Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Just A Chat

One day my daughter called and started sharing her day with me, which is not unusual. It seems like since she has went away to school we have become closer. We talk more and fight less. I value her opinion, I look forward her laughter and her cheekiness.

As the conversation continued it started to morph from a 21 year old super genius talking to her mom, to more of one full of deep thought and concern for her future. I listened a little more intently because I knew this was as close to "mom I need your advice" as I was going to get and I wanted to savor every moment.

"There's this boy", oh now we come to it I thought, "who is smart, handsome and is studying in my field", "uh hum". She continued "he never really paid attention to me before, but today I said hello, he said hello and started to walk away but then he turned and just stared and smiled." " At first I thought awkward, but then I smiled and we just kinda looked at each other. I knew I was blushing and he went his way and I went mine, but MOM I was totally shocked and was like..I wonder if he wants to hang out because I do". I knew she was smiling through the phone. Cautiously I asked her if this meant she would consider dumping her current interest, (which I would not be mad about at all), to maybe pursue the possibilities with this young man. She replied in a heart beat.

We finished our chat with a little mom-vice;

  • If you already know that a replacement is desirable then why stay when you want to go? 
  • If you are not sure if you have traded up, and in the world of dating you always trade up, then it is best to cut your losses and move on.
  • Why go against the grain? If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck then it's a duck. Ducks no matter how high they fly can't soar with an eagle.
  • Friendship sets the base for a strong romance. Commonality sparks the possibilities of a friendship. If you have nothing in common in the beginning you wont later. 
  • If you can't see the edges of your decisions like the shore to the ocean then it's best to wait and not act.
  • If you don't believe you are priceless, he won't either.

Like I said I enjoy our talks as she matures and grows in the wisdom God has given her. However, I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good to still be needed. Even if she is an adult.


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