Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I Want To Fly - March 2009

Hello Family! I hope all is well in your world but even if it isn't please remember that GOD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Re familiarize yourself with some of His promises to you. I pray this will strengthen you as you go thru this day's journey.

I am so excited to have found some of my old journals! I am even more excited to share some of my earlier works with you. This particular piece was written back in 09 and it serves as a reminder to me that sometimes the very thing you are looking for is right in front of you! 


I want to fly
taste the wind
play with the eagles
what is stopping me
what is stopping you

I want to dance
be light as air
I want to flow like the wind
I want to be mighty like a river
strong in its season

I want to be faithful like the sun
as refreshing as a summer rain
as fragrant as new lilies in the spring
I want to fly
What is stopping me 
What is stopping you

I want to laugh 
I want the joy of life
I want the hero to always win
I want the underdog to triumph
I want to love me for me
Not cringe at my mistakes but learn and be better for it
I want to fly

I want to trust like a new babe
no hang-ups
no fears
I want to fly

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Wisdom Pearl

 2024 Phoenix Arizona If you ask God to help you see your life as He sees it, then you will see that your thread is a single line of beauty ...