Ok, I just had to blog about this and I am so fired up I can guarantee this will be a 2 part-er maybe more.
So there I was in the nail salon, getting a little T.L.C to me before I am locked in the house with the kids and the husband for many, many, many (x's infinity) days, when a commercial comes on the Tele. At first I didn't really pay much attention to it but then I noticed the melody the jingle was based on and I was completely appalled. Mouth open and everything!
It was JcPenny and they had a bunch of actors on a movable fireplace complete with all of the trimmings of the season. I was like gaudy but ok whatever, but the song they were singing to was Do you Hear What I Hear..look it up on youTube. That is what got me; we have completely lost our minds folks. Instead of thanking GOD for making it thus far in the year and blessing His Holy and Righteous name we settle for singing, praising and worshiping the gods of greed, self and materialism.
How can you have CHRISTMAS without Christ? Regardless of what you choose to believe JESUS CHRIST is the reason we have a Christmas Season so stop allowing Him to be deleted out of it. I was so disgusted by JcP and Kmart I have decided to not spend any more of my money at either place during this sacred time of year. Retail, television and the whole entertainment industry has made a mockery of CHRIST and we are letting them get a way with it. I thought we were supposed to defend the Gospel, to stand firm and proud for what we believe, to encourage others to accept the gift of Christ. Instead are we standing idly by completely lost in the feeding frenzy?
Jesus Christ the Son of GOD came to the lowest, most helpless and poorest of society to show them the way of truth and life. He didn't come with a light show or on anyone's sleigh. He came peacefully and humbly. Not only do we have an obligation to teach our kids the reason why the season was established but we also need to teach by example how Christ would want us to act. We are one of the richest countries in the world...so why do we have such a high poverty rate for working families? Why do we have any homeless citizens? Why do our food banks hit crisis mode in peak seasons?
Because we are all about the Me-Phi-Me cause. Listen folks, 90% of what you purchase is going to end up in a second hand shop, 5% is going to be lost or stolen or broken and the other 5% the receivers are just not going to like and return it for something they do. Now before you say..she has went off on the deep in let me defend myself by saying I like nice things. But I no longer let the pursuit of those things keep me from focusing or sharing why we celebrate. I don't care that the Roman calender and our modern one doesn't coincide or the fact that Christ wasn't born in December! For you skeptics and Haters ain't no such thing as Santa Clause either and you still keep that lie alive. So whatever. The point is that GOD sent His Son, Jesus Christ the Word Incarnate to enter into such a lowly state that all the angles marveled at the sight; That GOD sent His Son as the only sacrifice perfect enough to atone for the sins of man so we would have an opportunity to have RELATIONSHIP with our Heavenly Father.
Having Christmas without Christ is like you setting out the best spread you possibly could muster. Inviting your children to sit and sup with you, as much as they could hold in their bellies, to be comfortable and to enjoy your company as you enjoy theirs. But they all sit down don't even bother to say thank you or even acknowledge you for that matter, eat their fill, profane your name and act like you don't exist. How would you feel? Would you be angry? Would you be hurt? Would you be disappointed? Or maybe a little bit of all three. I would be. Our Father has emotions, feelings and the Word says back in the days of Noah that He grieved..He was sad. (Genesis 6) Because His love for His creation (man) was not accepted and His ordinances were not followed.
How long do you think we can go on offending GOD and not reap the punishment our actions deserve? I know we are living in the age of Grace but don't kid yourself. I don't know about you but I am making it a point to keep, maintain and strive for a thankful heart. I am making a conscious effort to serve my wonderful GOD in all that I do. I am making a commitment to teach my children as much as I can about The Lord. I also remind them that as cool as they are Rudolph and Frosty are make believe. I have also informed them that Santa Claus more appropriately St. Nicholas was an actual man who made it a point to do good because of what he had in side him; and that was the love of JESUS CHRIST. Oh yeah St. Nick was a believer.
In summary, make it a point to share the truth! Buy less and give more. Express your dislike in a professional, Christian manner to our folks in retail and entertainment. And above all else pray for a revival of the Gospel in our nation!
Lastly, if you are not a believer then I am confused as to why you even participate in the Christmas season? You can't partake of the benefits of GOD without having GOD.
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
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