Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Taking A Moment to Say Thanks!

Happy 2014! I pray all is well with you and yours! I also expect that you have emerged from the 2013 Winter Holiday season a little more wiser, little more thankful and a little more determined to add beautiful things to someone else's life. With that said enjoy the first of many posts to come in 2014.

-Souljourner Howard

Have I told you thank you lately? I probably have not, so let me do so now. 

  • Thank you for being such an awesome dad; that doesn't mean you are perfect it just means you never give up and through it all you are determined that your kids know you and your love for them. 
  • Thank you for being a great husband who doesn't mind serving his wife when she is ill, down or just deserves some extra attention! It is hard for a man who didn't have a man to model from to understand 'servant love'. Our society, more specifically, our entertainment industry only focuses on the 'Eros' or erotic love and even then it is taken out of the structure the Lord intended for proper usage and maximum efficiency. It is to stay in the marriage (one man, one woman) for pleasure, for strength and making babies! So I want to make sure you know that I appreciate you for helping me around the house, keeping the kids busy so I can breathe for a few minutes or even staying up with me when I needed to finish a project or a paper. All of this you did, expecting nothing in return.
  • Thank you for supporting me when I was too afraid to walk in the calling God placed on my life! You realized what I needed to do on a consistent basis and kept reminding me of it. You had no problem keeping the kids when I needed to make an appearance, nor rolling with me so I would not be alone.
  • Thank you for praying over me and for me, not just when I tested your nerves, but on the regular! You are the Husbandman! The spiritual leader of our household and no matter what you feel at whatever moment, you remember that GOD has called you to speak with Him concerning the family He gave you.
  • Thank you for your covering when I have no more courage to face the world. When my dreams are shattered and I feel like I have lost my way. You grab my hand or give me a hug or send me a text with a word of encouragement and that comforts me. It renews the fact that it is okay to rely on you. To trust you with my feelings. 
  • Thank you for being an example of what a Man of God is on the job and in public, as well as, private places. So many of our brothers have left their posts and their children are growing up with no identity, no structure and no guidance. Feeling alone and abandoned. But for the ones who cross your path and other strong, Godly men they have hope; they learn by the model they see. They aspire to know the GOD that you serve because of the goodness He shines upon you. 
  • Lastly THANK YOU for showing me your vulnerability. For not being afraid to say "babe I don't have the answers". For reminding me that you are trusting GOD when everything else says you shouldn't. For standing in the Word in our darkest moments; for holding me despite your tears when our son went to heaven. 
You are all that I need and I am thankful God has placed us in this walk together. I wouldn't be half the woman I am now if you were not all the man that you are. I love you more now than ever.

-Your Wife and Friend 
Souljourner Howard

* Reader share this with your mate! Men share with your wives, change the words though when necessary or it might sound kinda creepy lol. Women share this with your husbands. Let them know that we can't do this alone..we need them, their children need them, the world needs them. Only through love will our world be changed; only through example will a godless generation be affected for Christ!


  1. Aaaawwwww!!!
    I will continue to do my best as God allows, hun. I hope at the end of my life, when I look into your eyes (if God doesn't call you 1st), I can say with confidence that I accomplished the purpose God has set for me on this earth. As I'm doing laundry :-), I look forward to all that God has for us this year and more to come.
