When I was 12
I could no longer be 9
When I celebrated 20
I said goodbye to 15
When I welcomed 30
16 was no more
Sorrowfully I observed the arrival of 45
truly 7 has faded away
What is the point? Every level of growth presents two things promotion and cessation
I can't be 37 and still hold onto 19
I won't succeed at 41
If I don't leave 23 behind
The number grows and my wisdom multiplies
So does the distance from my childhood
Somethings are too precious to lose
To valuable to let go
But time will cause forgetfulness to steal the potency of the moment
Its just the way of things
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
Friday, December 9, 2016
The Little
Beware the Little and its unseen mark
The just one and its subtle deception
there can never be just one
even if it were true
its victim would crave more
thus the trap laid
well baited and packaged secure
the prey is seldom aware of the danger
Because who fears just one?
Take caution with the small
They seldom gather alone
Never apologize for taking control
that is your gift
if exercised properly
it will serve to maintain a healthy distance
from diversions, side tracks or un-reclaimable dreams
Your future will thank you
and your regrets will number low
The just one and its subtle deception
there can never be just one
even if it were true
its victim would crave more
thus the trap laid
well baited and packaged secure
the prey is seldom aware of the danger
Because who fears just one?
Take caution with the small
They seldom gather alone
Never apologize for taking control
that is your gift
if exercised properly
it will serve to maintain a healthy distance
from diversions, side tracks or un-reclaimable dreams
Your future will thank you
and your regrets will number low
Creativity is...
Creativity is sometimes
Violent, turbulent
It contains a certain level of inflexibility
A lack of conformity
But it is never short of energy
Or beauty
Traits of uniqueness are its mark
Individuality is its form
Inspiration is its tool
Its audience is never limited
Because it uses know definition
Nor separation
or its brother the 'ism'
Clear is its message
Always understood by the beholder
Wisdom Pearl
Good or Bad it weighs the same
when it is time to reap
The difference is in the sowing
That determines if the experience of the future
is Good or Bad
when it is time to reap
The difference is in the sowing
That determines if the experience of the future
is Good or Bad
Wisdom Pearl
A little slide, A little lie, A little too much of this and not enough that. At what point will exercise your right to Control your flesh? Sooner than later would profit many.
Wisdom Pearl
There is no such thing as only 'hurting yourself'; your circle has more than you in it. Therefore your actions will be felt by many.
Wisdom Pearl
If you don't teach..you will still share knowledge
if you don't learn...you will certainly teach
What are Your Thoughts On this Issue?
Wisdom Pearl
Don't expect someone to shine if you are not prepared to give them the chance to do so
Wisdom Pearl
If you are playing only to Win, then you are probably playing for the WRONG reasons
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
Sometimes the most prolific of battles are fought right on the home front
Sometimes the most prolific of battles are fought right on the home front
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl
The Effects of a Good Time often out weigh the good feelings it produces
The Effects of a Good Time often out weigh the good feelings it produces
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Under the Sun, We all start the day the same
We travel through it all together
However, What we experience or How it ends
Is never the same
Under the Sun, We all start the day the same
We travel through it all together
However, What we experience or How it ends
Is never the same
Tis' The Season ......For A Great Many Things
Joy to the World
But mine is crushed
The Lord has come
Has He forgotten Me
Let the Earth receive her King
Does anyone even know me
Will anyone miss who I have loved
Let Every Heart
Mine is Broken
Prepare Him Room
And Heaven and Nature Sing
And Heaven and Nature Sing
Grief has taken my voice
Joy to the World the Savior Reigns
Let men their songs employ
Man is senseless in his murderous acts
While fields and floods
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
How long do I wait for My justice
How long do I abide in my pain
Repeat the sounding joy
He rules the world with truth and grace
God have you forgotten me
And makes the nations prove
I feel so alone
The glories of His righteousness
Does anyone know..does anyone care
And wonders of His love
Ash fills my mouth
Death has marked this season
And wonders of His love
What do I have to celebrate
And Wonders of His love
There are no presents under my tree
No dinner on my table
No table in my house
No house for my table
Show me Joy for my world
Share with me the Love of the Savior
Cover me with your Prayers..even if I reject you
See past my hurt
Don't be intimidated by it
I just need to be reminded..
That the Great I am
Is for me
Not against
He came to give us this season
I and my brethren: Want and Need are the reason
for the Birth
Share with me Your joy
Help me to see life
Help me to desire it again
Give to me out of your stores
I need some of your Joy
Even if I don't ask for it..
I am a stranger
You don't know me
But I am your brother
A Prayer For The Forgotten... Promises For the Redeemed
A Prayer For The Forgotten...Promises For The Redeemed:
Father, I come to you Lord God; King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The Most High! The Lion of Judah! The only One Who Is Worthy!
Lord Thank you! Before it was me it was always you; Before the Sun learned how to set You Are
Before man You Are, After man You Will Still Be
Their is so much we have done wrong..to ourselves to our brethren; we have forsaken your commandments to Love Our Brother and Cause Him No Harm
We have allowed paper to outweigh blood; we see our sons struggling, fighting enemies and demons they were never warned about; And yet we still withhold our knowledge of you.
We watch our daughters destroy themselves from the inside out. We teach that CHOICE, CONTROL are more important than responsibility, Chasity and obedience.
We make messes and expect You to tidy them up; Forgetting You Are God not our maid
We worship the creation and dismiss the Creator
We choose to be our own gods
when we can't even choose to live; we can't order breathing nor place a living soul in a human shell.
We can't order bones and sinew to connect nor tell the brain how much electricity to use or how to capture a thought
We ignore You and place faith in the rules that govern us given to us by You. Discarding the fact that You set up structure that You bring Peace to our Chaos! That You are the FATHER of lights for the junkie, prostitute, confused, enslaved, abused, orphaned, abandoned, hopeless; depressed and the lonely.
You are God! You are Jehovah! You are HOLY; You are Mighty
You can save the bigot
The molester
the thief
the liar
the hypocrite
the ungodly
the hard to love
the mentally unstable
the chemically dependent
the homeless
the beggar
the poor man
the rich fool
the widow
the adulterer
the fornicator
the deceived
the stripper
the pimp
the proud
the arrogant
the young
the dope pusher
the drug manufacturer
the soldier
the officer
the student
the old
the fit
the sick
the cripple
the athlete
the Indian
the Black man
the white man
the Asian
the Jew
the Muslim
the Buddhist
all who say they know You but are deceived
all of those who hide behind RELIGION but have no RELATIONSHIP
the mormon
the christian
the protestant
the Lutheran
the Jehovah witness
the Scientologist
the vegetarian
the vegan
the fearful
the weak
the strong
the lost
the powerful
the straight
the gay
the confused
the death
the blind
the autistic
the child with M/R; Down Syndrome/Blood Diseases/Cancer
the broken
the outcast
You Have Come to Save us All...from Satan; Eternal Death and Sin. Father open a thirst in all of us to KNOW YOU; to study YOUR WORD to Love each other as You do. To serve one another as You desire us to.
Abba Father, remind us to show Grace because we have been given it; remind us to be merciful because we have been shown mercy; encourage us to love because we know You and You are Love! Strengthen us to be Holy because You are Holy and that Is what You call Your Redeemed! Fill us with your boldness to go places that we wouldn't normally to serve those who we would usually ignore. Remind us to not think more highly of ourselves because You Have NO respect of Person.
And Lord, when death comes; when our lives fall apart God when our dreams are crushed when our desires, goals and attainments all measure sum zero; when our health fails; when persecution is the accepted and evil is the norm..Mighty God remind us that we are Visitors not Residents; that we are travelers not citizens; that we are not our own but Yours bought with a most heavy price; That we are guests not dwellers. That we are of Your Kingdom and to pass from one to the other is not the end.. only the beginning..If we serve You
There is no redemption without You
There is no forgiveness without You
There is no victory without You
There is no Peace without You
There is no sustaining power without You
There is no Order without You
There is NO life without You
There is no renewal without You
Heal, miraculously
Show yourself strong
You are Mighty
You are Awesome
You are righteous
You are Holy
You are Worthy to Be Praised
Hallelujah through our tears, our struggles, our challenges, our losses, our defeats, our disappointments! Hallelujah You are So much more than all of that! You are The Lord of Lords!!! King of All. The Mighty GOD! Who calls forth with His Mouth and Breathes life into creation! My God Thank you! For all that You have done and For the Mighty Things YOU Will Do! Thank you for fighting For Your People! You are Worthy! Worthy, Worthy! Holy is the Lamb of God Who was slain so I may have Victory! So we maybe Victorious..
I trust You God..Even when I don't Understand
I love You God even when I am afraid
I want You even when I am mad
I know You can Heal the lost. I know You love the broken. I know you can speak a Word and the afflicted will be cured. I also know that Your Will is not my wants.
I still Love You
..I have tasted the Lord and Saw that He was Good
Until the day of Your Unveiling of wonders beyond us all
God I still will cry out to You
and thank you
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Journey's Unlimited Presents: 2017 Speaking/ Signing Event
Faith, Family and Autism! And Still Learning How To Live, Love & Laugh
WHERE: Bon Air Library (Chesterfield 9103 Rattlesnake Road, 23235) Room A
WHEN: JANUARY 21, 2017
Rsvp not required but encouraged
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
A slave is one as long as she chooses to be though
her task masters Change!
A slave is one as long as she chooses to be though
her task masters Change!
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
When your joy seems lost ...it's best to return to the beginning where you first discovered it.
When your joy seems lost ...it's best to return to the beginning where you first discovered it.
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Cheating Says: One can start at the end and still win...
Clarity Says: One has to return to the starting place because winning was never the goal...growth, however, is...
Cheating Says: One can start at the end and still win...
Clarity Says: One has to return to the starting place because winning was never the goal...growth, however, is...
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
Before you set an Expectation; make sure you are prepared to lead by Example
Before you set an Expectation; make sure you are prepared to lead by Example
Wisdom Pearl
Wisdom Pearl:
True a 'Perfect Church' is pretty, but it sure is empty. Maybe it's just pretty because of lack of use..
In other words a new car can only have that 'new car smell' when it is brand new; when the vehicle is used for the purposes for which it was intended it may smell good but it ain't gonna ever return to smelling 'new'!
Saturday, December 3, 2016
LaPrade Library Speaking Event Part I & II
Below are links that will allow you to access my video...Enjoy, Enjoy and Enjoy!
https://youtu.be/UfPOr1NmbJU or LaPrade pt1
https://youtu.be/j2SeFeoovaw or LaPrade 2
https://youtu.be/UfPOr1NmbJU or LaPrade pt1
https://youtu.be/j2SeFeoovaw or LaPrade 2
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38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And s...
Fall is so beautiful. It's almost as if we get permission to wonder at all of nature's glory that GOD created. The leaves are turnin...
Greetings Readers, First let me apologize for my long absence. I will purpose to do better. Isn't that the truth? The last statement I ...