Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Love Knows No Limits But it Knows Boundaries

Family is the unit designed to show God's love by example. In it is supposed to be a safe haven from both physical harm and emotional misuse. It is where children are created in a beautifully complex form of united expression. Solely set apart for One Man and One Woman.

The Family unit also introduces the unique contributions of each member. The male in his role of protector, provider, leader, disciplinarian and spiritual head of the household. The female in her role as nurturer, maintainer of the house, setting of the atmosphere, encourager, guide. advocate and protector. Also a spiritual leader in the household. When people live as GOD intended their house is blessed. The children are blessed and all that touches their hands are blessed.

Does it mean that the family will be exempt from trouble, challenges and heart-ache? No it means that the family understands that no matter what is allowed in their lives just as God has not rejected or forgotten them; they will not forget or reject each other.

Family is important because it is the first example of God's Love that many of us experience. Of course we live in a fallen world where people are selfish, self-centered, callous, mean spirited and spiteful. Worst of all they spurn, turn away from or disregard all together, God's design for their lives. Which leaves a gap in the family. An opening for the enemy to come in do what he does best. Destroy, distort and deceive.

It is important that marriage stays defined as a bond between one man and one woman. It is important that children are reared in a loving, stable environment by two parents of the opposite sex. Both have valuable contributions to give to the relationship. It is important that we fight on our knees and be active in the political process that threatens to destroy the building blocks of our society. It is important that as Salt of the Earth we do not compromise or loose flavor; that we do not distort; leave out; or manipulate The Word of God. It is our job to introduce Christ as the Risen Savior and encourage the lost to become part of our family. Not the other way around.

 Am I saying that if you do not agree or operate in the bounds of a traditional marriage, (no other union will be acknowledged by God fyi), that you can't love? No I am saying that God set the standard therefore His precepts or guides should set the structure.

For those who have children, brothers or sisters or other family and friends who practice living outside of God's boundaries, never stop praying for them. Never stop correcting them out of love  and for your soul's sake never compromise with them. Because there will come a day when a account must be given.

It needed to be said.


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Wisdom Pearl

 2024 Phoenix Arizona If you ask God to help you see your life as He sees it, then you will see that your thread is a single line of beauty ...