Abstinence is
Withholding is TRUTHTELLING!
You are WORTH the wait
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Daughters of Eve,
Remember before He was a serpent
He was a nice looking angel..
Traps rarely come clearly marked
but are always presented with beautiful
wrapping and shiny bows
A garment is made up of singular threads
Each beautifully unique
Precisely placed together in a complex
Exclusive, non-duplicatable pattern only
Visible to the Originator
Race does not go beyond the grave
But Faith does
*Fight for what matters/FaithinGod
*God has no room for pride of any kind
Please read part 1 before part 2. That way you will be familiar with where I left off.
It is a new day, the sun is shining with all of its early fall beauty! I awoke early this morning, around 4:25am, and immediately I started asking the Lord what was His desire.
I have learned that when the Lord shakes you before the day fully gets started that means He wants your attention. For you the time may be different. For me it is usually before dawn. I am okay with that.
Before my chore list appears I have the opportunity to speak with Jesus; pour on Him my concerns, fears, worries, praises; more importantly I get to hear Him. I am refreshed or stirred. Challenged or restored. Whatever, I know it is always right and I never regret that time.
Interestingly enough I didn't get any immediate answers to my questions. Instead I was flushed with a rush of energy..now this didn't happen all at once. I wrestled with myself, with God. I wasn't fully aware of what I was supposed to do at this intimate meeting. I confessed what I thought were sins, wrong motives, actions etc.. I asked for healing (spiritually, physically, emotionally) then nothing. Like complete silence back and forth for almost an hour. I contemplated going into another room but the blankets were warm and I was in my mattress's sweet spot. BLAM Blam blam...my husband's alarm started going off and by the second snooze delay I knew I needed to get going. Wake up the kids, what's posted for breakfast, get the ironing done. I did all of that plus cleaned out our daughter's/guest/storage room. Nathan decided he was ready to try having his own room. This was to be the boys Christmas gifts mini-makeovers ushering them into young adulthood. Now (in the middle of a school routine) was a great time to kick it off! Anthony, now fully awake, let out a deep sigh and asked "hun?". "Yes dear" "What are you doing?" "Oh nothing". "Net, you have moved the deep freezer and what?? Girl did you lift that by yourself". "No, I didn't. I enlisted Nate's help". We went on. I never stopped moving. Years of marriage has told him not to interfere, but let me go through my process. "Net", he said tenderly, "whatever is going on, just leave it up to Jesus. He has never let us down. You know that". I stopped. It was his tone of concern; of love; of his desire to help me through this. All I could say was yes, I know. I'm trying. With that we went about our morning getting the boys ready for school.
Pt. 3
Coming soon!
The whole time I was in my 'rush', I never stopped asking Him how could I bring Him glory?? What can I give the King today? I am so broken. So disillusioned...So full of hurt. God, but I know that I was made to bring You Glory. How Lord? How?
Kids are now dropped off at school. I decided not to power walk (my attempt to positively deal with my stress) but write and study; Making myself available to God. I dialed up a buddy and explained to her that I had about an hour I could kill if she wanted to meet for some quick coffee-talk. She we did a mini-catchup expressing both our concerns and challenges happening in our respective worlds. Then she mentioned that no matter what I do I need to understand that the enemy has control of this world and I need not get attached. Just think of work as a project.
I agreed to a point. I relayed that yes we have relinquished much of our dominion to the enemy (see the fall of man Gen.) still we can't forget the God we serve is sovereign in our lives because we have accepted His Son!
No matter where I am, what position I am serving in professionally or personally, I will give God glory! He has gone before me and made my crooked paths straight; He has created good works so that I may walk in them! Satan can not plan my life nor bring it to an expected end because I am no longer His! So I will succeed not in my strength but in the strength of El-Shaddai!
Success by His standards and not mine. I will go where I am called and rejoice always! She concurred and we promised to get together in the morning.
Since I was at a bread place I thought I might as well grab something for the family. While inside I ran into a young lady (beautiful latte colored black woman) she was dressed to the 9's in royal blue on her way to work. We struck up a conversation and as my order was nearing ready I was moved with compassion, laying my hands on her and prayed. Right there. In front of Heaven. I was able to encourage her and remind her that the Lord made no mistake putting her where she was. Go in His strength and show Him today to your client and her family (she is serving as a home health nurse). She smiled and thanked me for praying for her. I smiled reminding her God loves her. My feet never touched the ground as I left the bakery. I was so light! Smiling, laughing, telling God thank you! He reminded me of my purpose and showed me the How!! Hallelujah! I was light as air..I was excited! I was ready to write...
I hope you are encouraged with the by-product of my before-hours meeting!
Special Thanks to Jenny and Michael Jr. You all reminded me to not only know my 'why' but hold onto it. Claiming the promises of God that He is able to do exceedingly more than I can think to ask! Using my brokenness to build up His kingdom! Only the Living God can give beauty out of ashes.
Christianity is not a 'white man's' religion
Because Christ is not a white man's God
At the name of JESUS, Every knee will bow!!! Every tribe, Every skin color, Every nationality!
Stop letting the enemy use RACE as a tool when GOD gave it to us for TRUE DIVERSITY!!!
So wise, rich Kings
Searched for Jesus The Messiah
Road 700 or so miles
...Church is across the street
Jesus is even closer
What was your excuse again?
Why follow a man
Who doesn't follow God?
When you can arrive at Destruction all on your own.
Know one can write a Story
Like Our story
Like We can
- Carol (RCWW)
*Thank you for reminding me!
The more pliable you are
The less broken you will feel
When the Lord
Places you
On His wheel...
Wisdom Pearl
Spoken by Tyler (7/21)
Seasons may change
Actually they will.
So will the way the Lord uses,
Speaks, encourages and sustains you;
We are to be pliable in His hands
Ask yourself Man,
How can you be proud of the thing you supposedly created
When true creation requires
The prior existence of .... nothing
Humble yourself Adam
Realize you are not a creator
But a consumer
A participant
An observer
A sinner saved by Grace
*Gen 1/ John 1
Neither is love outside His bounds (structure)
Knowing "Church" doesn't mean Christ is known!
Seek Jesus Christ then the church will be known!
One's Purpose has to be greater than one's present circumstances
Ask Him, The Anointed One, what it is..He never turns away those who seek Him!
Psalm 40:12-13 NKJV
For innumerable evils have surrounded me;
My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up;
They are more than the hairs of my head;
Therefore my heart fails me.
Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me;
O Lord, make haste to help me!
Wisdom Pearl
There are no coincidences - they don't exist
Just like there is no such thing as luck
When the reality of truth is applied it shows that
Luck denies the Glory due GOD
Coincidences deny He is in control
Know your why...
- Michael Jr. (Selfie-Dad) Christian Comedian
Dear Reader,
As I am penning this post I must confess that I am in a season of alot of changes. I wish I could say that I am adjusting well but alas I am not. Call it mild OCD (Which all daughters of Eve carry some degree of it) comfortability or whatever. Right now I feel like I am in the passenger side of my life just watching events go by with little to no input or control.
Maybe you can sympathize with me. Maybe you need some more information or better yet maybe you need to see exactly where this post is going. I can agree with you there because if I am honest I don't know where it is going. I made myself available to GOD, asking Him how I could bring Him glory today and now I am writing. Let's discover together what YHWH does.
It is the fall of 2021 which always presents a great time to reflect on some of the challenges the Howard family have been through. It is very important that we don't forget How GOD has moved for us in the past. It gives us strength in the present and will serve as a basis of trust in the future. I smiled as I read about Nate's dilemma back in April and the Lord's name Sar Shalom. What a comfort as I sit now.
What is happening now? Good Question.
Wisdom Pearl:
You may be outnumbered but (take heart) because GOD never is! Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
Alsie O & Sj