Saturday, December 21, 2013

Isn't That Interesting

It is the Saturday before Christmas and I am not out shopping or competing with the hustle and bustle of the last minute crowd. Have I bought anything? Absolutely not. Normally I would be wheeling and dealing to try and make sure my children received a few things off of their list; but this year is different. This year I just don't want to to. This year I just want to celebrate the simplicity of life. I want to hang out with family and friends, play board games, eat (not too much) holiday food and just appreciate life. I thank GOD for the peace He has given me. I thank Him for allowing me to see more purpose in the everyday's and not be concerned with productivity of them. I am just loving life and more appreciative of His Son's miraculous arrival on Earth and humbled at His plan to save humanity.

The mall doesn't hold that type of revelation joy! Neither does a 25% off sale or extended ours...I am good. And honestly GOD always surprises me and the children end of up getting more than they need or can carry. So why go through the stress of trying to make something out of nothing? Don't get me wrong I love creature comforts and if I could run out and make purchases I would but I,(we), are not in a position to do so. But I am in the position to watch the Lord work and provide. So I content myself and remain thankful as the Lord works in my life and in the lives of others around me.

Remember you are already blessed beyond measure because you  have been given the gift of salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ. Embrace the day! Live the Season..all year long.

Peace & Love

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