Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 Part III

Reader, you may be asking, 'why in the world would Souljourner break this up into 3 parts?? ' To which I can easily respond. I respect your time. It's alot easier to read small sections, being hungry for the end, than it is to read a book..

Thank you for your support. I hope these entries strengthen and encourage you. Please share among your friends, associates etc..


I mentioned in part 2 that the Lord, Jehovah God, sent me some help. It was kinda weird actually. I had taken off of work (until the latter part of the week) because I needed to breath; so I was free to clean my house, catch up on laundry, sleep, and visit a friend. It was in this visit that my help appeared. 

We were having a coffee date. My purpose was to be an encouragement during her time of struggle. I'm sure we all have that friend where the conversation can just flow organically. It's not forced. It's really comfortable and no topic is off the table. We share in confidence. We love Jesus and striving to live for Him...failing miserably at times but we never stop trying. So, there I was talking and telling her about our experience with Covid-19. The miserable truth about it all. I mentioned God's grace. She asked about grace because she thought it was the thing we get but don't deserve. My reply was yes that is true just like mercy. We don't deserve it. She explained that she did not quite understand how His Grace  fit in my covid experience. 

The Lord had me take her to the book of Kings and visit the story of Elijah, Ahab and the drought. Focusing on the miraculous, God enabled Elijah to out run the king's chariot to deliver (herald) the news that God had delivered the rain not Jezebel! The story is recorded in I & II Kings.

God blessed the prophet Elijah with supernatural strength to out run king Ahab's chariots to boldly proclaim YHWH as GOD Supreme! The Lord by-passed human frailty and limitations to perform a great work that we are still talking about today. He graced me with a supernatural ability to care for three (3) other people in my house one being more ill than the rest. All the while caring for myself who also was dealing with the effects of covid-19. I was scared and miserable most of the time and at some point I asked God how was I to do this? We are all so sick especially Anthony. Jesus I am frightened. I don't know what to do is what I was telling the Most High. He heard me and replied that His Grace was sufficient. At first I wasn't sure what I had heard but my spirit was assured. From then on whenever I would tremble at a cough, or fever, or whatever. I spoke aloud to the Father that His grace was sufficient. Just hearing His promise got me thru each and every time I started to fear. 

My "help" was in the testimony of God's beautiful greatness! His multifaceted grace. He is Jehovah Jireh, The Lord my Provider. He poured His spirit fresh on me and I was able to pass through a super tough time. Without Him there is no way the Howard family would have lived to tell the tale of survival and prosperity despite the dreaded virus. 

I was able to be used and be blessed at the same time. Only an Incredible God could perform such an action act of love, service and refreshing!


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