Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Pt. 3 Thank You Jesus for the Changes, Interruptions and Redirects!

 Thank you for Changes, Interruptions and Re-directs!! Pt. 3

The whole time I was in my 'rush', I never stopped asking Him how could I bring Him glory?? What can I give the King today? I am so broken. So disillusioned...So full of hurt. God, but I know that I was made to bring You Glory. How Lord? How?

Kids are now dropped off at school. I decided not to power walk (my attempt to positively deal with my stress) but write and study; Making myself available to God. I dialed up a buddy and explained to her that I had about an hour I could kill if she wanted to meet for some quick coffee-talk. She we did a mini-catchup expressing both our concerns and challenges happening in our respective worlds. Then she mentioned that no matter what I do I need to understand that the enemy has control of this world and I need not get attached. Just think of work as a project. 

I agreed to a point. I relayed that yes we have relinquished much of our dominion to the enemy (see the fall of man Gen.) still we can't forget the God we serve is sovereign in our lives because we have accepted His Son!

No matter where I am, what position I am serving in professionally or personally, I will give God glory! He has gone before me and made my crooked paths straight; He has created good works so that I may walk in them! Satan can not plan my life nor bring it to an expected end because I am no longer His! So I will succeed not in my strength but in the strength of El-Shaddai! 

Success by His standards and not mine. I will go where I am called and rejoice always! She concurred and we promised to get together in the morning. 

Since I was at a bread place I thought I might as well grab something for the family. While inside I ran into a young lady (beautiful latte colored black woman) she was dressed to the 9's in royal blue on her way to work. We struck up a conversation and as my order was nearing ready I was moved with compassion, laying my hands on her and prayed. Right there. In front of Heaven. I was able to encourage her and remind her that the Lord made no mistake putting her where she was. Go in His strength and show Him today to your client and her family (she is serving as  a home health nurse). She smiled and thanked me for praying for her. I smiled reminding her God loves her. My feet never touched the ground as I left the bakery. I was so light! Smiling, laughing, telling God thank you! He reminded me of my purpose and showed me the How!! Hallelujah! I was light as air..I was excited! I was ready to write...

I hope you are encouraged with the by-product of my before-hours meeting! 

Special Thanks to Jenny and Michael Jr. You all reminded me to not only know my 'why' but hold onto it. Claiming the promises of God that He is able to do exceedingly more than I can think to ask! Using my brokenness to build up His kingdom! Only the Living God can give beauty out of ashes.


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