Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My Slice of The Pie

Thank you for tearing up your town...

I didn't like the way it looked anyway

-Sarcasm just in case it was lost upon you

Thank you for filling the air with

Uncertainty and fear

Because that is always more productive

Thank you for pushing all of the business out of the area

I enjoy spending more on gas and longer commutes

Thank you for hurting the working class

Your Aunts, Uncles, Moms and Dads

You are a Prodigal What do you care?

Thank you for pushing our folks, your folks

Friends and neighbors out of a community

on the verge of a COMEBACK

I didn't mind the property values dropping

Or the lack of tax revenue to fund the schools

The community pool or the upkeep of the parks

Thank you for a colossal waste of energy

That you presented on yesterday

Thank you for shaming the fight of civil rights

That so many have struggled for

Thank you for not participating in the process of anything

You didn't need your say to be heard

Thank you for showing your backside as a sign

of disrespect and lack of faith for the voting process

That so many people: Blacks, Women, Indians and more were denied

Hell you don't read a history book no way

Thank you for the great T.V. you provided the world

Showing your part in the circus

Thank you for adding credence to the argument that some have

That their color is supreme and should be once again

As it is their divine right to subjugate the world

Thank you for placing us all back to square 1

Lastly, let me thank you for showing me and the others

Who choose to live in an elevated status

That we do not have to stay there with you

-Souljourner Howard
The Burning of Americana, Ferguson Mo

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