Friday, January 23, 2015

Bought Lessons..Teaser

Bought Lessons: Expected Release, 2015

Possibilities & Expectations
In my opinion one of the greatest assets, of a female, is the ability to fall in love with possibility. Possibility allows us to color our future with as many colorfully brilliant scenarios that we can imagine. We are not hindered by the reality that we don’t know what the future holds but as long as it fits into one of the schemes of our planning then we are o.k. with moving forward. Don’t think that is true? Ok, well let me ask you a question. Did you marry your husband for everything he was at the time you were dating? Or did you think he would make a good father, or you two would make a good team or anything else that had not yet manifested itself in the present? I figured as much then you married the possibility. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with possibility, it is quite healthy actually if it is used within the correct context. Possibility, or the hope that things will turn out this way or that, can be used to fuel creativity, step out of one’s normal zone of operations or just give off enough of a positive vibe to move one into the right direction.  For instance if I have the pleasure of visiting a restaurant with an extensive list of healthy food choices, I will use the possibility that something new will may give me a fantastic food experience. That would be enough for me to muster up the courage to try something normally out of my comfort zone. Its ok if the experience didn't live up to my possibility because I still achieved one of my two goals…I got out of my comfort zone.

Now when possibilities turn into expectations that is when it gets dangerous. Because there is nowhere that we can point to and say I expected this and didn’t get it and receive some type of ‘life-credit’.  Um yeah, that would be a no. Further unchecked failed expecting can lead to bitterness, anger, depression and an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. 

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