Friday, November 27, 2015

Word to The Wise

The Word of God cautions us not to add to it or take away from it. It is GOD Breathed therefore it is perfect. With that being said I just want to share what His word, more specifically this Psalms means to me. I will preface it by saying that many of you have been keeping up with my blogs and know that I have not hidden my struggle. We all face challenges and some seek to overtake us, some will leave us different and better still some will inspire us to do better. The only difference between a Christian and a non-believer is that we have The Living GOD right there beside us as we go thru it. He promises to never leave nor forsake us so..we fight on to live and to show His glory in our triumphs. Because without Him we could do nothing.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV (

Without any delay my personal interpretation of Psalm 23:

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Candid Conversations Pt 2

What we fail to realize is that when we let someone into our spaces of power (mind, body) we allow them to have open access to us. Sex combines two bodies into one, forming not only a union but a portal that opens both ways. He shares with you and you with him. If he has crazy in him guess what you will pick up that crazy. If she has a demonic spirit residing in her the act of sex allows that spirit to have access into you. Don't believe me? Keep hanging on to something you should not have and continue to watch as your life unravel. How far are you going to travel down that hole, Alice? Too many of us have emerged scared and full of regret and constant reminders or blessings (children) from that situation.

Premarital sex will cause one to conform to unfair treatment; horrible situations all because you have linked yourself to that person and are attached. There is no such thing as sex with no strings and one night stands leave you feeling just as empty as you were when you started the evening. Sex is not something cheap or pagan. It is a privilege and a right that belongs to the traditionally married couple.

I can't even remember the last time I watched a decent television program on one of the major networks that didn't involve an illicit sex scene. Who wants to see all those fakes? When did we become slaves to our natures? When did we lose our ability to exercise control over our bodies? When did sex become a requirement for our entertainment? What happened to the beauty of the act? It shouldn't be shared except for the two people who made a conscious effort to commit to each other and carry the mantle of husband and wife. The last time someone showed their breast and got an Oscar I stopped watching that particular actress's movies or shows. Nudity does not equal talent.

And another thing..if sex with multiple partners in various situations is so doggone fulfilling why was ice cream ever invented? I know that doesn't make sense but neither does the attitude America has adopted as its's norm regarding sexual relations.

We need to let people know that they are precious! That you can't give anyone more than your body; that it is valuable and should be treated as the treasure it is. We should encourage people to love themselves enough to wait for their God-sent mate! We should be bragging all about that married life! Because without the circle of trust, security and affirmed love then the whole sexual experience is lessened.

Honestly, sex begins before the actual physical act! It begins with tried love and trust. Only when those two components are well established can the participants reach new heights in their acts of intimacy...surpassing those scenes on television!

So I guess the ladies on t.v. or in the movies really are good actresses. Because sex with a stranger doesn't feel that good...really.

Don't settle for less than the best that God has for you! Trust you are worth the wait! If you have decided to trade in your virginity it is never to late to take a vow of abstinence even if you have had a child.


You are so valuable to One that He went to the Cross to have relationship with you

Candid Conversations Pt 1

Did you ever wonder why God requires us to abstain from sex before marriage? I mean besides the obvious ills in our society..why did He say that we needed to sanctify (set aside for a purpose) ourselves committing to wait until we say our 'I do's'? Well I thought about it and I would like to share them (my thoughts) with you.

Intimacy is a beautiful selfless act; it should only be shared between two people (a man and a woman) who are deeply committed to one another. Sex is one of the perks or highlights of being in a relationship with that person. It allows two people to communicate in a love language that only they understand. It is meant to re-affirm ties; draw them closer together, strengthen their bond and create life.

Wouldn't it be interesting if we actually adhered to what the Word of God says about sex? The abortion debate would be a thing of the past because there are no more unwanted pregnancies; STD's would be almost unheard of because there would not be multiple partners involved; No baby momma drama! Matter of fact Maury would be out of a job.

Of all the things man-kind has gotten wrong, this has to be one of the worst. In our upside down world it is a sin or a travesty for one to keep their virginity (both male and female); we are redefining sexuality as a do what you want; how you want; to whom you want mentality. We are failing to lead by example so that the generations next to us and after us will have healthy and rounded examples to follow.


Wisdom Pearl #199

Crazy is not normal

Toxic is not healthy

And marriage does not make the unequal .... equal


No title; just a statement

Structure for sexual relations was given because our Creator, The Lord our God knew how powerful He made it.
To bind together not produce bondage
To create expressions of love
Not to destroy them
To strengthen and affirm
Not to be redefined
Perfect is its design
It never needs to be anything else
Talking bout One Man for His One Woman
It had to be said

Notes from Bishop

Notes from Bishop:

Remember Service is an extension of showing Me (GOD) thru acts of love; however it does not define who you are, I DO!


Wisdom Pearl #33

Wisdom Pearl #33

Don't Commit to Failure


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wisdom Pearl #9

Sex is a soul-tie; it should not be taken lightly or engaged in thoughtlessly


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wisdom Pearl #31

Wisdom Pearl #31

You are always teaching

Good, Bad or Indifferent

So be aware


Wisdom Pearl #30

Wisdom Pearl #30

Public ministry starts by serving those closest to you in private

Because, if you fail to live what you teach

How effective can your ministry be to others

When it isn't adhered to in your own household?

Teachers beware


Wisdom # 17

Wisdom Pearl #17

It may be them

But it is always you

Never sacrifice your royalty

For the petty satisfaction of being right


Wisdom Pearl #13

Wisdom Pearl #13

If your goal is PEACE then it does not matter if you walk away from an argument

Your peace was maintained - and so was your Victory


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl #7

Learn how to disagree without being offended

Sometimes one must agree to disagree and part in peace


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl #18

Without love being right is just as bad as the wrong one is trying to correct


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl #5

One can't give correction without first receiving correction  themselves
No one is exempt