Monday, December 23, 2013

Remember who you are, as you celebrate Whose you are

38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’[a] feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”

41 And Jesus[b] answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”  Luke 10:38 (

Makes you think about some things huh? I mean we are in the most glorious of seasons, celebrating the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is a time full of festive activities, family gatherings and re-connections. It is a time to lavish the ones we love and the ones in need with the best that our hands can give. However, it is also a time of stress, busyness, frustration and want. I guess everything, in this world, has its down side. 

We are challenged to continue to remember and operate in the reason for the season which is Jesus. But maybe if we remember that our GOD is love and desires more than anything to have relationship with us on a daily, hourly and minute by minute basis we will stay grounded. 

Spending daily devotional time with the Lord helps keep our focus, gives us energy and the correct perspective for the day. Placing Him first gives us the blessed assurance that He is always with us. Knowing that He is with us tempers our actions; where we might be frustrated we remember why He came; where we might be alone we remember that He loves us; where we might be prone to give into anger He reminds us of the peace He has left us. Without this daily refueling and fellowship we will fail in many of the things we, with good intentions, try to complete in our own strength. 

He has given us power and permission to show the world about His Love, His Mission, His Sovereignty, His Grace, His Awesome Majesty through our actions. Not the gifts we buy, the gatherings we host, no they are only instruments; and I caution you, as well as myself, that unless our actions are motivated by Love- Christ's Love then we are operating under the wrong motives. 

In our bible passage we see Martha dutifully going about hostess duties, making sure all the wreathes are hung just right; that each guest has enough coffee or tea; that all of the food is perfect in its presentation; that the sofa has the right amount of pillows on it...okay its a stretch but you get my point. Interestingly she had the Master in her house, right in His presence but she still got caught up in the day to days (the cares of the world) and her desire to please actually turned into a perfection tantrum. So much so that she was unable to recognize the treasure that was in her very midst! God appreciated everything she was doing and that was enough; she had a heart to serve and that honored Him. But all of the extra she required of herself, He didn't require of her. He just wanted her time and she needed desperately to sit in His presence. Can you relate? I can!

So this week unfolds and the end of the year draws ever nearer purpose to spend quality time with the Lord after all He is the Guest of Honor!

Peace, Health, and The Lord's Blessings Be Upon You!


  1. Thanks for reminding us of the main thing we need daily....

  2. It still holds true today and you are welcomed! My apologies for the late response
