A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Questions & Answers
Lord are you there?
I am
God I need you to move
I am
Lord I need you to sustain me
I am
Father I need you to guide me
I am
Lord I need you with me
I am
Father help me to trust you
I am
Lord help me to be ...less of me and more of You
I am
God I am so sick of messing up, forgive me
I did
Lord I need you to love me
I do
God I feel so alone
So defeated
So discouraged
So helpless
I am with you
I am your strength
I am your deliverer
I am your strong tower
I am your savior
I am everlasting
I never change
I am He who was and is to come
I am
So that means you are
set aside
full of my purpose
Allow Me to be who I am
I am GOD
I am a musician
I am a dancer
I am fierce
I am laughter
I am strength
I am bold
I am strong
I am determined
I am smart
I am wise
I am knowledge
I am a puzzle
I am chosen
I am loved
I am your son
I am your brother
I am your neighbor
I am your friend
I am Nathan
I am Myles
I am autism
I am beautiful
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Our Teams link for this years National Kidney Foundation Central Virginia Walk or Run
Innsbrook Pavilion
Our Teams link for this years National Kidney Foundation Central Virginia Walk or Run
Innsbrook Pavilion
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Like bells on Christmas Morning
God's joy rings clear in my soul
Piercing the denseness of fog
Reviving me
Reminding me
That I am His
If God be for us then who can stand against us?
Romans 8:31
Like bells on Christmas Morning
God's joy rings clear in my soul
Piercing the denseness of fog
Reviving me
Reminding me
That I am His
If God be for us then who can stand against us?
Romans 8:31
wisdom pearl
Let your actions be guided by your beliefs
Let your beliefs be made solid by your faith
Let your faith remain accepting of Jesus Christ
are there lost books of the bible? probably
but what good are they to the one who finds them
when that same soul is not willing to find the 66 that have been
discovered, pass down, translated and bound for his benefit already?
wisdom pearl
those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted
(Matthew 23:12)
A man without GOD is like a sheep without a compass
A wind without a purpose
A vacuum of waste and despair
But when a man has GOD
he is a lawful, thankful, consistent
and obedient steward over all his Master
entrusts to him
a crossroad may
Hold many things...
neutrality, however, is not one of them
Science explains the "how"
Faith points to the "who"
Both work together to prove
That God is higher than us
and so are His thoughts....
Wisdom Pearl
All sin whether big or small
leads to death
that is the very nature of it
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Don't Get Caught Up on The Details
Paralyzing yourself till you don't move forward
Don't Get Caught Up on The Details
Paralyzing yourself till you don't move forward
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
If a mountain stands against you
Cross over it
Go around it
Or climb it
As long as you conquer it how you do it doesn't matter
If God Be For Me Than Who Can Stand Against Me!
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
It's not the size of the mountain that determines it's strength
It's how well it stands against the wind
It's not the size of the mountain that determines it's strength
It's how well it stands against the wind
Plaid Mountains
Plaid Mountains
Sometimes mountains come in high heels or slick Italian suites;
With perfumed hair or unpronounceable cologne
Sometimes it rolls in a sweet ride or a taxi
Print, Plaid, Khaki or denim
No matter if the hair is ginger or the skin copper brown
Always carry a sling and a few stones
The God of Jacob has not forgotten you
Sometimes mountains come in high heels or slick Italian suites;
With perfumed hair or unpronounceable cologne
Sometimes it rolls in a sweet ride or a taxi
Print, Plaid, Khaki or denim
No matter if the hair is ginger or the skin copper brown
Always carry a sling and a few stones
The God of Jacob has not forgotten you
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
A mole hill is as large as you see it
A mountain is as small as you make it
Perspective is valuable
The I in the Phone
The 'I' in the Phone
Buy the phone!
Purchase the Tech!
Give it the required offering
Appreciate your Status
It benefits you so it must be good!
plus the homeless are invisible
giving out water and bread are overrated
the hungry have no voice
and the poor will be with you always
so they can wait
but 'I' can't.
Perspective is as valuable thing...
Glutton Thy Name Is....
Glutton Thy Name Is...
All consuming
All wanting
Never satisfying
Never comforting
A taker
Never a giver
Moderation is the enemy
Consideration is not its friend
Common sense
isn't in it's vocabulary
Never building
Yet it prospers
All consuming
All wanting
Never satisfying
Never comforting
A taker
Never a giver
Moderation is the enemy
Consideration is not its friend
Common sense
isn't in it's vocabulary
Never building
Yet it prospers
Wisdom Share
Wisdom Share
3 Tuesdays ago I really wanted something...
But I can't remember what it was
Oh well I must've of not needed it anyway
Read and apply liberally
3 Tuesdays ago I really wanted something...
But I can't remember what it was
Oh well I must've of not needed it anyway
Read and apply liberally
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
If Time outlast your desire for a (person place or thing)
then it was a want and not a need
Learn the difference
If Time outlast your desire for a (person place or thing)
then it was a want and not a need
Learn the difference
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Eagles don't fly with Chickens
They eat them
Bon Appetite!!!
-Originator John "Pops" Wilkins
Modified by his granddaughter
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Having Faith doesn't mean it's easy just that it is possible!
-Bishop (My Mom but she is not the originator)
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
If your feet are not willing to walk it
or your hands have no desire to work it
then don't demand that someone else does it
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Chaos attracts chaos
Complacency masks it
Familiarity often times breeds it
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Some people run
Others walk...still many proceed at a shanty (leisurely pace)
However the speed; whatever the style...
All are walking to the beat of a drum
Be wary who you allow to set your rhythm
Some people run
Others walk...still many proceed at a shanty (leisurely pace)
However the speed; whatever the style...
All are walking to the beat of a drum
Be wary who you allow to set your rhythm
Transparency Required
Transparency Required....
Truth Desired
Not to be rude
or disrespectful
but I must ask
If walking in a certain building defiles you
or eating certain foods creates a state of uncleanliness
then what, pray tell, is the benefit to your soul?
For that is the only thing that will live on
Well after you die..
Just wondering
Lastly, if this is the only evidence of the way you believe
Meaning your character has not been improved
Your ways have not matured
And the primary focus of your day is still you..
What benefit is it too anyone else?
Wisdom Pearl
Being Forgiven is beautiful
Walking in Forgiveness is powerful
Issuing Forgiveness (as much as necessary).....
Being Forgiven is beautiful
Walking in Forgiveness is powerful
Issuing Forgiveness (as much as necessary).....
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Remember, when the Potter does the breaking
The clay is not destroyed; but remade to suit its' new purpose
Remember, when the Potter does the breaking
The clay is not destroyed; but remade to suit its' new purpose
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
As sure as the Sun rises...
It will Set
So goes the same for
Situations and circumstances
Everything has a boundary
and rules of limitations
That is why Joy is better placed
in earthen jars
Instead of sand bowls
The Joy of the Lord is my STRENGTH
Nehemiah 8:10
As sure as the Sun rises...
It will Set
So goes the same for
Situations and circumstances
Everything has a boundary
and rules of limitations
That is why Joy is better placed
in earthen jars
Instead of sand bowls
The Joy of the Lord is my STRENGTH
Nehemiah 8:10
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
If you have to break someone in order to "fix" someone
more than likely it isn't them who needs fixin; nor is it them who would benefit from the breaking experience
If you have to break someone in order to "fix" someone
more than likely it isn't them who needs fixin; nor is it them who would benefit from the breaking experience
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Submission is not SLAVERY
Don't get it twisted
For Christ willingly SUBMITTED to the
Shame of the Cross and He was no one's SLAVE
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Husband don't ask your wife for submission
If you are not willing to die to yourself
The scales can not be unbalanced
*See Ephesians 5:21-30
Husband don't ask your wife for submission
If you are not willing to die to yourself
The scales can not be unbalanced
*See Ephesians 5:21-30
Monday, September 25, 2017
I am a last minute participant but I will be there!
Look for the Table with the pink table cloths and a
blue awning!
Friday, September 22, 2017
OCTOBER 5, 2017
So sorry for late post! I have been like ubber busy, good stuff to come, hope you can stop by!
TIME: 10 - 5
FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://fredbookfest.com/
Questions about this event? | ||||||||
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
When your joy seems lost
It's best to return to the beginning
Where you first discovered it!
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Wisdom Pearl
wisdom pearl
Ladies, never allow a man to reside in the space God always meant for Himself; He is a jealous God and will not tolerate anyone before Him...and He shouldn't ever...
Ladies, never allow a man to reside in the space God always meant for Himself; He is a jealous God and will not tolerate anyone before Him...and He shouldn't ever...
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
An Exception to The Rule
Greetings Family!
What a great, challenging, crazy busy but rewarding summer it has been. I have lots of posts I have been scrambling on paper and notebook..napkins etc etc. There will be time for me to get those to you. For now I would just like to share quickly some of my reflections. Enjoy and as always feed back is welcomed.
It is 7:26 a.m. in a Portland Oregon hotel. I have been up for awhile. The boys are in the next bed over sleeping soundly. Anthony is moving around but for the most part the room is quiet. I love this time in my day.
I can hear myself think, more importantly I can hear the Lord and feel Him loving on me! That type of reassurance will go a long way in the day before me.
School will be in session in a few weeks; days at the pool are numbered and pretty soon I will be counting Christmas lights.
All that can wait.
I am profoundly thankful for my life, my kids, my husband, my sisters and parents. My church families, neighbors and the bunch at Carytown Coffee Shop in Midlo.
Many of you already know that I never wanted to be a stay at home mom for any length of time except for the summer; I wanted to share in the adventures of my kids and give them the opportunity to have pajama day during the week; sleeping in on a Tuesday morning or go, go, go until all of their energy was spent.
I never saw my life in the suburbs. I love the vibe of the city! Lofts and brownstones are my first choice but the needs of my family always supersede my wants. Compromise is a valuable commodity!
I have had the pleasure of seeing faces from the past. Meeting in the most unexpected places and having the best conversations accompanied by the warmest hugs. Those are priceless.
I have also experienced the unfortunate pleasure of comforting those whose time for mourning had come. The good always die to young and the beautiful never stay with us long enough. A father, mother, grandmother, sister, brother, friend, husband, wife, neighbor. I have said 'see you later' to them all back to back. My heart goes out to the living who have to carry on everyday missing an intimate piece of their world. I pray for them often sending texts of encouragement.
Interestingly enough texts may seem inappropriate and a phone call better. However, it has been my experience that the littlest gestures carry the most weight. See I don't know where they are in their day as they struggle to establish their new 'normal'. Or where in the cycle of grieving they find themselves presently in so a phone call may be seen as an intrusion and not be answered. A text..well it's a good use of technology because it can reach the heart when nothing else, at that moment, can.
I have personally experienced moments when I have been discouraged, questioning everything that God is doing and wondering about the effectiveness of my works. I have said out loud to God that I am only a pebble on the sand trying to make a difference but the task is daunting and overwhelming. He will touch someone and place His thoughts into their words and *ding I have a text of immense value staring at me. Some I have sent to myself in an email collecting in a cloud file so I can pull them out and be re-energized and loved on! Those are tangible notes from the Father that I can hold on to. It reminds me of how purposeful His thoughts are towards me even when I am broken with grief or paralyzed with the fear of failure. His love transcends wires and cell towers to kiss me just when I need that reassurance! Jesus you are so GOOD Lord! Thank you for loving my neediness, thank you for using my brokenness as a platform to greatness; thank you for holding my tears long enough for me to see your reflection; thank you for teaching me everything has a purpose and all time is in Your capable hands! Thank you for hugging me your most precious child even when I am doubting your Sovereign Will because of my challenging circumstances; thank you Lord for remembering I am dust God and you patiently work your plans in me knowing Your Will is best for me even though I groan under the situation! Thank you for being my 'cleft in the rock' that shields me not allowing me to experience more than You know I can bear..even though the weight of life brings me to my knees. Thank you Jesus for never leaving me nor forsaking me! All of your promises are true and real; Solid and trustworthy! Glory to You God! Glory to You God in the Highest!
Yeah...it takes all that
because He took the time
and let me know His thoughts towards me
using the technology
He gave man....
God is awesome!
Don't get me wrong! I love giving and receiving thank you cards and just because notes in the mail! They always brighten up my day and Strengthen me in ways the sender may never know. It is all good! Use whatever means God gives you; if He places someone on your mind trust there is a purpose for it! Stop at the Dollar Tree and rack up on cards and notes and move forward blessing people. Doing good is it's own reward.
But just in case you don't have time to stop at the store or maybe that option is just not available a phone call or a text will do just fine. No matter the vehicle of the message as long as it arrives that is what counts.
What a great, challenging, crazy busy but rewarding summer it has been. I have lots of posts I have been scrambling on paper and notebook..napkins etc etc. There will be time for me to get those to you. For now I would just like to share quickly some of my reflections. Enjoy and as always feed back is welcomed.
An Exception To The Rule
It is 7:26 a.m. in a Portland Oregon hotel. I have been up for awhile. The boys are in the next bed over sleeping soundly. Anthony is moving around but for the most part the room is quiet. I love this time in my day.
I can hear myself think, more importantly I can hear the Lord and feel Him loving on me! That type of reassurance will go a long way in the day before me.
School will be in session in a few weeks; days at the pool are numbered and pretty soon I will be counting Christmas lights.
All that can wait.
I am profoundly thankful for my life, my kids, my husband, my sisters and parents. My church families, neighbors and the bunch at Carytown Coffee Shop in Midlo.
Many of you already know that I never wanted to be a stay at home mom for any length of time except for the summer; I wanted to share in the adventures of my kids and give them the opportunity to have pajama day during the week; sleeping in on a Tuesday morning or go, go, go until all of their energy was spent.
I never saw my life in the suburbs. I love the vibe of the city! Lofts and brownstones are my first choice but the needs of my family always supersede my wants. Compromise is a valuable commodity!
I have had the pleasure of seeing faces from the past. Meeting in the most unexpected places and having the best conversations accompanied by the warmest hugs. Those are priceless.
I have also experienced the unfortunate pleasure of comforting those whose time for mourning had come. The good always die to young and the beautiful never stay with us long enough. A father, mother, grandmother, sister, brother, friend, husband, wife, neighbor. I have said 'see you later' to them all back to back. My heart goes out to the living who have to carry on everyday missing an intimate piece of their world. I pray for them often sending texts of encouragement.
Interestingly enough texts may seem inappropriate and a phone call better. However, it has been my experience that the littlest gestures carry the most weight. See I don't know where they are in their day as they struggle to establish their new 'normal'. Or where in the cycle of grieving they find themselves presently in so a phone call may be seen as an intrusion and not be answered. A text..well it's a good use of technology because it can reach the heart when nothing else, at that moment, can.
I have personally experienced moments when I have been discouraged, questioning everything that God is doing and wondering about the effectiveness of my works. I have said out loud to God that I am only a pebble on the sand trying to make a difference but the task is daunting and overwhelming. He will touch someone and place His thoughts into their words and *ding I have a text of immense value staring at me. Some I have sent to myself in an email collecting in a cloud file so I can pull them out and be re-energized and loved on! Those are tangible notes from the Father that I can hold on to. It reminds me of how purposeful His thoughts are towards me even when I am broken with grief or paralyzed with the fear of failure. His love transcends wires and cell towers to kiss me just when I need that reassurance! Jesus you are so GOOD Lord! Thank you for loving my neediness, thank you for using my brokenness as a platform to greatness; thank you for holding my tears long enough for me to see your reflection; thank you for teaching me everything has a purpose and all time is in Your capable hands! Thank you for hugging me your most precious child even when I am doubting your Sovereign Will because of my challenging circumstances; thank you Lord for remembering I am dust God and you patiently work your plans in me knowing Your Will is best for me even though I groan under the situation! Thank you for being my 'cleft in the rock' that shields me not allowing me to experience more than You know I can bear..even though the weight of life brings me to my knees. Thank you Jesus for never leaving me nor forsaking me! All of your promises are true and real; Solid and trustworthy! Glory to You God! Glory to You God in the Highest!
Yeah...it takes all that
because He took the time
and let me know His thoughts towards me
using the technology
He gave man....
God is awesome!
Don't get me wrong! I love giving and receiving thank you cards and just because notes in the mail! They always brighten up my day and Strengthen me in ways the sender may never know. It is all good! Use whatever means God gives you; if He places someone on your mind trust there is a purpose for it! Stop at the Dollar Tree and rack up on cards and notes and move forward blessing people. Doing good is it's own reward.
But just in case you don't have time to stop at the store or maybe that option is just not available a phone call or a text will do just fine. No matter the vehicle of the message as long as it arrives that is what counts.
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Sometimes, The Lord waits for you to make the First step towards Him..
That type of blind faith releases an abundance of blessings!
...Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead - James 2:17
ps..read the whole chapter before making a judgement
Sometimes, The Lord waits for you to make the First step towards Him..
That type of blind faith releases an abundance of blessings!
...Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead - James 2:17
ps..read the whole chapter before making a judgement
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Have the heart of a servant
The hands of a lay person
Armed with a smile of contentment
And an air of encouragement
Your company will always be welcomed
And your Words will always be weighed as truth
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
If you can not be what you once were
Then be the best of what you currently are
Finding joy in the newness of this chapter
of your journey
The choice is always yours
If you can not be what you once were
Then be the best of what you currently are
Finding joy in the newness of this chapter
of your journey
The choice is always yours
The Real Of It All
The Real Of It All....
Everything ceases when its time has come
The hands of the dead are open and empty
So live, give and love as the opportunity presents
They are funny things
Not staying long
And may not come around again
Each moment is its own treasure
Don't Be Silly
Don't Be Silly
Don't be a silly man or a foolish girl
Don't be a hopeless boy or a delusional woman
Death comes to all
but it is only the beginning
Not nearly the end
Laugh and be stronger with the knowledge that more awaits
and Serve!
Taking stock in every good deed because it holds it's own reward
-sj & many others
Don't be a silly man or a foolish girl
Don't be a hopeless boy or a delusional woman
Death comes to all
but it is only the beginning
Not nearly the end
Laugh and be stronger with the knowledge that more awaits
and Serve!
Taking stock in every good deed because it holds it's own reward
-sj & many others
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
An open hand is easier to bless and quick to give
Cheerful is it's soul
A closed fist belongs to a miserable heart
who desires to own everything
but gains nothing
losing all in the end
An open hand is easier to bless and quick to give
Cheerful is it's soul
A closed fist belongs to a miserable heart
who desires to own everything
but gains nothing
losing all in the end
wisdom pearl
Wisdom Pearl
You are the steward
Not the Owner
A steward can't be the Owner
and the Owner will never be a steward
A Servant to His cause yes....even then He still remains the Owner
Don't twist it!
You are the steward
Not the Owner
A steward can't be the Owner
and the Owner will never be a steward
A Servant to His cause yes....even then He still remains the Owner
Don't twist it!
wisdom pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Have the mind, humility and thankfulness of a faithful steward
and when the Owner returns
the good reward will surely be yours
Have the mind, humility and thankfulness of a faithful steward
and when the Owner returns
the good reward will surely be yours
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Never forget that no matter the vastness of your possessions
or the depth of your treasures
You are only a steward
For a time and no more
Naked you came in...and naked you will leave
Never forget that no matter the vastness of your possessions
or the depth of your treasures
You are only a steward
For a time and no more
Naked you came in...and naked you will leave
Wisdom Pearl
While a pebble may not be able to cause a WAVE
it can still create a Stir in the Water
While a pebble may not be able to cause a WAVE
it can still create a Stir in the Water
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
wisdom pearl
how does one explain God to their children when they (parents) have never sought God for themselves
How do these same individuals make an argument that God does not exist
When they never sought Him for themselves
Taste and see that the Lord is good
How do these same individuals make an argument that God does not exist
When they never sought Him for themselves
Taste and see that the Lord is good
wisdom pearl
Question How does one go about dismissing God
when one has not attempted to have a relationship with Him?
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Sometimes the price of getting everything you want; outweighs the freedom of happiness
Sometimes the price of getting everything you want; outweighs the freedom of happiness
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
The Scent of Betrayal lingers
Never dissipating
Never leaving
It can only be Cured by Forgiveness
The Scent of Betrayal lingers
Never dissipating
Never leaving
It can only be Cured by Forgiveness
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
-sj (Broken Mirrors, 2017)
Unless A Man's mind is renewed by GOD then even the most foolish of
thoughts will pass for acceptable logic.
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
To the untrained eye, silence holds emptiness and vast amounts of unproductivity. To the hungry soul silence holds Peace, Refreshment and Strength.
To the untrained eye, silence holds emptiness and vast amounts of unproductivity. To the hungry soul silence holds Peace, Refreshment and Strength.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Wahutxheh Laine
My Name is Wahutxheh Laine
just because you can't pronounce it
doesn't mean it should change
If you share with me
I will share with you
Let Me adopt what I see is good
or right
Not be forced into conformity
not be challenged into a fight
I am a Brave of the Proud Cherokee Nation
But you see me as a janitor
brick layer
or waiter
Do not think for a moment me or my brethren have gone
We are still here
We walk among you
Living, Loving, Waiting, Wanting
Equality & Recognition
With every man given the same chance
to show his worth
Not have the ways of his people
covered, discarded in the earth
You created that name
I wear it, gave it to my sons
but it is not the same
I will always remain a Brave to my nation
to my family
to myself
My name is Wahutxheh Laine
Thank you Great Grandfather..forgive me for not telling you sooner
Gone but never Forgotten
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
It can't be argued that storms leave a mess; but they also reveal resolve
It can't be argued that storms leave a mess; but they also reveal resolve
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Just because it came from the most unlikeliest of places or was born thru the most unconventional of circumstances Creativity is never to be blocked because of it's origins
Just because it came from the most unlikeliest of places or was born thru the most unconventional of circumstances Creativity is never to be blocked because of it's origins
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Some things can never be fixed
but lack of trying should never be the cause
Some things can never be fixed
but lack of trying should never be the cause
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Life holds no guarantees but death. Death in itself holds the possibility of newness which always leads to life.
Life holds no guarantees but death. Death in itself holds the possibility of newness which always leads to life.
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Wait for your pockets to align with the lifestyle you are seeking;
That way when you reach it you will not squander it
Wait for your pockets to align with the lifestyle you are seeking;
That way when you reach it you will not squander it
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
It is said that a man is not the sum of his mistakes; if that is true then a woman is not a mirror of her challenges but a reflection of her victories
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Is This Your Issue?
- It is true that the Bible was written by a bunch of men full of brokenness and fault
- It is also true that in this (marvelous) book are recorded a lot of historical events, some gaps in time we may not understand and events that may require more investigation to fully grasp the significance.
- It is true that it takes faith to take some of the events recorded as fact; take the whole immaculate conception deal for instance.
- It is also fact that every word in the bible (with the exception of the queen james) is and was God Breathed and Inspired
- It is also fact that this book: Basic/Instruction/Before/Leaving Earth (handy acronym) contains principles that greatly improve the readers life and may even help extend it if the warnings are headed.
With that being said - no other book that I have read or studied continues to teach new lessons daily! No other words on a page have improved my life and deepened my faith so greatly. No other study relays to me how the God of the Universe loves me so much that He sent His Son to die for me.
I totally understand how some people can think that the old testament is about a God who is not active in today's world; or how historically some of the facts overlap other cultures; or how this is the basis of a religion developed and created by Anglo-Saxons and should not be applied or accepted by people of African or Native American decent. I also get how people have confused emotionalism with faith and ruined the whole experience for some folk! They will not be fooled or hoodwinked into some hokie-doke religious experience nor controlled by one.
If any of this describes you I have just one question..have you read it for yourself? If not I would start with the gospel of John. It might just answer some of your questions..
Okay, two questions(sorry): have you tried to speak to God? Have you heard Him? I would challenge you because once you have come in contact with the One true King of Heaven..you will not be able to remain the same.
Or is that really the issue?
Wisdom Pearl
God does not make mistakes, nor does He create anything contrary to His Word/Intent/Will
He does, however, allow us the choice to accept His way of doing things or His definition of a created thing
That includes man and his affairs
Wisdom Pearl
Don't let someone define you who didn't create you
The Creator has a purpose for you seek His definition and move forward in confidence
Wisdom Pearl
Some doors are not meant to be open
Some are meant to be broken
Seek His Wisdom to know the difference
A Word
The world is crumbling at your feet
Nothing is stable
Rain where it is not needed
The earth shakes
Heat where it is not wanted
Blooming seasons are confused
Yet you still refuse to acknowledge Me
You still hold fast to your Sin
Calling it your choice
Well, child once mine...I have choices too
Return to Me before you are unable
I control the mountains
They will not cover you
Wisdom Pearl
If you mean to kill something; then hit it at the root
which will ensure it's destruction
A Mother's Promise
I can't even imagine what you see
How the world looks to you it does not
look that way to me
I can't imagine how you feel
my bones don't ache, my side doesn't hurt
and nothing has broken my stride
I can't imagine how your scars
talk to you as they whisper to me
reminders of all of your surgeries
I can't imagine how tired you must be
your soul must cry out to be free
yet it is not time for you to leave so you
continue to stay with me
I can't imagine but I can share
I can't feel your wounds but I am still here
I am your mom and as long as I can
your burdens I will help you bear
And There's That....
In August of this year we will be celebrating 3 years since Nate had his kidney transplant. There have been great moments of celebration and challenges. As well as lots and lots of adjustments. For starters we (Anthony and I) did not quite understand the sometimes fragile position a immunosuppressed person operates in. A regular old cold or even worse the flu can lead to i.v. fluids and hospital stays. Not to mention the viruses and infections that a healthy immune system would normally be able to fight off wreaks mass havoc on a immunosuppressed person. Still the cure outweighs the disease so we press on.
Recently, we had a short stint at the doctor's hotel (what Nate calls MCV Hospital); a virus that had been lingering since December was causing inflammation of the tonsils, severe sore throat, trouble breathing and a host of other issues that branched out as a result of this bug. Who get's pink eye from a non pink eye virus???? Oivee.
God did nothing short of a miracle by allowing the treatment plan to be successful. This kid was in a bad way with fevers so bad that the heat radiated from his body. He refused to eat or drink with the exception of Tylenol which he ate like candy. So I know that without the intervention of the Lord I would have a different report to share with you today. As it stands he is recovering, playing video games, was recently baptized and visited Busch Gardens for the 1st time. He had a blast.
When I look back over the last several months, I am just amazed at the level of tolerance and understanding the family has when Nate gets ill. I understand chronic illness to mean that there are good periods with no sickness; to not so great with sickness a little more frequent; to a season of challenge where the sickness is severe. Anthony understands, our daughter does and so do my sisters and parents; but does Nate understand?
If you could have seen his face when I told him we have to go the doctor's (yet again) it would have been enough to make your heart sink. His face said that he was sick and tired or being sick and tired. His countenance said I really don't want to be me right now. His voice said 'why is this happening to me'?
I mustard up my usual bravado encouraging him and talking about future plans and events. I tried my best to get him to focus on other things besides the here and now. I am not sure if it worked as he was silent the entire drive in.
I wanted to know what thoughts were whirling around in his head; I wanted to assure him that his family supported him and that we loved him beyond what we can sometimes express. I wanted to be sure that he knew that God had not forgotten him; nor was his sickness a form of punishment but another step in his journey.
As we pulled into our parking space and retrieved a wheel chair (that happened to be right there, co-ink-a-dink?? I think not) he started asking his brother about heaven and God. Myles, being the soldier he is, replied to his brother that it was not time for him to go to heaven yet. It is time to go to the doctor and that was all. WOW did you catch that? At first I didn't either but as I continued to go over recent events I finally caught this little nugget. Nate is a little worn out; he probably deals with pain on some level everyday but it is his everyday and he doesn't let it stop him. He wants to be just like everyone else, without being everyone else! He is traveling a road that few of us will have the privilege or burden to; and he does it with child-fused enthusiasm and joy. Yet he is still human and in that moment he relayed to his brother (autism was not a factor during this exchange) that he was just 'over it'. I thank God his brother was there to give him the facts and nothing but the facts. It ain't time for him to go to heaven yet so suck it up (lol).
As I mentioned earlier God banished the virus (Nate's exact words). There was no evidence of a live virus and quite honestly we don't know what was making him so ill. I do know however, a few new things that have strengthen me on my own journey and they are:
1. Nate talks to God and is confident the Lord hears him
2. Nate believes what God tells him without question because he is confident in the Lord's Words
3. Nate's mission to show people the healing power of God starts first with his family
4. Nate is a teacher leading by example! He is a soldier who forages on pressing toward a goal that God has set for him
5. He has been given a helper, his brother, to meet him where he is, advocate for him and to encourage him when he is weak
6. God has more than prepared him for this journey by giving him good company to walk with
I must say that this last stay took a little more from me than I care to admit. I share my son's weariness sometimes but I also share my strength with him. We move forward celebrating health as it is given to us! lavishing in the joy of a new day that is granted to us and holding on to the hope that God has promised us. Chronic kidney disease is with us but it doesn't overcome us. It is just a part of our lives.

3. Myles vigilantly keeping watch over is brother during Spring Break
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Friday, April 14, 2017
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
For the 100th time; Correction is not JUDGEMENT
Judgement does not correct it Sentences...
For the 100th time; Correction is not JUDGEMENT
Judgement does not correct it Sentences...
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Smoke & Rythm
You (life) may choose the music,
But I make up the steps
I dictate the rhythm I follow
The dance is mine and mine alone
It is my right
My responsibility
My purpose
Just A Glimpse
Just A Glimpse
So this Morning I was awakened to laughter coming out of my living room. Normally I would have smiled at this occurrence and thanked God for the joy in my house. However, it was 7:22 a.m. on a spring break Tuesday...who is up that early and does not have to be??? My son Myles that's who. Reluctantly I rolled over and registered that I was still in the land of the living, still a mom and one tired puppy. "Myles", groggily I called out..."Myles"..."yes mom"; "what are you doing?" "sorry I woke you up"..we proceeded with our regular morning conversation which eventually lead me out of the bed and stumbling into the boys room to check on Nathan.
Nathan is still in the bed temp 101.7 down with a virus...again.. second one in three weeks. I kissed his forehead which tells me he is feverish way before the thermometer does(nothing like a sick kid to bring you out of your fog); quickly I headed straight for the kitchen to load him up on Tylenol and his transplant meds. It was then I noticed that the oven and its light was turned on. Not only that but the contents of the oven were neatly laid out on a piece of aluminum foil. After administering meds to Nate I returned to the kitchen and began to question Myles who was peacefully watching cartoons. He very proudly admitted that he had fixed his own breakfast and turned the oven on! What a 'wow' moment! This kid who was unable to communicate because of his autism. Frequently expressed himself in horrible tantrums and was for the most part unreachable to his father and I.
Here we are 14 years later and not only is he speaking in clear, concise and thoughtful sentences. He has mastered independent skills for living: He has observered me making breakfast; he mimicked the steps right down to the correct oven temperature; he chose the appropriate cooking utensils and even went a step further by cutting the foil to fit his cookie sheet. What a milestone! A perfect glimpse into the greatness this kid posses! Super encouraging to me as I try to prepare him to navigate his world.
Every parent looks into their child and sees the potential that has not yet manifested. Every parent fully expects his/her child to make his or her mark on their world. Every parent celebrates levels of success that their child reaches. Parents of kids with special needs even more so (because sometimes it takes a lot longer for us to taste that joy)! Sometimes I get lost in the details and I can only see where they are not and not where they are. Mistakenly I view the glass half empty vs full. It bogs me down with unnecessary weight as I worry about their future-selves. Will they be able to manage? Will they be safe? Will they have friends and a peer group? Will they be accepted and praised for what they do?
God always reminds me that the future is 'His secret place', not mine. He has not giving me dominion over it.; but He has made promises to me as His beloved: 1. He will never leave me nor forsake me and 2. He had King David report with authority that he had never seen the righteous forsaken.
So I am comforted by the fact that Myles is being watched over. All of the children are watched over by Him who is author and finisher of our fate(s). I am also re-assured by this little glimpse of independence that Myles and his siblings will be more than I could ever ask them to be!
Profoundly Thankful!
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Join Me at The Official Launch of My new Book:
Where: The ARts Community Center
10179 Hull Street
Midlothian Va 23112
When: July 15, 2017
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Live Speaking & Streaming Event
Cost: Free Admission / Books available for purchase
Other: Light Refreshment Provided
RSVP's available on Event Brite or Souljourner7howard@facebook
16 and older please
No Rsvp Necessary if you prefer to stream event * are you considering hosting a pod party??
Contact me at : authorsjhoward@gmail.com by 4/30/17
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Pod Party Update
Greetings Family and Friends!
My request for your help is still pretty new and already I have received some strong, positive, responses! Matter of fact a few of you have already committed to hosting my July event!
Wow and thank you!
I just wanted to provide a quick summary to help answer some general questions I have gotten. Of course if your question is not addressed just shoot me an email or message me on Facebook and we can work it out.
Please Note that the information that is * is subject to change but everything will be finalized in April 2017. Also if you are able to actually attend the event in person - Please do so! I would love to see you again or meet you for the first time.
Date: July 2017 (either the 8th or 15th)
Times: Slot 1) 12-2pm Slot 2) 4-6pm
Event: Official Bought Lessons Launch Party
Where (physical location): Bon Air Community Center (Free Admission and opened to the public)
Pod Locations Confirmed: Greenville, Il/ Richmond, Va (Various Spots)
Available: 12 hosting slots are still open
Cutoff: April 30th for hosting slots
What do you need:
My request for your help is still pretty new and already I have received some strong, positive, responses! Matter of fact a few of you have already committed to hosting my July event!
Wow and thank you!
I just wanted to provide a quick summary to help answer some general questions I have gotten. Of course if your question is not addressed just shoot me an email or message me on Facebook and we can work it out.
Please Note that the information that is * is subject to change but everything will be finalized in April 2017. Also if you are able to actually attend the event in person - Please do so! I would love to see you again or meet you for the first time.
Date: July 2017 (either the 8th or 15th)
Times: Slot 1) 12-2pm Slot 2) 4-6pm
Event: Official Bought Lessons Launch Party
Where (physical location): Bon Air Community Center (Free Admission and opened to the public)
Pod Locations Confirmed: Greenville, Il/ Richmond, Va (Various Spots)
Available: 12 hosting slots are still open
Cutoff: April 30th for hosting slots
What do you need:
- An internet connection and access to either: 1. Facebook or 2. Youtube
- Television
- A folding table or similar for presentation area
- Capacity to hold at least 4 people * if not don't let that deter you
- A block of time
- A willingness to invite family and friends via personal invites I will send
- Or if you are hosting a larger venue (church, community center etc) that is able to accommodate the public then you will need to distribute flyers.
- Also if you give me your area I will locate the community events page and post the event
- The ability to ship back requested items (I will provide return shipping label)
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Dear Family and Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. I have some exciting news to share with you! Before I do please accept my thanks for your support of my literary projects.
God is doing some GREAT and exciting things!!! I have been simply amazed at what God has allowed me to put on paper; His creative flow inspires and teaches me, while expanding the boundaries of my territory. (Prayer of Jabez)
We launched Journey's Unlimited in 2015 ironically thinking this was a one time thing...duh!! (lol) Now this thing is growing and I am or was struggling to keep up with the demand. Looking only at my hands and not the unlimited strength and resources of the Lord I found myself discouraged and overwhelmed. Then He sent a Word to me and it gave me new direction and the insight necessary to continue in His purposes for me.
However I can't do this alone. I need your help. Would you consider hosting a 'Pod Party' for me? This way I can bring my brand of clear speak to a variety of audiences all over this great country without visiting multiple locations. I mean who can afford to embark on 4 or more trips in year? I can't...not yet anyway but all things are possible!
If you agree to host a Pod Party for me I will supply you with everything you need for a small gathering of 25 people or more. I am not limiting you. If you don't want 25 people in your home then invite 3 or 4 other couples to the event. I will forward you a hostess kit and a complimentary set of my two published works.
If you are interested just respond to authorsjhoward@gmail.com by 4/30. All I need you to supply is your time, an internet connection, preferably a Facebook page and an open home to welcome people to a free streaming event.
Warmest Regards,
However you know me
*14 slots still available as of 3/16/17
*14 slots still available as of 3/16/17
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
No matter how long it takes others to find out...you will always know you are a fraud if you don't live for or desire truth!
Be ye (you) either Hot or Cold
On fire or without
Be 100%
It will squash any doubt
Be ye (you) either Hot or Cold
On fire or without
Be 100%
It will squash any doubt
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
There is no such thing as an indecision because it always has an action that decides for it
There is no such thing as an indecision because it always has an action that decides for it
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
don't sacrifice your reward or forfeit your gift
for comfort that you have never truly earned
don't sacrifice your reward or forfeit your gift
for comfort that you have never truly earned
Don't be fooled the cost for following Christ is real and sometimes heavy; but the reward is generous and long lasting
Whereas following the lessor option costs infinitely more; with deception and separation as an added bonus
As the reward is lost...with no hope to regain it
Don't be fooled the cost for following Christ is real and sometimes heavy; but the reward is generous and long lasting
Whereas following the lessor option costs infinitely more; with deception and separation as an added bonus
As the reward is lost...with no hope to regain it
I would much rather be loved
Than rejected
I would much rather be accepted
Than unrewarded
I would much rather be with the 'in'
Vs the Faithful out
More than anything I would rather wear my Crown...
Rather than forfeit it
Weighted Scales
Weighted Scales
Be sure the cost for discarding your calling or
Ignoring your gifts
Don't outweigh the riches of living in obedience
Only you can decide
Only you will be judged
Only you will be left either empty or full
Searching or satisfied
Wanting or content
Never both
Be sure the cost for discarding your calling or
Ignoring your gifts
Don't outweigh the riches of living in obedience
Only you can decide
Only you will be judged
Only you will be left either empty or full
Searching or satisfied
Wanting or content
Never both
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Be obedient or
Be disobedient
One can not exist if the other is present..no matter the slightness
Be obedient or
Be disobedient
One can not exist if the other is present..no matter the slightness
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
To be obedient is to sometimes be alone
To stay the course rarely requires a crowd
The commitment to excellence will require the parting of ways
To earn a crown is seldom without sacrifice but is always rewarded
To be obedient is to sometimes be alone
To stay the course rarely requires a crowd
The commitment to excellence will require the parting of ways
To earn a crown is seldom without sacrifice but is always rewarded
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Fruit is seldom a singular item
To produce it is rarely an easy task
The harvest is never without its disappointments
But the rewards of obedience, perseverance and faithfulness
Are eternal
And never go unseen
Fruit is seldom a singular item
To produce it is rarely an easy task
The harvest is never without its disappointments
But the rewards of obedience, perseverance and faithfulness
Are eternal
And never go unseen
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Your gift is for you
Only you can unlock its power
You only can hone it into a force for change
Only you can discipline yourself until you have mastered it..
But WE, meaning all of us, .. will benefit from it
Your gift is for you
Only you can unlock its power
You only can hone it into a force for change
Only you can discipline yourself until you have mastered it..
But WE, meaning all of us, .. will benefit from it
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38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And s...
Fall is so beautiful. It's almost as if we get permission to wonder at all of nature's glory that GOD created. The leaves are turnin...
Greetings Readers, First let me apologize for my long absence. I will purpose to do better. Isn't that the truth? The last statement I ...