Monday, November 2, 2020

Loops...Loops & More Looops

 Our youngest son, Nathan, had a set of health challenges recently. For those of you who are new to my blog...this is an ungoing thing. He was born in kidney failure and we were advised to abort him because he would be "deformed". SO WHAT; we would have been missed a beautiful journey that is far from over. Which is why I will never condone abortion! It robs, destroys and adds nothing but death and regret. I digress. 

In this (the) latest chapter, Nate's stoma decided it had had enough. It would not yield any product no matter how much we tried. This lead to: 2 E.R. visits; one office visit and multiple phone calls. He was struggling to void and I knew this couldn't go on or other organs could get damaged. 

A smaller catheter was placed and left in for 5 days. Needless to say he was not a happy camper. He didn't want to go anywhere because he was tethered to a drain bag. I completely understand. He is a teen and appearance is everything even for an individual with ASD. 

This hardly seems blog worthy right? We can revisit that question at the end of my entry. So here we are (on the ) first E.R. visit. I am trying to pump him up; showing him my confidence in GOD and how He is with us. Previously in the dark of the morning  I discovered the dismal results that came in overnight, I called the on-call service to get a doctor on the line. As I awaited my return call the Lord in His graciousness pointed me to Psalm 91;9-16. Coffee was made and the house was quiet. In that moment of stillness I was able to hear from the Lord Christ. His Word spoke so beautifully and with eloquence"....For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;..." As the passage continued He stated that He would rescue me because he (me) loves Him. His promise stuck with me. Also, in Isaiah He said that He would keep me in perfect peace because my mind was stayed on Him. 

The days seem to drag on and Monday seemed so far away. The day we could remove the catheter. I watched my son hide his pain; I witnessed him being acutely aware that he was different even going so far as being mad at his body. I spoke over him during scans, times of quiet etc., that the Lord Jehovah makes no mistakes. If He wanted Nate to be made different He would have done so. We have to trust the Lord's process. Not seek to understand it. I shared that the soldiers of God (Angels) are watching over us and we will see the end of this. By the second hospital visit I was still holding on to the Lord's promises to us. Despite the fact that his blood had turned from crimson to deep purple. Did I mention that I could no longer tell the difference between urine and blood? I was sick to my stomach. I wanted to scream, cry, yell, fall into a fetal position. This is it, I thought, this is what is going to break me. I was waiting for him (Nate) to pass out; show infection and be admitted. None of  that happened!!! His vitals remained stable; no infection was present; no fevers (even though, he has had them every week for the last 6 weeks totally unexplainable) no vomiting. Just Nate whose biggest frustration was that he wouldn't be able to attend a bon-fire in costume at our friends homestead.

Then just when I thought okay Lord, I am going to stand and watch Your Salvation! You promised me. I expected things to get a lot worse before they got better. Anthony and I were visiting with our friends exhaustion and his wife fed-up when the Lord decided enough. 

Nothing short of miraculous. The blood stopped flowing. His urine was clear as a crystal ball. His scans and labs showed his body was stable all functions within ranges. Excellent ranges..fantastic ranges. When God delivers, if you remember nothing else, He delivers completely, fully and perfectly! One of Nate's main doctors gave me a hug I guess I looked like I needed one. She was pleasantly surprised at the second scanning. No blockage or debris, no viable explanation for the bleeding except that his stoma was terribly inflamed. That was it..

JESUS, JESUS JESUS thank you Lord. Monday came, his home nurse and I removed the catheter and the not so little prophet was as happy as a lark. No worse for the wear. I spent the morning crying out to GOD telling Him thank you! Lots of crying. 

Just when I think I know what God is going to do. What direction He is coming from. He throws me for a loop. I love my Father's surprises. At least I'm learning to love them. Me and my Martha's spirit. *See story of Lazarus. 

What's the take away? Truly every miracle is blog-worthy. It points to the magnificence of Our Heavenly Father and His Omniscience and how He patiently carries us level by level to more faith in Him.

Martha a.k.a Souljourner

*there is NOTHING impossible for God