Sunday, June 12, 2016



In light of the recent headlines, I felt a strong need to add my here it is:

On Friday June 10, 2016 the world was a little bit dimmer because of the senseless murder of Christina Grimmer, a beautiful up and coming pop singer; before the weekend is over 53 more souls will be victims of planned acts of violence.

No one, not even those I stand in disagreement with, should have to deal with acts of terrorism, violence, intolerance or hate. My family and I are in prayer for the families and survivors of these two separate deadly attacks.

What I hope doesn't happen is that any one group walks away thinking IT is the only target.  We are American, Christians, Blacks, Whites, Gays and Straights and we are all targets. If we look at the mass shootings that have taken place thru out our (U.S.) history we will find some common denominators:
1. Gun possession is not regulated, policed or monitored consistently from state to state
2. Mental illness
3. Religious fanaticism
4. Hate

We can't fight evil with slogans, banners, ribbons or shows of solidarity. It has to be fought on our knees. It has to be addressed through purposeful actions such as nationwide gun control measures. Most importantly America must return to her first love Jesus Christ.

As we welcome people of different ethnicities, religious practices and lifestyles we as a nation must not continue to pull away from our core. One Nation Under God...

Am I saying that if the folks in the night club had GOD then this tragedy would have been avoided? No..not at all. We live in a fallen world and sometimes bad things happen to good or not so good people. The Word of God says that it rains of the just and the unjust. Evil is not discriminatory and it doesn't really have a face nor does it play fair. It's time we call it for what it is...

My deepest sympathies to all whose worlds have been permanently colored by the loss of life and darkness that walks among us seeking to steal, kill and destroy. It is my hope that those who are still privileged to live that they will turn to Christ and partake of His offer of eternal salvation.

Our world is passing away and only what we do for Christ will last.


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