Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Dear Reader, 

As I am penning this post I must confess that I am in a season of alot of changes. I wish I could say that I am adjusting well but alas I am not. Call it mild OCD (Which all daughters of Eve carry some degree of it) comfortability or whatever. Right now I feel like I am in the passenger side of my life just watching events go by with little to no input or control. 

Maybe you can sympathize with me. Maybe you need some more information or better yet maybe you need to see exactly where this post is going. I can agree with you there because if I am honest I don't know where it is going. I made myself available to GOD, asking Him how I could bring Him glory today and now I am writing. Let's discover together what YHWH does.

It is the fall of  2021 which always presents a great time to reflect on some of the challenges the Howard family have been through. It is very important that we don't forget How GOD has moved for us in the past. It gives us strength in the present and will serve as a basis of trust in the future. I smiled as I read about Nate's dilemma back in April and the Lord's name Sar Shalom. What a comfort as I sit now. 

What is happening now? Good Question.

  • Our eldest son has graduated high school with all of the fanfare we could afford to give him. He has turned 19 and we have pursued and been granted guardianship over him. He still loves Dora the Explorer and all the good older Disney shows/movies can offer him. He has not been able to find a job that will support him (part-time) with a coach. So he has returned to school as a 'Super Senior'.
  • I TOTALLY thought this was the year for relocation from Virginia to the Pacific Northwest. I purged, sold furniture, downsized and packed all of our belongings. I reserved a u-haul trailer and car transport. The job I thought I was getting completely fell thru. So we will be wintering in Virginia and I am not partially unpacking unless necessary (1 box at a time because something is being looked for).
  • I took a job as a primary teacher (had no idea what I was doing). Ended up overwhelming my students because Mrs. Howard was teaching from a secondary level with secondary level expectations...oy-vey. Thru trial and error my students and I grew to love one another (most of them anyway) but it wasn't a the fit they or I needed. Reader I am pretty sure you can guess how it ended especially since I am blogging at 1:11 on a week day afternoon.
  • Our youngest son is several years from twenty and the oldest girl is the same distance from thirty. I have had a hard time accepting that my littles are gone, having been replaced by  adults. Two of which may never leave our house. 
  • Having adult children with ASD is a kick in the teeth. School offered some type of shelter but once they age-out then there are little choices offered vocationally. Frustrating and overwhelming to say the least. 
Was that enough?? Did I mention that I am a COVID-19 long hauler. I still can't drink coffee or indulge in chocolate....oy-vey. 
However I have JESUS and that is enough! Pt. 2 Tomorrow

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