Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tip Of A Berg Pt 1

As I am sure it is with you as it was with me all of the events of the past 10 days swirling around in my head. Totally lost sleep over it; however, being awake in the stillest of hours allows one to think. To commune with God, to pray and conduct an honest assessment. So it wasn't a really bad thing.

As the news continued to multiply over the unfortunate deaths of two unarmed men and the subsequent fall-out: rampage, opinions; riots; hate speech; call to arms; and more division; I thought to myself REALLY?

How much longer are we going to look only at the outcome and not the root cause? The cause ladies and gents is sin. Ever since Adam & Eve were ejected from the garden a Pandora's box full of ills has plagued our society. Murder being one of the oldest but not before disobedience which kicked it all off.

Before I dive any further into this discussion it is important that a few points are made clear:

  • Enforcers who break the law should be subject to the same justice as other law breakers
  • The culture of law enforcement needs to be inundated with change that reflect 1. their communities they serve 2. the consistent use of tech: body cams, dash cams (not performing acts outside of view)
  • More training on when to use deadly force and when not obviously needs to happen
  • Enforcers know who the loose cannons are in their unit or battalion..we need whistle blowers to help us help them help the community
  • Fear is never an instrument of positive change
  • Community relations is SORELY needed; trust has been broken and needs to be bridged starting with diversity on the force and accountability for wrong doing.
  • Communities need to stop listening to ANTAGONISTS; they are about their own agenda not the betterment of a community
  • Communities should think twice before allowing all of the negative emotions to flow into a radical, militant group full of diversionary tactics
  • Community leaders: Speak up, Step up, Lead by example: if your ward is poor ... choose to cut as much overhead as possible including not giving yourself a raise so that money can be filtered into opportunities
  • Education, Education and Education lead to better choices, opens up more opportunities and equates to better solutions.
  • Leaders lead start planting firms who are willing to take on new construction in desolate areas to rebuild and reclaim the community with jobs and forward growth
  • More town hall meetings where progress is measured and presented: people know when smoke is being blown their way. If you no longer care any more for the people but just the check please vacate the office.
  • Community, vote, use the tools that are available choose civic leaders who actually have a heart to serve someone besides themselves. Be involved know what is on the ballot. Come out and vote like it is a Prince Concert..
  • Community STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN: Stop generalizing All cops are not bad cops. Cops are individuals and individuals make the choice to be good or bad. But not all. Look if you see something going down and it doesn't feel right, video, video and video. Listen to an Instructor or Professional or Respected member of your community instruct you on how to handle yourselves if you are ever confronted by the police no matter the reason. 
I am saying that these individuals lack of compliance is what led to their untimely departures? NO! Arming oneself with knowledge is step 1 of protection. 


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