Unless A Man's mind is renewed by GOD then even the most foolish of
thoughts will pass for acceptable logic.
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
To the untrained eye, silence holds emptiness and vast amounts of unproductivity. To the hungry soul silence holds Peace, Refreshment and Strength.
To the untrained eye, silence holds emptiness and vast amounts of unproductivity. To the hungry soul silence holds Peace, Refreshment and Strength.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Wahutxheh Laine
My Name is Wahutxheh Laine
just because you can't pronounce it
doesn't mean it should change
If you share with me
I will share with you
Let Me adopt what I see is good
or right
Not be forced into conformity
not be challenged into a fight
I am a Brave of the Proud Cherokee Nation
But you see me as a janitor
brick layer
or waiter
Do not think for a moment me or my brethren have gone
We are still here
We walk among you
Living, Loving, Waiting, Wanting
Equality & Recognition
With every man given the same chance
to show his worth
Not have the ways of his people
covered, discarded in the earth
You created that name
I wear it, gave it to my sons
but it is not the same
I will always remain a Brave to my nation
to my family
to myself
My name is Wahutxheh Laine
Thank you Great Grandfather..forgive me for not telling you sooner
Gone but never Forgotten
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
It can't be argued that storms leave a mess; but they also reveal resolve
It can't be argued that storms leave a mess; but they also reveal resolve
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Just because it came from the most unlikeliest of places or was born thru the most unconventional of circumstances Creativity is never to be blocked because of it's origins
Just because it came from the most unlikeliest of places or was born thru the most unconventional of circumstances Creativity is never to be blocked because of it's origins
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Some things can never be fixed
but lack of trying should never be the cause
Some things can never be fixed
but lack of trying should never be the cause
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Life holds no guarantees but death. Death in itself holds the possibility of newness which always leads to life.
Life holds no guarantees but death. Death in itself holds the possibility of newness which always leads to life.
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Wait for your pockets to align with the lifestyle you are seeking;
That way when you reach it you will not squander it
Wait for your pockets to align with the lifestyle you are seeking;
That way when you reach it you will not squander it
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
It is said that a man is not the sum of his mistakes; if that is true then a woman is not a mirror of her challenges but a reflection of her victories
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Is This Your Issue?
- It is true that the Bible was written by a bunch of men full of brokenness and fault
- It is also true that in this (marvelous) book are recorded a lot of historical events, some gaps in time we may not understand and events that may require more investigation to fully grasp the significance.
- It is true that it takes faith to take some of the events recorded as fact; take the whole immaculate conception deal for instance.
- It is also fact that every word in the bible (with the exception of the queen james) is and was God Breathed and Inspired
- It is also fact that this book: Basic/Instruction/Before/Leaving Earth (handy acronym) contains principles that greatly improve the readers life and may even help extend it if the warnings are headed.
With that being said - no other book that I have read or studied continues to teach new lessons daily! No other words on a page have improved my life and deepened my faith so greatly. No other study relays to me how the God of the Universe loves me so much that He sent His Son to die for me.
I totally understand how some people can think that the old testament is about a God who is not active in today's world; or how historically some of the facts overlap other cultures; or how this is the basis of a religion developed and created by Anglo-Saxons and should not be applied or accepted by people of African or Native American decent. I also get how people have confused emotionalism with faith and ruined the whole experience for some folk! They will not be fooled or hoodwinked into some hokie-doke religious experience nor controlled by one.
If any of this describes you I have just one question..have you read it for yourself? If not I would start with the gospel of John. It might just answer some of your questions..
Okay, two questions(sorry): have you tried to speak to God? Have you heard Him? I would challenge you because once you have come in contact with the One true King of Heaven..you will not be able to remain the same.
Or is that really the issue?
Wisdom Pearl
God does not make mistakes, nor does He create anything contrary to His Word/Intent/Will
He does, however, allow us the choice to accept His way of doing things or His definition of a created thing
That includes man and his affairs
Wisdom Pearl
Don't let someone define you who didn't create you
The Creator has a purpose for you seek His definition and move forward in confidence
Wisdom Pearl
Some doors are not meant to be open
Some are meant to be broken
Seek His Wisdom to know the difference
A Word
The world is crumbling at your feet
Nothing is stable
Rain where it is not needed
The earth shakes
Heat where it is not wanted
Blooming seasons are confused
Yet you still refuse to acknowledge Me
You still hold fast to your Sin
Calling it your choice
Well, child once mine...I have choices too
Return to Me before you are unable
I control the mountains
They will not cover you
Wisdom Pearl
If you mean to kill something; then hit it at the root
which will ensure it's destruction
A Mother's Promise
I can't even imagine what you see
How the world looks to you it does not
look that way to me
I can't imagine how you feel
my bones don't ache, my side doesn't hurt
and nothing has broken my stride
I can't imagine how your scars
talk to you as they whisper to me
reminders of all of your surgeries
I can't imagine how tired you must be
your soul must cry out to be free
yet it is not time for you to leave so you
continue to stay with me
I can't imagine but I can share
I can't feel your wounds but I am still here
I am your mom and as long as I can
your burdens I will help you bear
And There's That....
In August of this year we will be celebrating 3 years since Nate had his kidney transplant. There have been great moments of celebration and challenges. As well as lots and lots of adjustments. For starters we (Anthony and I) did not quite understand the sometimes fragile position a immunosuppressed person operates in. A regular old cold or even worse the flu can lead to i.v. fluids and hospital stays. Not to mention the viruses and infections that a healthy immune system would normally be able to fight off wreaks mass havoc on a immunosuppressed person. Still the cure outweighs the disease so we press on.
Recently, we had a short stint at the doctor's hotel (what Nate calls MCV Hospital); a virus that had been lingering since December was causing inflammation of the tonsils, severe sore throat, trouble breathing and a host of other issues that branched out as a result of this bug. Who get's pink eye from a non pink eye virus???? Oivee.
God did nothing short of a miracle by allowing the treatment plan to be successful. This kid was in a bad way with fevers so bad that the heat radiated from his body. He refused to eat or drink with the exception of Tylenol which he ate like candy. So I know that without the intervention of the Lord I would have a different report to share with you today. As it stands he is recovering, playing video games, was recently baptized and visited Busch Gardens for the 1st time. He had a blast.
When I look back over the last several months, I am just amazed at the level of tolerance and understanding the family has when Nate gets ill. I understand chronic illness to mean that there are good periods with no sickness; to not so great with sickness a little more frequent; to a season of challenge where the sickness is severe. Anthony understands, our daughter does and so do my sisters and parents; but does Nate understand?
If you could have seen his face when I told him we have to go the doctor's (yet again) it would have been enough to make your heart sink. His face said that he was sick and tired or being sick and tired. His countenance said I really don't want to be me right now. His voice said 'why is this happening to me'?
I mustard up my usual bravado encouraging him and talking about future plans and events. I tried my best to get him to focus on other things besides the here and now. I am not sure if it worked as he was silent the entire drive in.
I wanted to know what thoughts were whirling around in his head; I wanted to assure him that his family supported him and that we loved him beyond what we can sometimes express. I wanted to be sure that he knew that God had not forgotten him; nor was his sickness a form of punishment but another step in his journey.
As we pulled into our parking space and retrieved a wheel chair (that happened to be right there, co-ink-a-dink?? I think not) he started asking his brother about heaven and God. Myles, being the soldier he is, replied to his brother that it was not time for him to go to heaven yet. It is time to go to the doctor and that was all. WOW did you catch that? At first I didn't either but as I continued to go over recent events I finally caught this little nugget. Nate is a little worn out; he probably deals with pain on some level everyday but it is his everyday and he doesn't let it stop him. He wants to be just like everyone else, without being everyone else! He is traveling a road that few of us will have the privilege or burden to; and he does it with child-fused enthusiasm and joy. Yet he is still human and in that moment he relayed to his brother (autism was not a factor during this exchange) that he was just 'over it'. I thank God his brother was there to give him the facts and nothing but the facts. It ain't time for him to go to heaven yet so suck it up (lol).
As I mentioned earlier God banished the virus (Nate's exact words). There was no evidence of a live virus and quite honestly we don't know what was making him so ill. I do know however, a few new things that have strengthen me on my own journey and they are:
1. Nate talks to God and is confident the Lord hears him
2. Nate believes what God tells him without question because he is confident in the Lord's Words
3. Nate's mission to show people the healing power of God starts first with his family
4. Nate is a teacher leading by example! He is a soldier who forages on pressing toward a goal that God has set for him
5. He has been given a helper, his brother, to meet him where he is, advocate for him and to encourage him when he is weak
6. God has more than prepared him for this journey by giving him good company to walk with
I must say that this last stay took a little more from me than I care to admit. I share my son's weariness sometimes but I also share my strength with him. We move forward celebrating health as it is given to us! lavishing in the joy of a new day that is granted to us and holding on to the hope that God has promised us. Chronic kidney disease is with us but it doesn't overcome us. It is just a part of our lives.

3. Myles vigilantly keeping watch over is brother during Spring Break
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Wisdom Pearl
2024 Phoenix Arizona If you ask God to help you see your life as He sees it, then you will see that your thread is a single line of beauty ...
38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And s...
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Greetings Readers, First let me apologize for my long absence. I will purpose to do better. Isn't that the truth? The last statement I ...