Wednesday, April 14, 2021





Such a privilege to be here sharing one of the many names for YHWH! It was very difficult to choose just one name because God has shown Himself true in so many situations. As I live, I continue to learn varying facets of Adonai. He is a Wonderful Counselor and The King of Heaven yet His love cares about the most minute details of my seemingly insignificant life..which is crazy talk because my life meant so much to Him that He sacrificed Himself for me.

It was a great comfort to sit and study, read, and try to digest His word this morning and into the afternoon. What I came away with made me smile (giving me great comfort) and I hope what is shared is an equal comfort to you.

Tonight, we are going to focus particularly on His name: Sar Shalom which means Prince of Peace.

Traditionally when the term Prince of Peace is used, we think of all things Christmas right! the beautiful story of redemption begins, the lights, decorations and festive atmosphere turns most of us into big kids. However, there is another scene that God has revealed Himself without all the pageantry but with equal importance. Psalm 23 is our text. I encourage you to refresh yourself with this timeless scripture.

King David (before he was king) spent a lot of time alone tending to his father’s flock. In a typically dry and arid land. Someone had prepared the ground, tilled it, worked it until it yielded lush green grass and legumes which provided substance for the sheep.

Sheep are creatures of habit. They don’t eat or rest easily. If it is not enough to drink then that becomes an issue; if there is any threat, perceived or real, then that becomes a really big issue. So, the Shepherd must apply purposeful effort so that his flock will rest, digest, and reproduce. To be a successful herdsman diligent presence is key. It is a requirement that the shepherd appear and be available to protect and care for them. Any animal that spends most of its days outside will be prone to insects such as fleas, bot-worms or something even worse. He must apply oil along with other measures to ensure the sheep are not plagued with disease from these nuisances. He is then rewarded with a sturdy healthy flock that will yield a good profit for him. He has earned the trust and admiration (for lack of a better word) of the sheep. Proof is when with just an appearance squabbles usually cease and the sound of a contented heard fills the master’s ears. Without such persistent care the sheep would be frazzled, uneasy and physically reflecting poor upkeep. How does this relay to our Amazing Jesus? Simple:

·       He is our Good Shepherd.

·       He is Faithful to Feed His flock

o   I shall not want because He provides all of my needs.

·       He leads us by His way.

o   Which allows us skittish sheep to rest (He leads me by still waters)

Even when I pass (walk) thru a dark valley His rod (guidance) and staff (protection) help me to not fear any evil because He is with me. I am assured of His presence because He has gone ahead and prepared a table before me, even in the face of my enemies (meaning I am prospering under His care). My soul takes comfort knowing that one day I will dwell in the House of the Lord Forever. I have joy, unspeakable joy, amid my trials and challenges that have come (in some instances) to usher in a lesson for a new name of Adonai.

How does this relate to peace?:

Peace breeds contentment.

Contentment leads to trust.

Trust leads to faith expansion.

Faith expansion leads to more works of obedience.

Obedience is an outward showing of love and admiration of YHWH.

Which leads to testimonies and heart felt discussion of why there is only One true and living God and He is worth serving.


I am at my close but if you get the chance to watch The Chosen tv series that is being streamed. One of the questions asked of Jesus was when He was going to make it all right. You know take away the sufferings of the world? His answer was that He had come to show the world the way and that in this life we will have hurts, disappointments, and brokenness but that is far from the end. With His grace we will be able to weather our storms. With His peace we will be able to smile despite of them.






The strong, Creator GOD

Gen 1:1,2


LORD, MASTER and Relational GOD

Gen 2:4


Master over All

Deut 3:24

El Bethel

The God of the House of God

Gen 35:7

Elohim Chaseddi

The God of My Mercy

Ps 59:10

El Elohe Yisrael

The Mighty God of Israel

Gen 33:20

El Elyon

The Most High God

Dan 3:26



The Lord is with you

Judges 6:12


Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9:6


The Lord Will Provide

Gen 22:14


The Lord my refuge

Psalm 91:9

Jehovah Kanna Shemo

The Lord Whose Name is Jealous

Exodus 34:14

Jehovah Magen

The Lord my Shield

Deut 33:29

Jehovah Mauzzi

The Lord my Fortress

Jeremiah 16:19


Wonderful Counselor

Isaiah 9:6


2. Keller Phillip W., A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. P. 52-55, 100-101




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