Friday, May 13, 2016

To Judge or Not to Judge Is That the Correct Question

Judging -

I have heard the term so much by so many and almost always in the wrong context. Many times, not always, the word is thrown around as a holy mantra by new and young believers but more often by those not of the faith. And in every instance I feel the fire in my belly rise up, and no it is not indigestion, but an overwhelming sense of correcting what is wrong. 

This maybe a 2-parter I don't know yet; we will see where the Lord leads me. Which right now is the path of knowledge. 

Definition -
To judge someone: To quickly form a bias and/or personal opinion about someone or something (urban dictionary)
: To form an opinion an opinion about something or someone after careful thought
: To regard someone as either good or bad
: To make an official decision about a case

It is plain to see from the two definitions I have provided that judging is an action that should be pursued with caution, without malice or evil intent. Reader, I would say that I agree with both the Urban Dictionary, and Merriam-Webster. What I don't agree with is judging being mistaken for correction. Let's compare apples to apples by again first referencing the clear definitions:

  • a change that makes something right, true, accurate, etc.
  • : the act of making something (such as an error or a bad condition) accurate or better : the act of correcting something
  • : the act or process of punishing and changing the behavior of people who have committed crimes ( US ) 
  • (

In IM conversations, users often send messages in haste and only afterwards notice a typographical error (shortened as typo). It is common practice to correct the typo by sending a subsequent message where the word CORRECTION precedes the correct word
(Urban Dictionary)

I like what Merriam had to say...a change that makes something right; so if I, for instance, tell my son not to ever follow a ball out in the street no matter that he didn't see any cars. Then am I trying to protect him or maybe address his thought process that said running into the street was okay? Either way my actions are to benefit him not me.  The same goes if someone I am, for the sake of argument, dating or wanting to date and I find out he frequents strip clubs or does drugs and I tell him that I don't want to pursue a relationship of any type with him because his lifestyle conflicts with mine. Then am I judging him? Or am I protecting myself?

What about if I see my brother struggling with his identity and try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him? Which will help him see the strong soldier God made and not a man who has forced himself to feel more comfortable in a dress. Or my sister who chooses to kill, hide or discard any piece of her femininity to try to fit in a role she was never meant to occupy? Am I judging then? Maybe I am judging when I tell a brother that the way to prove his manhood is not by being a garden tool but by saving his strength for the one God has ordained for him; or the sister who doesn't want anyone to tell her her worth but instead feels that raising her skirt at the first wink or smile that comes her way is true freedom. Promising herself that this time it will be different, she will finally have the love of her life and all of her dreams will come true. By her will and hers alone. I judging? Or correcting? However you choose to see it, I have a responsibility from God to teach. No matter how unpopular it is. No matter how much I just want to be liked. No matter how much I want to be on everyone's team. The Holy Spirit lives and resides in me and I am compelled to share what I know. It can't be any simpler.

I know only the Living GOD can bring calmness and clarity to a confused mind. I know that only Jehovah Jireh(the Lord who provides) can supply all of our needs even down to the God shaped piece He placed in all of us; you know the one we try to fill with everything but him, sex, drugs, food, people, things I said everything but Him.  So why if I share, issuing correction or inform am I judging? I am not and at the risk of being locked up, bound and gagged by the government I will continue to use my voice to try to help all who are desperate enough to need peace, and the promise of salvation! I was desperate enough for the Gospel. I had left my life in a travesty. Full of brokenness, lies, hurt and disillusionment. Thank you Jesus that He accepted me in all of my filth and loved me too much to let me stay in it. 

Sometimes I do make mistakes and judge a book by the cover and I am often so very sorry and quickly move to repent. Other times I simply call a spade a spade and correct as necessary.  I encourage you to do the same. 


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