Friday, May 16, 2014

Quiet Moments

Quiet time is a great time for reflection. This stillness can happen anywhere in your busy day if you are savvy enough to recognize the opportunity when it is presented to you. To often we fill our day with activities that take up the blank spaces. I would like to challenge you that instead of sending a tweet, or checking out a Facebook post or even playing a quick game on your phone, computer or tablet that you would spend a few moments just breathing; thanking GOD you are alive and marvel at the majesty of our world He has placed you in. Trusting that you are where you are supposed to be at the Quiet Moment.

Today my moment came during the first waking hours of the morning. I had spent the night with my son in who was recovering from a major surgery (had both kidneys removed). It was day two of  post-op and it was quiet in our room. It was beautiful, serene, comforting and full of confident strength. I knew I was in the presence of the Most High. I was so filled with thankfulness that I was almost swept away from my current reality. In a flash, sadly, the room became occupied with nurses and doctors and my moment slowly vanished.

However, what came out of that was a flurry of creativity, brought forth by The Lord, that I will be sharing shortly but for now please know that if you calm your thoughts...just for a moment the Lord will send you what you need. In my case it was comfort and the reassurance that He was there with me. That I did not have to walk this thing alone. That He cares so very deeply for me. That alone gave me the confidence needed to face the day. That He and He alone is in control. So no matter how many procedures and treatments my son has to endure The Lord is His GOD and He will not put more on him or I than we can bare, and that every trial has a limit. It can't go deeper than the Lord allows or linger longer than His will desires.

All this within moments. Did it change my reality? Well no... but is sharpened my perspective and grounded me. I don't know about you but I am needy. I need my Abba Father to fill me with His presence on the daily. I need to be able to feel Him move around me. I need to be reminded that no matter what goes on in the realm of the physical it is not beyond His reach. I need to know that nothing surprises Him. And you know what? I do.

Moments build relationship. Relationship builds trust. Trust bridges into faith. Faith pours into relationship which makes you appreciate the moments.

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