Sunday, March 29, 2020

Alsie O

As we come together to lay to rest one of God’s beloved servants; one of the Lord’s anointed; One of the Lord’s mighty prayer warriors; Gracious hostess; Fiery Saint. Just an overall classy lady!
I was charged with the tasks of representing her grandchildren. Many months ago I knew as some of you did that this Soldier was in her twilight and although I mourned; Although my heart was stricken I started thinking of all of the wonderful things that lady left me.
Her legacy... our memories. Her biscuits and caramel cakes.. the coffee percolating on the stove or the bacon with the rind on it. You see I had the wonderful advantage of spending a lot of time with Gram in her sanctuary... the kitchen. She secured me my first job at Calvin College. The food was delicious however, the uniforms were hideous! But I digress. Today it ain’t about me but about her and us.
Don’t you wonder sometimes how you can show love for someone who you adore? What can you give the one that has given you so much?? Can you find it at Kohl’s or QVC? Maybe even Walmart or Targhee?? Well I know that you can’t buy anything so precious, you probably do too. So are you back at square one?
 No, I would say that you are at the beginning of truth. Truth meaning that money can’t buy love and gifts although nice and rarely turned away are just a slice of the pie. A piece of a cake. An appetizer if you will. Real gifts such as Honor can’t be bought but it can be shone.
To give someone accolades as they are due to them while they are living speaks volumes over any man made trinket.
Proverbs 31:31 tells us to : Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.
How can we reward Alsie? How can we show this woman who has shown us so much? How can we express our love and respect for her? By declaring she was perfect? No that would be a lie and she treasured the truth. Should we make a bunch of promises or oaths we don’t intend on keeping? Nah, she would say “now you got to back up your word”; Maybe we should start performing a bunch of good deeds in service to our community and praise her for teaching us how to wait on others? That’s a thought.
But as her 2nd eldest grandchild (My brother Timothy is absent), her first granddaughter. It is settled with me that we should pay this Saint homage by learning to serve the God who she so loved and depended on.
 He has many names but she affectionately called Him Master. Out of respect and admiration or maybe out of an intimate experience of knowing Him. She had 85 years to discover some of His most enduring characteristics; and as one who listened to her pray…a lot. I can tell you that when she called on Jehovah God she did out of confidence and expectation.
If you don’t know Him like she knew Him then I could see the hesitancy of committing so much of yourself to the Invisible I AM.
Let me learn you by encouraging you to get to know, love, walk with and obey the God she served.
His name is Elohim: The strong, Creator God as detailed in Genesis
His name is Jehovah: Lord, master and relational God also in the book of Genesis
His name is Adonai: Master over all Deuteronomy talks about it in the 3rd chapter
His name is Elohim Chaseddi: The God of My Mercy Psalm 59:10 mentions it
His name is El Elyon: The Most High God Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew about that and so did Alsie
His name is El Emunah: The Faithful God – Oh she knew this one! She never stopped talking about the faithfulness of God!
Elohei Tehillati: God of my PRAISE – She lived this one! She praised the Lord with her voice singing songs of Zion her and Aunt Jessie and Mrs. Mary! She would shout out Hallelujah at graduations and weddings she did not hide her admiration of the Most High God!
And lastly she knew Him as The Great Shepherd – He would provide for her because He did it before. She knew that He would lead her by the Still waters (peace to her soul especially in times of turmoil) because He had proven Himself to her. He was her treasure!
He has been left to us. Our charge is to give Honor to the God of Heaven. The God of Alsie Olivia Burrell Wilkins! Her remnants should carry her legacy to a lost and dying world. Her grands should live their lives in such a way that there will be no question where their allegiance lies. No blurred lines, we should live what we believe.
“That’s mine”… she would state with a hint of fierceness in her voice about any of her grands! And with that same tenacity and vigor show her faith to the world by living for her God! In doing so souls will be turned to the Gospel the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. My dear cousins we have the opportunity to take hold of a wealth that never ends. One day your descendants will hopefully speak as well of you. You should live your homegoing purposing to show  Alsie honor by taking up the charge of Living for the one true and living Savior (Elohim Chayim). The Great I AM, the only way to heaven Jesus Christ! I have and as one who walks with God – the benefits, the richness the pure beauty of being His is something I can’t describe nor anything that I would ever give up.
Swing low Sweet Chariot
It has already come and taken you home
Swing low Sweet Chariot
You are with the Dawn of Jordan
Angels have ushered you into the presence of the Most High
Swing low Sweet Chariot
Until we meet again!
MEANING: The strong, Creator God
NAME OF GOD: Elohim Chaseddi
MEANING: The God of My Mercy
El Elohe Yisrael
MEANING: The mighty God of Israel
MEANING: The Most High God
El Emunah
MEANING: The Faithful God
Elohei Tehillati
MEANING: God of my praise
NAME OF GOD: Elohim Chayim
MEANING: The Living God
NAME OF GOD: El Hayyay
MEANING: God of My Life
NAME OF GOD: Elohim Kedoshim

References: The Holy Bible (New King James) (New Living Translation);

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