Can I just be real for a moment? Thank you in advance.
I am so sick of those who seek to destroy or demean the bond between Husband & Wife. I am speaking specifically of those in the world of entertainment and their followers. And to those who throw around marriage partners like I recycle plastic..constantly.
Marriage is a sacred bond that should not be entered lightly. It is a contractual agreement between a man and a woman taken out before GOD and a host of witnesses. Children are to be brought into the world from this structure and taught how to be responsible and loving citizens. I am not downing you if you are a single parent, I was for many years. I am just stating the structure intended.
Sex is one of the many benefits of entering into this union. It is not something to be publicized, or characterized by anyone other than the two people who are lovingly involved in the act. It is not for those underage, single or those who claim to have an "open" marriage. If you have an open marriage then you are just dating and having casual sex with the benefits of a steady. That is cheapening the institution and cheating all of those who are involved.
So far we have allowed sex to be -a do what you want to who you want- type of deal; and we deal with the consequences by mandating legal abortion, divorce without conscience and marriage without definitions. How is that working out for us America? It isn't. What we call freedom is leaving a trail of immorality for our children. Nothing of substance to follow but a how to on destroying themselves. We are not teaching them how to live above their lower nature. We are giving them passes to experiment with their bodies when they are not old enough to understand the consequences of their actions. Or able to make an intelligent choice about a "preference".
Our bodies are beautiful! We need to encourage people to value themselves. We need to teach the benefits of being abstinent. Not have a discussion on whether or not a woman has the right to Murder, i'm sorry chose to abort a 20+ week fetus. REALLY? It's a baby for crying out loud and you are literally ripping it in two because you chose not to use effective birth control in the first place. How is that helping you? How is that really a choice? And will it help you to make healthier decisions moving forward? I digress.
Where are the Women's rights groups? I didn't hear about them all up in arms over the Naked & Afraid show on Discovery. Or what about the stupid premise of Sex in the Box. Oh Come On!!! Enough is enough we better put the brakes on now. Don't want to? No regulation you say..okay let's ask the Romans. Oh that's right they are not around...DUH
So what happens when the generations of selfish, self-centered, no sense of responsibility or accountability folks are over us? We will age. We will be senior citizens one day; we will need care. But will we get what we deserve? Or maybe we will and it will be coined a mercy killing. After all we didn't teach them how to take care of anyone but themselves. We didn't encourage them to embrace the words 'in moderation'. We didn't instill in them a sense of caring for their fellow man. We didn't teach them the mandates of righteous living and the benefits of following God's way.
But I guess as long as they have a 'choice' in the matter then it's okay to walk in foolishness.
Lord have Mercy on Us All..
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Friday, February 6, 2015
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