Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just Sayin

Just sayin

I am not a 'sell-out'. I want different; so I do different, which causes me to live different


Wisdom Pearl

Do you have a relationship or an acquaintance with the Lord? Be truthful. He already knows the answer.


wisdom pearl

Wisdom pearl:

Never expect average or traditional to meet up with your exceptional


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl for a Water Stirrer

Sometimes the water doesn't need movement to be stirred..just your presence


Friday, May 20, 2016

Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

Reality doesn't need acknowledgement,
but acceptance does


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wisdom Pearl

Nothing beats a lie like the truth


A lie is as a Lie does

A lie in a well made suit is still a lie

A lie in a nice pair of denim blues is still a lie

A lie smooth as new silk

Is still a lie

A lie that is consistent and strong

Is still a lie

A lie that is acceptable but still wrong

Is still a lie

But a lie that points its finger at truth and screams 'JUDGE'

Well that's actually correct


Wisdom Pearl

Anger is best used as fuel to create not destroy


2 for 1

Wisdom Pearl
If a man who lies to you he will have no problem lying to himself

If he lies to himself why would you believe he wouldn't lie to you

Wisdom Pearl
A liar is as capable of producing the truth

As darkness is able to produce light


Meaningful Circles






Wisdom Pearl

Rainbows are symbols of The Promise

Not a banner for pride


Senses don't lie

Trust your eyes

Orange is not the new Black

and Wrong is still not Right


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

Friends if they are true will issue correction
Just as freely as they give their love



If you don't read

I will still write

If you won't listen

I will still talk

If you won't heed

I will still warn

If you reject me

I am still loved

If you choose to remain lost

I will not try to find you




Who is the beginning

But never the end

Who is the one who is First

While being the Last

All the time

Being here

While there


But pure truth


Wisdom Pearl

Truth is not in the eyes of the beholder,

It lies within the one who created it



Wisdom does not flirt with ignorance

Nor does it share its bed with destruction

It does not eat with Apathy

Nor does it walk with indifference

Wisdom is light

Not manipulation

Wisdom is Salt

Not a slave

Wisdom eliminates bondage

It survives rejection

From the very ones it was sent to help

Yet it stands

Tall and true

Unaffected by the whims of man

Unhindered by his lack of respect

To all it still remains

Free, but worth the cost


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

Determine to be vigilant,

Your enemy is


Beauty Is

Beauty Is....

Wisdom calls aloud outside
She raises her voice in the open squares
She cries out in the chief concourses
At the openings of the gates in the city
She speaks her words:
How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity
For scorners delight in their scorning, 
And fools hate knowledge.
Turn at my rebuke;
Surely I will pour out my spirit on you
I will make my words known to you 

Like it? There's more of that contained in its 66 books; try it



Twisted are your words

What should be plain

Fights against the soul

What was once clear

Only presents confusion

Up is down

Right is left

Square is round

Are you sure this is your Design

Or is it someone else's

 something else's


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom is available

To all who are willing to purchase it


Questions are Not the Problem

Questions are Not the Problem

If you don't expect your reflection

To lie

Don't put one in the Mirror


Does it Need Another Name?

Indifference is not a shield nor a fence

It will not protect you

Nor guide you

It can not help

It is not in its nature

Action is its enemy

ignorance is its friend


Wisdom Pearl Catch Up

Wisdom Pearl

The Devil is only secretive about his motives never his whereabouts!


Wisdom Pearl- Catch up

Wisdom Pearl

Evil, intolerance and immorality are not bound by the lines of color. They operate in any willing or unguarded vessel. They don't care about the make, the model, sex or status.
We should aspire to operate on that level; using our acts to the benefit of mankind not destruction.

The lines are Drawn

Sin wants no compromise; it's sins way or the highway..I am taking the Higher way. 

Wisdom Pearl - Catch up

Wisdom Pearl

is your set back really a step up to Victory? 

Open Sesame

So let me make sure I have this straight...

If a man wants to be a woman while staying a man

On Monday

But on Friday decides he is better suited to be a donkey

Would it be incorrect to call him

What he now is?

Or what we are for allowing it?


Just a Thought

Ever run out of things to pray for?

Watch the news


Wisdom Pearl

Love, not compliance, is the only thing that will win the war for souls,


Take it As u Will

fish heads do not make good stew

you can dress them up

adorn them

with carrots

leeks, peas

and such

but fish heads they will still be

and now you have used up

your gifts

and still can't eat the soup


The Percent is 100

If I do you

Then I can't be me

If I am true

To the reflection I see

Then I won't be anything else

That wouldn't suit me

The skin I am in

Houses a spirit, Fierce, strong

and free

You be who you be

I will always be me

Whether you and your crew

who think like you think

agree or not

100 I would not be

If I couldn't share

the GOD in



Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

It's better not to try and repay evil  for evil because what goes around comes around...

      besides there is no shortage of rope...

Take what you can
leave the rest

An Inconvenient Truth

It can't get no realer than this here

 You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. (Matthew 7:13 & 14)

I have a confession to make. I have an approval addiction..what can I say I love to be liked! I love to belong to a group/clan/posse or hang out club. I enjoy social comrade from card playing, to group cooking or just sitting around cackling like a bunch of hens. 

This week however, I was faced with a serious question; one that would make the difference on the direction I would take my platform. If I choose wrong then it could be a career killing move. It could lead to alienation, public judgement, mass amounts of criticism and other unknown negative consequences. On the other hand if I choose the road most traveled then I might be able to enjoy prosperity, popularity, and an 'atta-girl' every time someone passed me by. 

Of course the obvious choice was, is and always will be to take the road less traveled. That means that I will teach what I have learned about life's issues, social subjects, political travesties and the future of America as it lines up with God's Word. No subject will be off limits nor out of my 'lane' to address. As the Holy Spirit gives me clarity and inspiration I will share. Nothing more nothing less. 

Does that mean that my audience will always agree? Some will some will not. 
Does that mean that I will not welcome dialogue that may challenge my stance? Of course not! Dialogue is good and even if we have to agree to disagree we should still remain companions. 

However if you (reader) ever find it necessary to do more than just 'hide -from feed' my post on Facebook or maybe delete your link to my blog for that particular entry, please do so. If you feel like you need to unfriend me because something I said infuriated you so...then in peace you should depart. Because if at anytime I am asked to choose between ____(fill in the blank) and the truth of Christ. I will always choose Christ. 

If I never reach the million dollar status, or the New York best sellers list it is okay. I know a cloud of witnesses exist who are cheering for me in the heavenly realm. 

My job as the salt of the earth is to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ thru practical living application and correction where necessary. My mission, the reason why I write, speak or blog is to show that it is possible to have a living, productive and vibrant relationship with God. Of course this will sometimes require me to bring hard honesty, compassion and straight forwardness that may turn some folks off. So much so that we must part ways. 

It makes me sad but I will be okay and I will still speak the truth no matter how tough it is to hear. I will still point people to the Lord whether they want to acknowledge Him or not. I will still seek to honor Him with my life by using the gifts that He entrusted to me to encourage others into a relationship with Him. 

I make no apologies and I have no regrets. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. 


Monday, May 16, 2016

Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl

The Crown (of life)  is always worth the burden



I would love for us to walk

together a little longer

I desire for us to laugh

with thoughts so sober

full of wisdom and aged with grace

I would love to be able to spend time

with you in your space

But a fork in the road only travels

one direction,


Friday, May 13, 2016

Are we Done Yet?

All of the ticker tape has been swept away

The world has moved on to the next 'big-thing'

The grandstands are being polished for his replacement

Yet we are still stuck in the day before the one that came yesterday

When are we going to stand and say hey this is wrong

Had he been of any other persuasion we would have been out

marching like we once did

Are we so desperate to be a success in the eyes of others

that we are willing to sell our souls to a dysfunctional ideal

Or are we so blinded by the moral depravity being ushered in by

one; the one whose promises are as empty as a bucket with a hole

right smack dab in the center of it

that we forgo what the One who made us said

That we ignore what the One who saved us did

Or do we not think that He is returning?

What ever the reason or excuse it is past time that we hold

Those voted in office accountable for their actions

No longer should we overlook, or purposely ignore the actions of

an anti-Christ because his color is mine or he looks like your son

Wrong has never been wronger

The need has never been greater

For the generations who know better to do better



eve your name is not adam

nor is it steve

your very name means to breathe

so no matter how you cut your hair

or adorn yourself with  strong robes

you can't be him; you will never be an adam

his name means from the earth

you are not dirt

you are from him

his compliment

not competition

return eve

let the rain of salvation

wash away your scars

let the peace of the One who made you

gird your shoulders

wrapping your very being in His essence

eve you are everything that adam couldn't be

his helper, friend, co-regent

there is no shame in your hands

only honor in your calling


Eve -From the Hebrew name חַוָּה (Chawwah), which was derived from the Hebrew word חוה (chawah) "to breathe" or the related word חיה (chayah) "to live (
Adam - (there is a word play on Hebrew אֲדָמָה ('adamah) "earth"). 

To Judge or Not to Judge Is That the Correct Question

Judging -

I have heard the term so much by so many and almost always in the wrong context. Many times, not always, the word is thrown around as a holy mantra by new and young believers but more often by those not of the faith. And in every instance I feel the fire in my belly rise up, and no it is not indigestion, but an overwhelming sense of correcting what is wrong. 

This maybe a 2-parter I don't know yet; we will see where the Lord leads me. Which right now is the path of knowledge. 

Definition -
To judge someone: To quickly form a bias and/or personal opinion about someone or something (urban dictionary)
: To form an opinion an opinion about something or someone after careful thought
: To regard someone as either good or bad
: To make an official decision about a case

It is plain to see from the two definitions I have provided that judging is an action that should be pursued with caution, without malice or evil intent. Reader, I would say that I agree with both the Urban Dictionary, and Merriam-Webster. What I don't agree with is judging being mistaken for correction. Let's compare apples to apples by again first referencing the clear definitions:

  • a change that makes something right, true, accurate, etc.
  • : the act of making something (such as an error or a bad condition) accurate or better : the act of correcting something
  • : the act or process of punishing and changing the behavior of people who have committed crimes ( US ) 
  • (

In IM conversations, users often send messages in haste and only afterwards notice a typographical error (shortened as typo). It is common practice to correct the typo by sending a subsequent message where the word CORRECTION precedes the correct word
(Urban Dictionary)

I like what Merriam had to say...a change that makes something right; so if I, for instance, tell my son not to ever follow a ball out in the street no matter that he didn't see any cars. Then am I trying to protect him or maybe address his thought process that said running into the street was okay? Either way my actions are to benefit him not me.  The same goes if someone I am, for the sake of argument, dating or wanting to date and I find out he frequents strip clubs or does drugs and I tell him that I don't want to pursue a relationship of any type with him because his lifestyle conflicts with mine. Then am I judging him? Or am I protecting myself?

What about if I see my brother struggling with his identity and try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him? Which will help him see the strong soldier God made and not a man who has forced himself to feel more comfortable in a dress. Or my sister who chooses to kill, hide or discard any piece of her femininity to try to fit in a role she was never meant to occupy? Am I judging then? Maybe I am judging when I tell a brother that the way to prove his manhood is not by being a garden tool but by saving his strength for the one God has ordained for him; or the sister who doesn't want anyone to tell her her worth but instead feels that raising her skirt at the first wink or smile that comes her way is true freedom. Promising herself that this time it will be different, she will finally have the love of her life and all of her dreams will come true. By her will and hers alone. I judging? Or correcting? However you choose to see it, I have a responsibility from God to teach. No matter how unpopular it is. No matter how much I just want to be liked. No matter how much I want to be on everyone's team. The Holy Spirit lives and resides in me and I am compelled to share what I know. It can't be any simpler.

I know only the Living GOD can bring calmness and clarity to a confused mind. I know that only Jehovah Jireh(the Lord who provides) can supply all of our needs even down to the God shaped piece He placed in all of us; you know the one we try to fill with everything but him, sex, drugs, food, people, things I said everything but Him.  So why if I share, issuing correction or inform am I judging? I am not and at the risk of being locked up, bound and gagged by the government I will continue to use my voice to try to help all who are desperate enough to need peace, and the promise of salvation! I was desperate enough for the Gospel. I had left my life in a travesty. Full of brokenness, lies, hurt and disillusionment. Thank you Jesus that He accepted me in all of my filth and loved me too much to let me stay in it. 

Sometimes I do make mistakes and judge a book by the cover and I am often so very sorry and quickly move to repent. Other times I simply call a spade a spade and correct as necessary.  I encourage you to do the same. 


Monday, May 9, 2016

A Poor Reflection

Everyone is accountable to someone or something

Freedom is never free

And a choice is seldom made with knowledge of the future

Who are you accountable to?

Yourself...then your life will continue to remain broken and confused

Take a look at your past

See the clutter? Or is it blocked by your consequences

The only Freedom is in The Nazarene, nothing more nothing less

Does that mean there are limitations?

Well yes there are

Don't scoff or bristle up

Don't ask why you are being limited

Without first asking do you protect your child?

Do you correct your child?

Do you love your offspring?

Then you limit because of your acquaintance with hurt, pain, disappointment and death

Is it no better with Christ?

Is it better to not be His?

Are you truly free?

Who is accountable to you? Why should they be?

You don't mirror what you demand


A Few GoodNight Thoughts


Why is it viewed Hate when I openly correct you about your lifestyle?

Answer -

Because Sin is all or none ain't no in between. If I am not for you then I must be against you..wonder where that statement came from?


Why is judging confused with correction?


Because it is easier to deflect the truth instead of owning up to choices that lead to death and destruction


It doesn't mean that I Hate, dislike or loathe you because I disagree with your lifestyle


On the contrary, because I love you and know the Power of GOD in healing of a broken life that I am compelled to share what the Gospel says. It is not my responsibility to make your believe only to inform. You get to reject or accept on your own terms. But I warn you GOD is Holy and will/can't tolerate sin..


Why can't we agree to disagree respect one another's power of choice without changing the social and moral fiber of an entire Nation?


Narrow is the path to righteousness and broad is the path of destruction. We are so oblivious to the power of sin in our own rebellious nature that we will not stop until all of GOD's creation has been perverted to the whims of our will..I shouldn't say we because their is more than a remnant that still serves the Living GOD and who are willing to live what they preach and die for what they believe.

Matthew 7: 13-14


Crooked Mirrors

Why are the ignorant allowed to make the rules?

When did right become so so wrong

When did we become comfortable with accepting it?

Why instead of addressing the issue and calling black, black and white, white

We rename, repackage and say it is re-purposed 

But it isn't

When did standing for your rights become the sin

And sin become the norm??


Inside Out

More questions appear than answers

More educated statements are adopted than truth

More people, who are not, of the original thread

Are making the decisions..the few outweigh the many

Where is the voice of the one that cries out

The one that begs for her children to partake of her wisdom?

Why are we not listening?

We the People? For the People? By the People?

I am a People but no one is listening to me..


Wisdom Pearl

 2024 Phoenix Arizona If you ask God to help you see your life as He sees it, then you will see that your thread is a single line of beauty ...