Christ's Follower - Shine your light! Not point your finger!
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Wisdom Pearl:
If a Muslim is a Muslim 24 hours a day;
If a Hindu is a Hindu all day; and an Atheist doesn't stop being an Atheist any day..
Then why is a Christian only a A Christian on Sunday?
Strive to Live-Christ every day!
Wisdom Pearl:
An individual makes a Nation
A family creates a Community
A community can change the World
A Tale For A Daughter of Eve
Before global warming it was a known tradition to send a daughter off to college with a penny; having only one instruction: Don't drop it
The thought behind it was if she used her knees to hold unto the penny then she would make a man better because he would have to work to prove he was the better!
Back in the day the groom had to 'provide' for his bride before he could
'have her'; we would have a lot less unwanted pregnancy's if we went back to that..
it's a thought
Do you all realize that no one lives for ever?
Perhaps you all should stop acting like you will..
Make it a point to learn a new word everyday. One that is significant and will bring meaning to your temporary existence such as Ketubah. It's work the research, but it's worth it!
Wisdom Pearl:
You may have to work for 'the man' but remember in doing so you are serving The King; The Living God; Jesus Christ.
Wisdom Pearl:
I never knew pregnancy was a CONSEQUENCE... always thought it was a BLESSING
In this (the) latest chapter, Nate's stoma https://www.columbiaurology.org/mitrofanoff decided it had had enough. It would not yield any product no matter how much we tried. This lead to: 2 E.R. visits; one office visit and multiple phone calls. He was struggling to void and I knew this couldn't go on or other organs could get damaged.
A smaller catheter was placed and left in for 5 days. Needless to say he was not a happy camper. He didn't want to go anywhere because he was tethered to a drain bag. I completely understand. He is a teen and appearance is everything even for an individual with ASD.
This hardly seems blog worthy right? We can revisit that question at the end of my entry. So here we are (on the ) first E.R. visit. I am trying to pump him up; showing him my confidence in GOD and how He is with us. Previously in the dark of the morning I discovered the dismal results that came in overnight, I called the on-call service to get a doctor on the line. As I awaited my return call the Lord in His graciousness pointed me to Psalm 91;9-16. Coffee was made and the house was quiet. In that moment of stillness I was able to hear from the Lord Christ. His Word spoke so beautifully and with eloquence"....For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;..." As the passage continued He stated that He would rescue me because he (me) loves Him. His promise stuck with me. Also, in Isaiah He said that He would keep me in perfect peace because my mind was stayed on Him.
The days seem to drag on and Monday seemed so far away. The day we could remove the catheter. I watched my son hide his pain; I witnessed him being acutely aware that he was different even going so far as being mad at his body. I spoke over him during scans, times of quiet etc., that the Lord Jehovah makes no mistakes. If He wanted Nate to be made different He would have done so. We have to trust the Lord's process. Not seek to understand it. I shared that the soldiers of God (Angels) are watching over us and we will see the end of this. By the second hospital visit I was still holding on to the Lord's promises to us. Despite the fact that his blood had turned from crimson to deep purple. Did I mention that I could no longer tell the difference between urine and blood? I was sick to my stomach. I wanted to scream, cry, yell, fall into a fetal position. This is it, I thought, this is what is going to break me. I was waiting for him (Nate) to pass out; show infection and be admitted. None of that happened!!! His vitals remained stable; no infection was present; no fevers (even though, he has had them every week for the last 6 weeks totally unexplainable) no vomiting. Just Nate whose biggest frustration was that he wouldn't be able to attend a bon-fire in costume at our friends homestead.
Then just when I thought okay Lord, I am going to stand and watch Your Salvation! You promised me. I expected things to get a lot worse before they got better. Anthony and I were visiting with our friends exhaustion and his wife fed-up when the Lord decided enough.
Nothing short of miraculous. The blood stopped flowing. His urine was clear as a crystal ball. His scans and labs showed his body was stable all functions within ranges. Excellent ranges..fantastic ranges. When God delivers, if you remember nothing else, He delivers completely, fully and perfectly! One of Nate's main doctors gave me a hug I guess I looked like I needed one. She was pleasantly surprised at the second scanning. No blockage or debris, no viable explanation for the bleeding except that his stoma was terribly inflamed. That was it..
JESUS, JESUS JESUS thank you Lord. Monday came, his home nurse and I removed the catheter and the not so little prophet was as happy as a lark. No worse for the wear. I spent the morning crying out to GOD telling Him thank you! Lots of crying.
Just when I think I know what God is going to do. What direction He is coming from. He throws me for a loop. I love my Father's surprises. At least I'm learning to love them. Me and my Martha's spirit. *See story of Lazarus.
What's the take away? Truly every miracle is blog-worthy. It points to the magnificence of Our Heavenly Father and His Omniscience and how He patiently carries us level by level to more faith in Him.
Martha a.k.a Souljourner
*there is NOTHING impossible for God
If the culmination of a bad decision
Is another bad decision
Then the end doesn't
Justify the action
Which was corrupted by process of thought
From the begin
Where Sin had its origin
Sj & Cub
Said No One Ever
A beautiful thing was created
Admired by its Creator
But some think His joy
Was actually permission
For them to destroy it..
Said no one ever
Every new generation in its foolishness
Thinks it knows more
Than the Former
Not realizing that one day
They will be the old men
Trying to teacher the younger..
Simply Put...
What would end the debate and travesty of Abortion
Is if everyone would strive to remain A virgin until
They are in a loving, consensual, GOD-Ordained
Relationship; Until the responsibility of Parenthood
Would be embraced not considered an inconvenience
Making of A King
It takes a woman to create a Man (nourishing him while in her womb)
and show him heart and compassion
It takes a Man to show him courage and the strength
to use it (Father who loves him enough to invest in him)
Fairness of mind so
he will know when to apply it
And consistency of character
So all will know that he is King
Simply Lemonade, Simply Orange We love the beverages because the ingredients are simple and we know what we are getting and it is good for us...So is the Simple Truth of the Gospel
Everyone wants their life to matter but fail to accept the One it matters too most..
If we expressed our opinions as much as we prayed...my how quiet it would be
We frequently ask God where He is as if it was His fault we are where we are...
There is no such thing as a 'forever' home
on earth for the Christ follower...only extended stays!
Wisdom Pearl:
Want to experience love
The Living GOD and His Son Jesus Christ
Humility isn't a lost art...some of us gotta work a little harder to find it
Some of us have to determine to posses it
All of us will benefit from it
Wisdom Pearl
Self Confidence can lead to Self-sufficiency
which almost always leads to
Self-serving which has only one end
Self destruction
Wisdom Pearl:
The only good confidence to have is a vote of no-confidence! Pride is avoided that way.
Wisdom Pearl:
Love always! However, those who will let you love more do so. Those who don't.. still love even if it isn't at your full potential!
Wisdom Pearl
For some ignorance is an legitimate excuse
For too many however it is a way of life
Wisdom Pearl
America should use the Bible like it uses Google...
Although they both contain a wealth of knowledge
Only one can save a life while the other can only affect it
Wisdom Pearl
What does the Holy Bible and Google have in common?
It takes away the user's excuse to remain uninformed as a choice in life...
Wisdom Pearl:
Sure sign of Manhood:
When Adam gives thought(a job, a wife, a home) to preparing for fatherhood
Before he actually is one
Probably Worth the Return
Back in the day..
the groom had to "provide" for his bride before he could
think about consummating (google it)
Meaning he had to prepare a place for her to move in
Not move in with her...
He had to make provision for his wife
Not wait on her to get paid or get stamps...
Have a job in a honorable trade
We should probably return to that...
Wisdom Pearl
Do you know what a Ketubah is?
It's worth discovering
Spoiler Alert its the marriage before the marriage...
Wisdom Pearl
A man who can't make a declaration of love,
is not ready to be a husband
and is time wasted being a boyfriend
Wisdom Pearl
Dating is an extended interview for possible marriage commitment
Not an excuse for co-habitation...
A dress or a pair of pants is tried on
Not a marriage..it's just done, learn as you go kinda thing
Non-refundable but always grow-able!
Wisdom Pearl
Abortion robs a Woman of an experience
(An intimate union that God made just for her)
Wisdom Pearl
A bathroom or restroom only needs to be handicapped accessible not a tool for the political
Wisdom Pearl:
You may be employed by a King..
but remember you Serve the Living God
So everything you do
Do it as if you are doing it in front of God
For God
To God...
-See Daniel
Wisdom Pearl:
If you are not happy with yourself...you won't be happy being anyone else!
Wisdom Pearl:
Easily or Eventually
Satan doesn't care which one you pick
as long as you quit...
-Inspired by T. White series on Hebrews 8/20
Calvary Chapel Richmond
Wisdom Pearl:
Prayer activates the decree and Will of God,
It brings the invisible into the visible..
-Tony Evans (modified)
YouTube Sermon: Stop Blocking Your Miracle
Wisdom Pearl
If the stream you are used to drinking from dries up
It's because God wants you to move to a different one
Ask Elijah..
Wisdom Pearl
God will effect the resources
until we turn back to Him
the Source
Why look to a girlfriend to fill the role of Queen-Wife
when you won't honor her with a
Firm Commitment that proceeds the title?
In other words why do you look for someone to
do what you are not willing to do yourself.....
Two Sides: One Coin
If you HATE who HATES you
Then you have gained nothing..
But rather lost an opportunity to show love
Because only love can drive out hate...
If you Love only who Loves you..
You may profit a little
But to Love who HATES you
may allow you to gain a Treasure Imperishable...
The soul of another
who would not be an enemy
but a brother!
God can take away anything He chooses
Because it was always
His to begin with
He gives whatever He wants
Because it is His to do so
So our comfort is not in what
He gives
or Fear in what He may take
But We are secure
In the FACT
that He is Sovereign God
and He knows when
to do Either....
Darkness is not "inclusive" of Light
So Light shouldn't seek equality with darkness
Wisdom Pearl:
With sin.... the bill is always more than
the experience was worth
-Inspired by T. White CCRichmond
The presence of pain and suffering in the lives of both believers and nonbelievers (have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior) can teach us that Christians do not have different experiences in life. Rather experience life differently.
p.2380 Life Application Study Bible 3rd edition (NIV)
(Matthew 5:45, NIV Holy Bible) ....that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
No puff in smoke but real life application for people with real life issues..
2024 Phoenix Arizona If you ask God to help you see your life as He sees it, then you will see that your thread is a single line of beauty ...