It was so awesome having my mom and dad here for a whole 7 days. I loved being able to host them. I especially enjoyed our conversations and how we wrapped our daily activities around each other.
I am such a blessed woman to be under the continuous care of my watchful guardians. Both learned and accomplished individuals they never stop looking for opportunities for me to showcase my skills.
The week leading up to the big event, (Launch Party 2015), was full of manic energy! I hadn't slept in several days because I was overcome with excitement. Once my parents arrived from St.Louis they started working right away, wanting to know where they could help. The day of the event came so quickly; I thought I was ready but quickly became overwhelmed. Yet they were still patient with me.
My Father, L. Taylor, offered prayer and introductions, while my mom was busy behind the scenes. I was so relieved that they were there. I was so full of joyful expectation that I almost forgot why I was there.
Once the dust settled and the event was over. Thank you's posted, the space cleaned and returned. I was exhausted as my lack of sleep finally caught up with me. But my Mom kept pushing; her and my husband put away the food and kind of organized the apartment while I went to bed.
The Monday following the event Nathan (our youngest son) had an appearance scheduled at our neighborhood Wal-mart to kick off their Children's hospital campaign. We needed to be at the store before 9 a.m. and wouldn't you know I overslept! Thankfully my dad came in my room and woke me up. My mom was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast and ironing clothes for the boys. Nathan was protesting but at least he had moved to the bathroom to start his clean up routine.
The whole time I was thinking how cool are my parents helping out like crazy to make sure we make this event. That we have provisions and I have books for purchase.
Isn't that just like GOD to design a relationship that never ends but just grows and evolve into the best of what humanity can offer one another. Love drove all of my parents activities that day. Love also inspired both my husband and I to pattern ourselves after my parents. Love allowed us to enjoy each other every moment we were together.
God is Love
My Parents model love
I excel because of love
Thanks Mom
Thanks Dad!!!
Your #1
I love you More than Air!
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
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