Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Prayer For The Forgotten... Promises For the Redeemed

A Prayer For The Forgotten...Promises For The Redeemed:

Father, I come to you Lord God; King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The Most High! The Lion of Judah! The only One Who Is Worthy! 

Lord Thank you! Before it was me it was always you; Before the Sun learned how to set You Are
Before man You Are, After man You Will Still Be

Their is so much we have done ourselves to our brethren; we have forsaken your commandments to Love Our Brother and Cause Him No Harm

We have allowed paper to outweigh blood; we see our sons struggling, fighting enemies and demons they were never warned about; And yet we still withhold our knowledge of you. 

We watch our daughters destroy themselves from the inside out. We teach that CHOICE, CONTROL are more important than responsibility, Chasity and obedience.

We make messes and expect You to tidy them up; Forgetting You Are God not our maid
We worship the creation and dismiss the Creator
We choose to be our own gods
when we can't even choose to live; we can't order breathing nor place a living soul in a human shell. 
We can't order bones and sinew to connect nor tell the brain how much electricity to use or how to capture a thought

We ignore You and place faith in the rules that govern us given to us by You. Discarding the fact that You set up structure that You bring Peace to our Chaos! That You are the FATHER of lights for the junkie, prostitute, confused, enslaved, abused, orphaned, abandoned, hopeless; depressed and the lonely.

You are God! You are Jehovah! You are HOLY; You are Mighty
You can save the bigot
The molester
the thief
the liar
the hypocrite
the ungodly
the hard to love
the mentally unstable
the chemically dependent
the homeless
the beggar
the poor man
the rich fool
the widow
the adulterer
the fornicator
the deceived
the stripper
the pimp
the proud 
the arrogant
the young 
the dope pusher
the drug manufacturer
the soldier
the officer
the student
the old 
the fit 
the sick
the cripple
the athlete
the Indian
the Black man
the white man
the Asian
the Jew
the Muslim
the Buddhist
all who say they know You but are deceived
all of those who hide behind RELIGION but have no RELATIONSHIP
the mormon
the christian
the protestant
the Lutheran
the Jehovah witness
the Scientologist
the vegetarian
the vegan
the fearful
the weak
the strong
the lost
the powerful
the straight
the gay
the confused
the death
the blind
the autistic
the child  with M/R; Down Syndrome/Blood Diseases/Cancer
the broken
the outcast

You Have Come to Save us All...from Satan; Eternal Death and Sin. Father open a thirst in all of us to KNOW YOU; to study YOUR WORD to Love each other as You do. To serve one another as You desire us to. 

Abba Father, remind us to show Grace because we have been given it; remind us to be merciful because we have been shown mercy; encourage us to love because we know You and You are Love! Strengthen us to be Holy because You are Holy and that Is what You call Your Redeemed! Fill us with your boldness to go places that we wouldn't normally to serve those who we would usually ignore. Remind us to not think more highly of ourselves because You Have NO respect of Person. 

And Lord, when death comes; when our lives fall apart God when our dreams are crushed when our desires, goals and attainments all measure sum zero; when our health fails; when persecution is the accepted and evil is the norm..Mighty God remind us that we are Visitors not Residents; that we are travelers not citizens; that we are not our own but Yours bought with a  most heavy price; That we are guests not dwellers. That we are of Your Kingdom and to pass from one to the other is not the end.. only the beginning..If we serve You

There is no redemption without You
There is no forgiveness without You
There is no victory without You
There is no Peace without You
There is no sustaining power without You
There is no Order without You
There is NO life without You
There is no renewal without You

Heal, miraculously
Show yourself strong
You are Mighty
You are Awesome
You are righteous
You are Holy 
You are Worthy to Be Praised

Hallelujah through our tears, our struggles, our challenges, our losses, our defeats, our disappointments! Hallelujah You are So much more than all of that! You are The Lord of Lords!!! King of All. The Mighty GOD! Who calls forth with His Mouth and Breathes life into creation! My God Thank you! For all that You have done and For the Mighty Things YOU Will Do! Thank you for fighting For Your People! You are Worthy! Worthy, Worthy! Holy is the Lamb of God Who was slain so I may have Victory! So we maybe Victorious..

I trust You God..Even when I don't Understand
I love You God even when I am afraid
I want You even when I am mad

I know You can Heal the lost. I know You love the broken. I know you can speak a Word and the afflicted will be cured. I also know that Your Will is not my wants. 

I still Love You 
..I have tasted the Lord and Saw that He was Good
Until the day of Your Unveiling of wonders beyond us all
God I still will cry out to You 
and thank you


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