suggest you read the last pages of that book you don't want believe
Two Sides
I bet you didn't know
That I have been to the edge and back
I have stared at the abyss and it has talked
I bet you didn't know that my love is fierce
I will kill a brick over mine
I have cried many tears
I bet you didn't know that I believe mountains can be moved
The blind can see
And the lame walk
I bet you didn't know that if my mountain did not move
Praise will still be in my spark
If the darkness still stays
If the rain never slows
If grief fills some of my days
I still remain
Maybe a little shaken
But never broken
I am one who is victorious
Do you know who gave His life in service?
I don't know if you do know
Come to think of it...I don't know you that well either
Let's change that because you are my neighbor
I am willing
If you are
Even if you aren't
The love in me is
That I have been to the edge and back
I have stared at the abyss and it has talked
I bet you didn't know that my love is fierce
I will kill a brick over mine
I have cried many tears
I bet you didn't know that I believe mountains can be moved
The blind can see
And the lame walk
I bet you didn't know that if my mountain did not move
Praise will still be in my spark
If the darkness still stays
If the rain never slows
If grief fills some of my days
I still remain
Maybe a little shaken
But never broken
I am one who is victorious
Do you know who gave His life in service?
I don't know if you do know
Come to think of it...I don't know you that well either
Let's change that because you are my neighbor
I am willing
If you are
Even if you aren't
The love in me is
Today I had the privilege of helping a friend out. Her Great-Aunt had passed and she wanted to be at the funeral services. So I packed up my kids, rushed out the house this morning met her and drove to where she could pay her final respects. We talked about a few things, we always enjoy each others company.
Eventually we arrived in Chester, (about 25 minute drive from Richmond), found the church where services were being held and dropped our friend off. The boys and I headed to a local restaurant to grab some lunch. I still have not adjusted to the overgrowing hunger associated with adolescent boys. Anyway, as we sat in the restaurant and I watched the boys eat I couldn't help but notice how the people came in, ordered their lunch and searched for a place to eat. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing wrong or offensive about it at all. But what did strike me as interesting as we sat in the sun-room area, (myself the boys and one other young man at a separate table), was how people would peek in the room and decide to sit either elsewhere or close to their own race.
I wondered what was so offensive about a middle-age woman who was having lunch with two little boys. There were at least 3 tables in between us and the next gentleman but a couple came in looked around and decided to sit one table away from him on the other side of the room. Clearly my side had the most space. However he was white and so was the couple.
Okay, whatever. I dismissed it as a coincidence. Of course as a woman of Faith I know there is no such things as a coincidence. So the boys continued munching on their food unaware of how we were being sized up and I continued to watch all that was coming in and going out. It is my duty to protect my children so I will always pick the table with the best vantage point and if I am really on my job we will be right in the middle of two exits. Blame it on my brother who served in the U.S. Military..he taught me a lot. It is not that I felt in danger or threatened Chester seemed to be full of good hard working folk. But still I watched while pulling double duty as I monitored the children's conversation. Soon a young Hispanic or Latino woman entered the sun-room area with her two young children and you know where she sat? One table from me.
A couple of brothers who obviously worked on a construction site came in along with a few who got out of a taxi. The two men in my area eyed them with expectant curiosity. Oh if I could give them a penny for their thoughts. What were they thinking? More importantly what had they been taught to think?
As the boys were wrapping up their lunch I smiled at the young family. I even glanced at the couple who had decided to sit at the opposite end of the room. They didn't know that I hold 2 Master degrees, a teaching certification and over 20+ years of working experience. They didn't know that I have been to the edge and back with our sons. Especially the youngest one. They didn't know that I was married or that my husband and I have had to fight for every piece of joy in our union. They didn't know that I believe in the birth, death and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
No they didn't. They knew me as some woman with a couple of kids at a local fast food establishment who happened to be African-American. What I learned today is that it has been a long time since the walls of segregation have been torn down. But we sometimes act as though they still exist.
ps my friend was white and I count her a blessing in my life
Eventually we arrived in Chester, (about 25 minute drive from Richmond), found the church where services were being held and dropped our friend off. The boys and I headed to a local restaurant to grab some lunch. I still have not adjusted to the overgrowing hunger associated with adolescent boys. Anyway, as we sat in the restaurant and I watched the boys eat I couldn't help but notice how the people came in, ordered their lunch and searched for a place to eat. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing wrong or offensive about it at all. But what did strike me as interesting as we sat in the sun-room area, (myself the boys and one other young man at a separate table), was how people would peek in the room and decide to sit either elsewhere or close to their own race.
I wondered what was so offensive about a middle-age woman who was having lunch with two little boys. There were at least 3 tables in between us and the next gentleman but a couple came in looked around and decided to sit one table away from him on the other side of the room. Clearly my side had the most space. However he was white and so was the couple.
Okay, whatever. I dismissed it as a coincidence. Of course as a woman of Faith I know there is no such things as a coincidence. So the boys continued munching on their food unaware of how we were being sized up and I continued to watch all that was coming in and going out. It is my duty to protect my children so I will always pick the table with the best vantage point and if I am really on my job we will be right in the middle of two exits. Blame it on my brother who served in the U.S. Military..he taught me a lot. It is not that I felt in danger or threatened Chester seemed to be full of good hard working folk. But still I watched while pulling double duty as I monitored the children's conversation. Soon a young Hispanic or Latino woman entered the sun-room area with her two young children and you know where she sat? One table from me.
A couple of brothers who obviously worked on a construction site came in along with a few who got out of a taxi. The two men in my area eyed them with expectant curiosity. Oh if I could give them a penny for their thoughts. What were they thinking? More importantly what had they been taught to think?
As the boys were wrapping up their lunch I smiled at the young family. I even glanced at the couple who had decided to sit at the opposite end of the room. They didn't know that I hold 2 Master degrees, a teaching certification and over 20+ years of working experience. They didn't know that I have been to the edge and back with our sons. Especially the youngest one. They didn't know that I was married or that my husband and I have had to fight for every piece of joy in our union. They didn't know that I believe in the birth, death and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
No they didn't. They knew me as some woman with a couple of kids at a local fast food establishment who happened to be African-American. What I learned today is that it has been a long time since the walls of segregation have been torn down. But we sometimes act as though they still exist.
ps my friend was white and I count her a blessing in my life
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Just Perhaps
Perhaps we should return to the days of no electricity
Back then we sought His light
Or maybe we should return to the time where a man had only 2 pairs of shoes
1 for work
1 for worship
It maybe a good thing to not have food in over abundance
We stayed hungry for Him
We shared more
We could probably do without so many mirrors
Then maybe we could be our brothers keeper
Perhaps every town just needs one well
Not a faucet in every kitchen
Then we would know our neighbor & their children
How much more we could talk if we didn't have phones
Maybe we should go back to when a man's word was his bond
His yes was his yes and his no was a no
And he feared God
Can we return to when Eve was proud to be a mom
When she didn't look at her children as a curse
Maybe then the doors of the clinic will close
Blood would stop bringing a profit
We should return back to when a Man cared about his honor
And knew his offspring by name
He worked hard but honestly
And everyone was happy to see Daddy come home
America your affluent state has caused you to lose your way
No longer are you the leader
Or prosperous in your role to be set apart
For purposes higher then your imagination
It's time to return to your roots
For your sake and the welfare of your children
The devourer is coming
The enemy is swelling in your walls
Back then we sought His light
Or maybe we should return to the time where a man had only 2 pairs of shoes
1 for work
1 for worship
It maybe a good thing to not have food in over abundance
We stayed hungry for Him
We shared more
We could probably do without so many mirrors
Then maybe we could be our brothers keeper
Perhaps every town just needs one well
Not a faucet in every kitchen
Then we would know our neighbor & their children
How much more we could talk if we didn't have phones
Maybe we should go back to when a man's word was his bond
His yes was his yes and his no was a no
And he feared God
Can we return to when Eve was proud to be a mom
When she didn't look at her children as a curse
Maybe then the doors of the clinic will close
Blood would stop bringing a profit
We should return back to when a Man cared about his honor
And knew his offspring by name
He worked hard but honestly
And everyone was happy to see Daddy come home
America your affluent state has caused you to lose your way
No longer are you the leader
Or prosperous in your role to be set apart
For purposes higher then your imagination
It's time to return to your roots
For your sake and the welfare of your children
The devourer is coming
The enemy is swelling in your walls
Declaration of Life
I will claim You
when no one else will
I will stand
when i am alone
I will love
without giving in
I will speak
without fear
I will educate without apology
i will not humble
Righteous indignation
i will not take from Your Word
I will not forget who I am
i am Yours
Fearfully and wonderfully You have created me
for your purpose I walk
I will fight for the weak
i will protect the innocent
I will not keep my life from You
my well being is a non factor
The servant is not above The Master
with courage I will live
In hopeful expectation I will enter Your rest
a servants reward is what I seek
You will is for me not against me
my life will live Your love
when no one else will
I will stand
when i am alone
I will love
without giving in
I will speak
without fear
I will educate without apology
i will not humble
Righteous indignation
i will not take from Your Word
I will not forget who I am
i am Yours
Fearfully and wonderfully You have created me
for your purpose I walk
I will fight for the weak
i will protect the innocent
I will not keep my life from You
my well being is a non factor
The servant is not above The Master
with courage I will live
In hopeful expectation I will enter Your rest
a servants reward is what I seek
You will is for me not against me
my life will live Your love
Its Enough
Like a brook my tears flow
glistening, shining down my face
the color of red clay You made me
with freckles dotted all over
short are the arms You gave me
but wide enough to hold a child
You completed me without great stature
but still gave me dominion
Your grace filled me with gifts
So that I could bring You Glory
Your challenges, my consequences have left their mark
I am humbled
I am wary of the trappings of pride
Your mercy has driven me
Now to share You with others
Your love has sustained me
When the world bites
The wound doesn't stay for long
Your forgiveness has liberated me
Now I know where my power lies
I too can forgive
Your death gave me life
I don't understand
I am limited
And frail
You remind me that acceptance
Doesn't need understanding
You are God
That is enough
You made me
glistening, shining down my face
the color of red clay You made me
with freckles dotted all over
short are the arms You gave me
but wide enough to hold a child
You completed me without great stature
but still gave me dominion
Your grace filled me with gifts
So that I could bring You Glory
Your challenges, my consequences have left their mark
I am humbled
I am wary of the trappings of pride
Your mercy has driven me
Now to share You with others
Your love has sustained me
When the world bites
The wound doesn't stay for long
Your forgiveness has liberated me
Now I know where my power lies
I too can forgive
Your death gave me life
I don't understand
I am limited
And frail
You remind me that acceptance
Doesn't need understanding
You are God
That is enough
You made me
My Desire
I want the world to know my story
I want to share with them
Your Awesomeness
I want to communicate
Your beauty that takes my breath away
I want to tell them
How You have sustained me
How You have taken me from
a lowly wretched thing
To your child un-denied
I want to reveal to them
That I was a diamond in the rough
But you always knew I was
I want everyone to know You
To love on You
To allow You to love on Them
To feel the sweetness of Your touch
Disguised in a Spring Breeze
To know Your endless generosity
Painted in every sunrise
To believe that You are all that You say You are
Evident in every rainbow
I want them to not be afraid of Your return
But to watch the skies for it
I want the world to know You
It can't
Blessed be the name of the Lord
I want to share with them
Your Awesomeness
I want to communicate
Your beauty that takes my breath away
I want to tell them
How You have sustained me
How You have taken me from
a lowly wretched thing
To your child un-denied
I want to reveal to them
That I was a diamond in the rough
But you always knew I was
I want everyone to know You
To love on You
To allow You to love on Them
To feel the sweetness of Your touch
Disguised in a Spring Breeze
To know Your endless generosity
Painted in every sunrise
To believe that You are all that You say You are
Evident in every rainbow
I want them to not be afraid of Your return
But to watch the skies for it
I want the world to know You
It can't
Blessed be the name of the Lord
My God, My God
My God...
Thank you
You sustained me
You covered me
You cried out for me
You spoke to my deep
You held me firm
The winds surrounded me
The rain howled at me
The ground broke open under my feet
The mountains screamed
I was deaf I couldn't hear
Death threatened me
But my soul knew You
It rested in Your comfort
My spirit knew Your peace
I know your names
I am so so happy you know mine
Praises my tears sing to You
You are my comfort
I rest in You
Thank you
You sustained me
You covered me
You cried out for me
You spoke to my deep
You held me firm
The winds surrounded me
The rain howled at me
The ground broke open under my feet
The mountains screamed
I was deaf I couldn't hear
Death threatened me
But my soul knew You
It rested in Your comfort
My spirit knew Your peace
I know your names
I am so so happy you know mine
Praises my tears sing to You
You are my comfort
I rest in You
When I despaired
You were there
When I lost my sight
You were there
When I doubted
You were there
When I didn't want to go on
You moved me
When I wanted the ground to cover me
in silent finality
You sent your breeze to remind me
I live
When I couldn't lift my hands to fight
You met me on my knees
You strengthen me
Where I was weak
You set the boundaries of my challenges
You sheltered me in the shadow of the mountain
You collected my tears
How precious I am to You
How beautiful You are to me
You were there
When I lost my sight
You were there
When I doubted
You were there
When I didn't want to go on
You moved me
When I wanted the ground to cover me
in silent finality
You sent your breeze to remind me
I live
When I couldn't lift my hands to fight
You met me on my knees
You strengthen me
Where I was weak
You set the boundaries of my challenges
You sheltered me in the shadow of the mountain
You collected my tears
How precious I am to You
How beautiful You are to me
A Bitter Thing is Sometimes the Sweetest!
I was reminded this morning that on this exact day last year Nathan had completed his first dialysis treatment at MCV Hospital. My Facebook memories tag said here is a memory a year ago today! Would you like to make any comments..
(Oh Boy! - Tony Stark) I don't know what you see when you look through your memories or even if you go on my FB page and check out my photos. But what I see is a little boy so full of life and hope that it pushed us to go on. Nathan was so very brave. He didn't understand everything that was happening to him but he went through it.
Every member of our family will have taken something different from the experiences of 2014. Each one of us has a different account of events and a few stories to tell. Kinda like the Gospels if you think about it. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John all gave us an account of the life and times of Jesus Christ. They allowed us to glimpse into events that lead up to the Crucifixion, burial and Resurrection. Each of them retelling the events in their style to their audience. Nathan's experience was no different.
When I reflect back to 4/8/14 what immediately comes to mind are all of the actions that preceded that day. How Nathan developed a side condition that robbed him of the minerals in his body and caused fluid build up in his extremities. It was so painful that he would cry out and when we would come to his aid we would find his fingers and his toes twisted with severe cramping. I remember still trying to work and have some semblance of normality. My sense of balance was off and I couldn't tell the difference between the ceiling and the floor. But God had me stay in Luke 1 on and off for the better part of the previous year. I kept wondering why I had to read the same story, the same scriptures over and over not being able to move forward in my bible. But now I understand! Before the storm of change presented itself He needed to prepare me. Through His Word I would learn how to encourage myself. I would learn how to dig deep into that Word He gave me and find comfort and solace! That Word provided me a safe haven when my peace was threatened. That same Word gave me Hope that I was not alone nor forgotten! That very beautiful Word of God showed me how mighty He is! The Great I AM! The Alpha and Omega! Hallelujah My Great Provider! He looked ahead through time and knew that I would need a word to nourish me during this exhausting trial!
He loved me enough to inconvenience me, to drive that Word in me, to prepare me. God is so very, very AWESOME.
I had so many days where I almost forgot how to read. I saw the words on the page but couldn't comprehend the language. My language in my native tongue..I am an American. So many times I didn't think I could breath the weight was so heavy on me. Food had lost its taste and sleep had lost its lure. It was so incredibly hard to keep going; day after day not knowing when the trial was going to end.
But My Abba Father would drop little nuggets along the way. Friends like you who would make a meal for us. Drop a card of encouragement in the mail or send a gift card or financial support. Even when Anthony's boss turned into a Saul and wouldn't help him with his after hours rotation or report to other employees that he was "gunning for him". HE still kept us in His perfect peace. Despite Anthony working all day then spending the night with Nathan so I could get a reprieve and me leaving the hospital before 7 a.m. so I could get Myles, grab supplies and see his dad off to work. He held our family together. And when we got the call in August that a suitable donor was available His Wings covered me as I fell apart. I went in my closet and I lost it. I screamed, I cried, I was filled with terror and uncertainty. I missed my family, my sisters..I wanted my mom and dad; but no one was available to come to our aid. God kept His Glory to Himself....He would not allow us lean on anyone but Him. We had to learn that in our fear we could trust Him.
Oh God, Oh God! Yahweh! My Redeemer..My God I am trying to write through my tears! He kept His Word! He stood by His Promises to me and my family! Hallelujah! Glory to the King!
And He can and will be all that to you and more! Your cross is no less difficult than mine! Your mountains are still mountains even if they are not the same as mine. Our GOD, if you have accepted His gift of Salvation, is the same for you as it is for me! If you have not crossed over and made that pertinent life giving, soul saving decision to follow Christ Jesus. I encourage you to strongly consider it. I will not lie to you and say life will be much easier but with Jesus it is much sweeter. I still get challenged, I still cry, I still wish I wasn't me some days. But God reminds me that I am His and He is with me. To be completely honest His will is sometimes a bitter thing to follow but it is always so much better in the end!
Go with Grace and grow in God. Lord of Lords. King of Kings. Let Him love on you today!
Joshua 1:5-9
Psalm 27
Deuteronomy 13:6
Romans 8:38
(Oh Boy! - Tony Stark) I don't know what you see when you look through your memories or even if you go on my FB page and check out my photos. But what I see is a little boy so full of life and hope that it pushed us to go on. Nathan was so very brave. He didn't understand everything that was happening to him but he went through it.
Every member of our family will have taken something different from the experiences of 2014. Each one of us has a different account of events and a few stories to tell. Kinda like the Gospels if you think about it. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John all gave us an account of the life and times of Jesus Christ. They allowed us to glimpse into events that lead up to the Crucifixion, burial and Resurrection. Each of them retelling the events in their style to their audience. Nathan's experience was no different.
When I reflect back to 4/8/14 what immediately comes to mind are all of the actions that preceded that day. How Nathan developed a side condition that robbed him of the minerals in his body and caused fluid build up in his extremities. It was so painful that he would cry out and when we would come to his aid we would find his fingers and his toes twisted with severe cramping. I remember still trying to work and have some semblance of normality. My sense of balance was off and I couldn't tell the difference between the ceiling and the floor. But God had me stay in Luke 1 on and off for the better part of the previous year. I kept wondering why I had to read the same story, the same scriptures over and over not being able to move forward in my bible. But now I understand! Before the storm of change presented itself He needed to prepare me. Through His Word I would learn how to encourage myself. I would learn how to dig deep into that Word He gave me and find comfort and solace! That Word provided me a safe haven when my peace was threatened. That same Word gave me Hope that I was not alone nor forgotten! That very beautiful Word of God showed me how mighty He is! The Great I AM! The Alpha and Omega! Hallelujah My Great Provider! He looked ahead through time and knew that I would need a word to nourish me during this exhausting trial!
He loved me enough to inconvenience me, to drive that Word in me, to prepare me. God is so very, very AWESOME.
I had so many days where I almost forgot how to read. I saw the words on the page but couldn't comprehend the language. My language in my native tongue..I am an American. So many times I didn't think I could breath the weight was so heavy on me. Food had lost its taste and sleep had lost its lure. It was so incredibly hard to keep going; day after day not knowing when the trial was going to end.
But My Abba Father would drop little nuggets along the way. Friends like you who would make a meal for us. Drop a card of encouragement in the mail or send a gift card or financial support. Even when Anthony's boss turned into a Saul and wouldn't help him with his after hours rotation or report to other employees that he was "gunning for him". HE still kept us in His perfect peace. Despite Anthony working all day then spending the night with Nathan so I could get a reprieve and me leaving the hospital before 7 a.m. so I could get Myles, grab supplies and see his dad off to work. He held our family together. And when we got the call in August that a suitable donor was available His Wings covered me as I fell apart. I went in my closet and I lost it. I screamed, I cried, I was filled with terror and uncertainty. I missed my family, my sisters..I wanted my mom and dad; but no one was available to come to our aid. God kept His Glory to Himself....He would not allow us lean on anyone but Him. We had to learn that in our fear we could trust Him.
Oh God, Oh God! Yahweh! My Redeemer..My God I am trying to write through my tears! He kept His Word! He stood by His Promises to me and my family! Hallelujah! Glory to the King!
And He can and will be all that to you and more! Your cross is no less difficult than mine! Your mountains are still mountains even if they are not the same as mine. Our GOD, if you have accepted His gift of Salvation, is the same for you as it is for me! If you have not crossed over and made that pertinent life giving, soul saving decision to follow Christ Jesus. I encourage you to strongly consider it. I will not lie to you and say life will be much easier but with Jesus it is much sweeter. I still get challenged, I still cry, I still wish I wasn't me some days. But God reminds me that I am His and He is with me. To be completely honest His will is sometimes a bitter thing to follow but it is always so much better in the end!
Go with Grace and grow in God. Lord of Lords. King of Kings. Let Him love on you today!
Joshua 1:5-9
Psalm 27
Deuteronomy 13:6
Romans 8:38
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
April Rain
my heart pours out
my arms ache
to hold your children
my thoughts swirl
too much to understand
I struggle
Trying to place logic on chaos
Where is my comfort?
Where is yours?
Truly I weep for you
my arms ache
to hold your children
my thoughts swirl
too much to understand
I struggle
Trying to place logic on chaos
Where is my comfort?
Where is yours?
Truly I weep for you
the pride is silenced
it has been broken
the young ones are no more
taken by a coward
one who holds no honor
an impostor of justice
no cubs to nurse
but her breast are full
carefully she searches for one
feverishly moving thru the brush
no glimmer of life to be found
still she continues
the future has been struck down
the lines have been cut
but their is still hope
her womb will open again
it has been broken
the young ones are no more
taken by a coward
one who holds no honor
an impostor of justice
no cubs to nurse
but her breast are full
carefully she searches for one
feverishly moving thru the brush
no glimmer of life to be found
still she continues
the future has been struck down
the lines have been cut
but their is still hope
her womb will open again
Death is an enigma
for us who serve the Lamb
it is a right of passage
for those who refuse His gifts
it is a short way to damnation
Death is not the end
but it is frightening
Death means separation
but for His children only for a little while
Death brings sorrow
grief beyond measure
but only until The Morning arrives
even Death has a boundary
for us who serve the Lamb
it is a right of passage
for those who refuse His gifts
it is a short way to damnation
Death is not the end
but it is frightening
Death means separation
but for His children only for a little while
Death brings sorrow
grief beyond measure
but only until The Morning arrives
even Death has a boundary
Mere De Afrique
Mother we mourn with you
the ground drenched
with the essence of your children
Mother we grieve with you
lifelessness fills up the room
so much promise
so many gifts
Mother the fruit of your womb
we will not forget
our little brothers
our little sisters
brave until the end
we cry with you
May our tears bring you strength
Mother you are not alone
we mourn with you
the ground drenched
with the essence of your children
Mother we grieve with you
lifelessness fills up the room
so much promise
so many gifts
Mother the fruit of your womb
we will not forget
our little brothers
our little sisters
brave until the end
we cry with you
May our tears bring you strength
Mother you are not alone
we mourn with you
Tears for Kenya
I thought you were defeated
That death had claimed you
I came to mourn
But you were not there
The air isn't cold
The trees are not stark
Nor barren
The cardinal flies around
Looking for a nest
What is this? How can it be so much life?
The earth swells with newness
Does it not know you are missing?
Does it not know you are gone?
My tears can't be contained
My chest is burdened with grief
I have lost myself
I don't see the cherry blossoms
I don't smell the grass
I don't hear the humming bird
But I do feel a breeze...
Warm, comforting secure
It surrounds me
It reminds me
My senses open
You are all around me
I hear your wings
Joy returns
That death had claimed you
I came to mourn
But you were not there
The air isn't cold
The trees are not stark
Nor barren
The cardinal flies around
Looking for a nest
What is this? How can it be so much life?
The earth swells with newness
Does it not know you are missing?
Does it not know you are gone?
My tears can't be contained
My chest is burdened with grief
I have lost myself
I don't see the cherry blossoms
I don't smell the grass
I don't hear the humming bird
But I do feel a breeze...
Warm, comforting secure
It surrounds me
It reminds me
My senses open
You are all around me
I hear your wings
Joy returns
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
National Kidney Walk A thon!
National Kidney Walk A Thon
Coming to Central Virginia
9 a.m.
I will meet you where I can
Some circles we can flow in and out of
Blending laughing loving
But when you go where I can not
I will leave you where you are
Concerned for you I will always be
Wondering how you are
Will frequent my thoughts
I enjoy your company when I can
As you do mine
My loyalty is different than yours
I will not part from Him
I can't go where you go
However, you are always welcomed to travel with me
Some circles we can flow in and out of
Blending laughing loving
But when you go where I can not
I will leave you where you are
Concerned for you I will always be
Wondering how you are
Will frequent my thoughts
I enjoy your company when I can
As you do mine
My loyalty is different than yours
I will not part from Him
I can't go where you go
However, you are always welcomed to travel with me
Clarification without Apology Pt 2
Now people of Faith also have responsibilities in this arena. We must not be mean, condescending or prejudice. We must always maintain our professionalism and be ready to explain why God said what He said about marriage. We must always be willing to pray for those who we know are on a dark path and risk their soul's salvation. We must be willing to share that despite all of our faults Jesus Christ still loves us and wants us to come to His side. Because trust He ain't moving over to anyone else's. We must walk in Love!!
We must be able to agree to disagree with our neighbors in the LGBT community in a respectful way. We must show love, not hatred or indifference and support members and businesses of the Faith community. We must not try and separate ourselves from everyone else but interact in the hopes of spreading the message of the Gospel. God will hold us accountable for our actions just as He will hold them.
If you are not in the business of providing services for marital ceremonies then you do not grounds to refuse service to a member of the LGBT community. I would hate for a hospital to interpret the Religious Freedom Act as a means to not help a gay man who is sick. Or for a restaurant, to refuse to serve a meal, (not a catering event that is up to the restaurants discretion if they are Faith believers), to a lesbian couple. I also wouldn't want a school, sports club, daycare or other entity to refuse entrance to a member because of their orientation or their parents orientation. Of course this opens up the discussion of whether or not Boy Scouts should allow openly gay scouts the opportunity to participate and hold positions of leadership. Yes to participation no to leadership. Why? Because we are training boys to be young men and like all humans we will follow examples set before us.
Do I dislike the LGBT community? I dislike what they stand for because God said in His Word that this practice is an abomination to Him. I don't want people to risk spending an eternity without God because of the lifestyle choices they make here on earth. No I am not saying all members of the LGBT community are going to Hell. I can't make that call. I am just saying they like all people who refuse God's gift of salvation and/or live expressly against His edicts are risking it. You might be saying to yourself - Hey Souljourner, there are plenty in the LGBT community who believe in God and go to church, are good American loving, tax paying citizens. So how can you say they don't believe in or have a relationship with God? And I would answer you with the same statement as I would people who are cohabiting without being married, having kids outside of wedlock, stealing, lying, cheating and practicing idolatry. A tree is known by the fruit it bears. (Matthew 7 15-20) Jesus asks us to come to Him as we are in all of our mess, but His love doesn't allow us to stay in it!
While you are choosing who you are going to serve remember a student is not above the teacher, as a servant is not above their Master. Standing for Christ is an offense to this world but living without Him is a death sentence.
Live, love and laugh
We must be able to agree to disagree with our neighbors in the LGBT community in a respectful way. We must show love, not hatred or indifference and support members and businesses of the Faith community. We must not try and separate ourselves from everyone else but interact in the hopes of spreading the message of the Gospel. God will hold us accountable for our actions just as He will hold them.
If you are not in the business of providing services for marital ceremonies then you do not grounds to refuse service to a member of the LGBT community. I would hate for a hospital to interpret the Religious Freedom Act as a means to not help a gay man who is sick. Or for a restaurant, to refuse to serve a meal, (not a catering event that is up to the restaurants discretion if they are Faith believers), to a lesbian couple. I also wouldn't want a school, sports club, daycare or other entity to refuse entrance to a member because of their orientation or their parents orientation. Of course this opens up the discussion of whether or not Boy Scouts should allow openly gay scouts the opportunity to participate and hold positions of leadership. Yes to participation no to leadership. Why? Because we are training boys to be young men and like all humans we will follow examples set before us.
Do I dislike the LGBT community? I dislike what they stand for because God said in His Word that this practice is an abomination to Him. I don't want people to risk spending an eternity without God because of the lifestyle choices they make here on earth. No I am not saying all members of the LGBT community are going to Hell. I can't make that call. I am just saying they like all people who refuse God's gift of salvation and/or live expressly against His edicts are risking it. You might be saying to yourself - Hey Souljourner, there are plenty in the LGBT community who believe in God and go to church, are good American loving, tax paying citizens. So how can you say they don't believe in or have a relationship with God? And I would answer you with the same statement as I would people who are cohabiting without being married, having kids outside of wedlock, stealing, lying, cheating and practicing idolatry. A tree is known by the fruit it bears. (Matthew 7 15-20) Jesus asks us to come to Him as we are in all of our mess, but His love doesn't allow us to stay in it!
While you are choosing who you are going to serve remember a student is not above the teacher, as a servant is not above their Master. Standing for Christ is an offense to this world but living without Him is a death sentence.
Live, love and laugh
Clarification without Apology Pt 1
Good Morning Readers!
I woke up this morning thinking about the latest rounds of discussion regarding the Religious Freedom act in Indiana. Yesterday in response to the discussion I made a post on Facebook taking the stance that some discrimination is completely unavoidable and necessary to protect the interest of the Faith Community. I felt that my comments did not accurately reflect my thoughts so I wanted to take this opportunity to explain myself a little further. In the end you still may not agree with me and that is okay. My job is to educate and empower. Disagreement is par for the course.
Let me start by first posting what I said on FaceBook yesterday;
I woke up this morning thinking about the latest rounds of discussion regarding the Religious Freedom act in Indiana. Yesterday in response to the discussion I made a post on Facebook taking the stance that some discrimination is completely unavoidable and necessary to protect the interest of the Faith Community. I felt that my comments did not accurately reflect my thoughts so I wanted to take this opportunity to explain myself a little further. In the end you still may not agree with me and that is okay. My job is to educate and empower. Disagreement is par for the course.
Let me start by first posting what I said on FaceBook yesterday;
Indiana now Arkansas
Interesting stuff going on in the political arena and honestly, there is no way for any one who lives contrary to God's design to not be offended.
Discrimination with a purpose and that is to uphold the precepts of God. I won't deny that it is anything else but discrimination.
But people of faith are also being discriminated against by the government they help support and states they help fund and the business community. Actually that is the wrong word..Bullied is probably the better term.
Stand people of faith! Stand in love! Stand firm and allow the overflow of God's compassion to fuel your discussion when speaking to people outside of your faith.
Always be ready to explain why we believe what believe and who God is. Also don't be afraid to share the consequences of living a life against God. Then be prepared to part in peace because some of us will plant the seed; some water, but God always gives the increase. And there is nothing offensive about that
As many of you know and if not you can probabably surmise from this post that I am a Woman of Faith and believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe every word of the Bible and in every promise that God has made. I also believe in the structure that He has set forth for marriage and family: 1 man and 1 woman coming together in Holy Matrimony. I also believe that abortion is not a good choice or a form of birth control it is genocide. Now if you are still with me I will clarify my comments about acceptable discrimination.
There is a huge rift in our communities regarding the legalization of gay marriage. In many states it has been sanctioned, approved and accepted. The President of the United States has lent his support to the LGBT movement and the momentum doesn't show signs of slowing down. With all of these obvious advances for the gay community it has come at a cost: There are issues in our military where some of our Chaplins who do not support same-sex unions are being ostracized. Churches are divided between those who support the homosexual agenda and those who don't. Businesses who will not service same-sex couples are being charged with discrimination. Business who will not support insurance premiums that cover the cost of an abortion are also in the same boat. Local and Federal governments have enacted policies that protect LGBT from all forms of discrimination. Which they should. Yes you heard me it is not right for a person to not be hired based on their sexual orientation. It is also wrong to deny property or the opportunity to rent based on sexual orientation. It is also wrong to refuse service to solely on their sexual orientation, unless it goes against the principles of that business.
If you are a bakery whose faith prohibits same-sex marriage then you should have the right to refuse service to gay and lesbian clients. If you are a florist, a printer, a coordinator, a reception hall, an event planner, a photographer or a limo rental company and you are a person committed to a Faith that prohibits such practices then your rights ought to be protected just like the rights of the LGBT community.
There are plenty of people who support LGBT and will be more than happy to take their money in exchange of goods and services.
The same with a woman's right to choose. Her choice doesn't mean someone else gets the bill. If you are going to be grown then be grown that means that you clean up your own mess and pay your own way.
I think the Religious Freedom Act needs some distinct clarification but it is necessary to protect the members of the Faith community from being persecuted because of their religious beliefs.
Stay tuned for part 2
I think the Religious Freedom Act needs some distinct clarification but it is necessary to protect the members of the Faith community from being persecuted because of their religious beliefs.
Stay tuned for part 2
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