Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Is This Your Issue?

  • It is true that the Bible was written by a bunch of men full of brokenness and fault
  • It is also true that in this (marvelous) book are recorded a lot of historical events, some gaps in time we may not understand and events that may require more investigation to fully grasp the significance.
It is very true that the Bible speaks of things that are beyond our understanding as well as things that are easy for us to comprehend.
  • It is true that it takes faith to take some of the events recorded as fact; take the whole immaculate conception deal for instance.
  • It is also fact that every word in the bible (with the exception of the queen james) is and was God Breathed and Inspired
  • It is also fact that this book: Basic/Instruction/Before/Leaving Earth (handy acronym) contains principles that greatly improve the readers life and may even help extend it if the warnings are headed.
With that being said - no other book that I have read or studied continues to teach new lessons daily! No other words on a page have improved my life and deepened my faith so greatly. No other study relays to me  how the God of the Universe loves me so much that He sent His Son to die for me.

I totally understand how some people can think that the old testament is about a God who is not active in today's world; or how historically some of the facts overlap other cultures; or how this is the basis of a religion developed and created by Anglo-Saxons and should not be applied or accepted by people of African or Native American decent. I also get how people have confused emotionalism with faith and ruined the whole experience for some folk! They will not be fooled or hoodwinked into some hokie-doke religious experience nor controlled by one.

If any of this describes you I have just one question..have you read it for yourself? If not I would start with the gospel of John. It might just answer some of your questions..

Okay, two questions(sorry): have you tried to speak to God? Have you heard Him? I would challenge you because once you have come in contact with the One true King of Heaven..you will not be able to remain the same.

Or is that really the issue?

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