Wednesday, August 9, 2017

An Exception to The Rule

Greetings Family!

What a great, challenging, crazy busy but rewarding summer it has been. I have lots of posts I have been scrambling on paper and notebook..napkins etc etc. There will be time for me to get those to you. For now I would just like to share quickly some of my reflections. Enjoy and as always feed back is welcomed.

An Exception To The Rule

It is 7:26 a.m. in a Portland Oregon hotel. I have been up for awhile. The boys are in the next bed over sleeping soundly. Anthony is moving around but for the most part the room is quiet. I love this time in my day.

I can hear myself think, more importantly I can hear the Lord and feel Him loving on me! That type of reassurance will go a long way in the day before me.

School will be in session in a few weeks; days at the pool are numbered and pretty soon I will be counting Christmas lights.

All that can wait.

I am profoundly thankful for my life, my kids, my husband, my sisters and parents. My church families, neighbors and the bunch at Carytown Coffee Shop in Midlo.

Many of you already know that I never wanted to be a stay at home mom for any length of time except for the summer; I wanted to share in the adventures of my kids and give them the opportunity to have pajama day during the week; sleeping in  on a Tuesday morning or go, go, go until all of their energy was spent. 

I never saw my life in the suburbs. I love the vibe of the city! Lofts and brownstones are my first choice but the needs of my family always supersede my wants. Compromise is a valuable commodity!

I have had the pleasure of seeing faces from the past. Meeting in the most unexpected places and having the best conversations accompanied by the warmest hugs. Those are priceless.

I have also experienced the unfortunate pleasure of comforting those whose time for mourning had come. The good always die to young and the beautiful never stay with us long enough. A father, mother, grandmother, sister, brother, friend, husband, wife, neighbor. I have said 'see you later' to them all back to back. My heart goes out to the living who have to carry on everyday missing an intimate piece of their world. I pray for them often sending texts of encouragement.

Interestingly enough texts may seem inappropriate and a phone call better. However, it has been my experience that the littlest gestures carry the most weight. See I don't know where they are in their day as they struggle to establish their new 'normal'. Or where in the cycle of grieving they find themselves presently in so a phone call may be seen as an intrusion and not be answered. A text..well it's a good use of technology because it can reach the heart when nothing else, at that moment, can.

I have personally experienced moments when I have been discouraged, questioning everything that God is doing and wondering about the effectiveness of my works. I have said out loud to God that I am only a pebble on the sand trying to make a difference but the task is daunting and overwhelming. He will touch someone and place His thoughts into their words and *ding I have a text of immense value staring at me. Some I have sent to myself in an email collecting in a cloud file so I can pull them out and be re-energized and loved on! Those are tangible notes from the Father that I can hold on to. It reminds me of how purposeful His thoughts are towards me even when I am broken with grief or paralyzed with the fear of failure. His love transcends wires and cell towers to kiss me just when I need that reassurance! Jesus you are so GOOD Lord! Thank you for loving my neediness, thank you for using my brokenness as a platform to greatness; thank you for holding my tears long enough for me to see your reflection; thank you for teaching me everything has a purpose and all time is in Your capable hands! Thank you for hugging me your most precious child even when I am doubting your Sovereign Will because of my challenging circumstances; thank you Lord for remembering I am dust God and you patiently work your plans in me knowing Your Will is best for me even though I groan under the situation! Thank you for being my 'cleft in the rock' that shields me not allowing me to experience more than You know I can bear..even though the weight of life brings me to my knees. Thank you Jesus for never leaving me nor forsaking me! All of your promises are true and real; Solid and trustworthy! Glory to You God! Glory to You God in the Highest! takes all that
because He took the time
and let me know His thoughts towards me
using the technology
He gave man....
God is awesome!

Don't get me wrong! I love giving and receiving thank you cards and just because notes in the mail! They always brighten up my day and Strengthen me in ways the sender may never know. It is all good! Use whatever means God gives you; if He places someone on your mind trust there is a purpose for it! Stop at the Dollar Tree and rack up on cards and notes and move forward blessing people. Doing good is it's own reward.

But just in case you don't have time to stop at the store or maybe that option is just not available a phone call or a text will do just fine. No matter the vehicle of the message as long as it arrives that is what counts.


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