Tuesday, November 25, 2014


As a mother my heart aches for his mom; because no matter what happened no matter the circumstances we never lose the hope of our child returning better than they were when they left.

Death quells that hope. As one who serves the Most High Jesus Christ I am saddened because one of lost sheep has been taken. There is no joy in any sinner dying without repentance. Do I know where Mr. Brown is spending his eternity? Absolutely not but I do know that God would desire that none would be lost.

I feel stripped when I look at a judicial system that can justify an excessive use of force as a means to an end.

I weep when I see the waves of fear, mistrust and panic that continues to plague the areas I call home.

I wonder is their any hope in this situation..my chest swells with doubt and defeat.

I wonder what type of life will the officer have when so many people are looking to see him destroyed? Unjustly I might add because if the Brown family is calling for peace than what right do you have to cause further disruption?

I am disappointed at the verdict but I am encouraged by another day the Good Lord has given me, you, us to repent and move forward.

Your knees are the best agents of change..for on them you submit yourself to the most Holy of all authorities. He gave you the gift of choice...

It (choice) is a powerful thing..how will you use it?

For good or For Ill?


Now What?

Are you happy now?

Did you stealing that man's stuff

Or breaking into those people's business

Bring back the one you say you are avenging?

Was the wrong righted?

Was policy changed to prevent this from happening again moving forward?

Did you ask Traevon? Did you see Micheal?

Are they back?

No? Well that's too bad

But the truth is...they are not coming back, not this way again.

So what are you doing to make sure their are no more like so many

That have fallen?

What are you doing to educate, empower and inspire?

Yes, I hear you

I understand the hurt

But stealing, looting and tearing down

Do you want someone to do that to you?

No one has come in to destroy yours because you did

They are still on the rim

Waiting for your strength to run-out

They will go on with their lives

Confident in their jilted victory

Smiling at their tainted courts

Laughing at you because you don't understand their words

But again I ask you what are you going to do?

If their is nothing else left but a wretch of humanity

Then all of our work has been in vain as a community

But I am willing to bet their is more in you than what you allow to surface

Change starts with one

Be that one



Great job! Let me commend you..those who decided to pollute the air with their hate and ignorance

For those who decided to perfume the atmosphere with weed instead of clear thinking

For those who don't have enough foresight to even ask GOD for a vision for their lives

For those who will never own a house and will always be in lack because they choose to

Live behind everyone else

Then be angry

For those who do not take advantage of education

For those who decide that being an opportunist is more profitable than

a trade, a degree, a skill, some sense

For those who would rather use their hands to destroy

And their minds to make mayhem

For those who know every word to some degrading song

But can't recite the Pledge of Allegiance or even name the 50 states

For those who choose to operate in a cycle of poverty

anger and violence towards their fellow man many times their own neighbor

And still fix their mouth to call me their sister or someone else their brother

After you have destroyed the livelihood of those of of the same color

For those who seek justice by committing injustices

Consider this your notice....

You are free to leave

-Souljourner Howard
Citizen of Ferguson Missouri & The World

My Slice of The Pie

Thank you for tearing up your town...

I didn't like the way it looked anyway

-Sarcasm just in case it was lost upon you

Thank you for filling the air with

Uncertainty and fear

Because that is always more productive

Thank you for pushing all of the business out of the area

I enjoy spending more on gas and longer commutes

Thank you for hurting the working class

Your Aunts, Uncles, Moms and Dads

You are a Prodigal What do you care?

Thank you for pushing our folks, your folks

Friends and neighbors out of a community

on the verge of a COMEBACK

I didn't mind the property values dropping

Or the lack of tax revenue to fund the schools

The community pool or the upkeep of the parks

Thank you for a colossal waste of energy

That you presented on yesterday

Thank you for shaming the fight of civil rights

That so many have struggled for

Thank you for not participating in the process of anything

You didn't need your say to be heard

Thank you for showing your backside as a sign

of disrespect and lack of faith for the voting process

That so many people: Blacks, Women, Indians and more were denied

Hell you don't read a history book no way

Thank you for the great T.V. you provided the world

Showing your part in the circus

Thank you for adding credence to the argument that some have

That their color is supreme and should be once again

As it is their divine right to subjugate the world

Thank you for placing us all back to square 1

Lastly, let me thank you for showing me and the others

Who choose to live in an elevated status

That we do not have to stay there with you

-Souljourner Howard
The Burning of Americana, Ferguson Mo

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Companion Thy Name is Choice


Are an unruly bunch

They are never invited

yet they always show up

They linger too long

Sometimes they never leave

They are loud and boisterous

Always speaking for you

Always taking up space

They are like a shadow

Always with you wherever you go

They are always in the now

Because they are always in the present

No matter what is left behind

No matter how carefully covered is the trail

No matter how heartfelt the apology

Or how heavy the regret

They never let you forget

They attach ... like a leach

Clawing, biting, draining the life source

Always coloring your path

Going before you as a reminder

Scarlet is the letter

Forgiveness is not in their nature

Indifferent is choice

But a constant companion



Darkness warmer than chocolate

smoother than jersey on a sheet

tingling, spicy, tantalizing

Like a puff of cinnamon mixed with nutmeg

smelling so good one disregards how it burns to the touch

up into your brain the smoke, that is darkness, rises

Coiling around your spine

like the predator it is

embracing all of your being

No place is safe

not the head

that was the first to fall

Not the body

it is unruly like a spoiled child

not the emotions

They have been dulled

one only knows the sweet aroma of deception

the false security of manipulation

The illusion of control

the mask of addiction

Yes that is darkness

revealed, always true in its form

It's hold is as strong

As one's weakness is for the lie that compels that soul to keep breathing it in....




Here you are

The fan's been hit

The trap has been sprung

Now what?

The fallout is more than you considered

If you considered it at all

Again I ask

Now What?

Where are all of the thems?

It doesn't matter how they were clothed

If they were male or female

If they were tall or short

Popular or not

They are not here

but their damage remained behind

Now what Eve?

Now what Adam?

Which way will you run...

To Him who can forgive and restore

or to him that maims, kills and destroys

but makes you think you like it...

he's deceitful that way

You choose

Its always been yours to do so

It's not to late....


Saturday, November 8, 2014


It never ceases to amaze me how the most profound thoughts come out of the most simplest of conversations. Take for example last night. My husband and I were in the bed waiting out the commercials being aired during a Friday night television show; the premise of which centers around the main character whose soul is damned and he runs around trying to atone for his mistakes. Of course in the interim he deals with nasty spirits, has conversations with demons and angles, and tries to keep hold of his sanity while dealing with the supernatural. So of course this would spark up a conversation. 

We are talking about how deep the show is because it tries to convey how we are in relationship with the spirit world. And how there are forces so vile that we can't comprehend them. It was just kinda freaky but fascinating. We are faith believing people and know that angles, demons and fallen angels do exist. That our world is on a plane that intertwines with the spirit world. We also know that GOD is absolute so no matter what we face in our natural world He is with us and He is stronger than any of our challenges. 

Okay enough background let me get to the meat of my story. As I mentioned before it was between commercials that I told my husband that it is unfathomable how powerful Lucifer is. He says "yeah he took a 1/3 of heaven with him". "Yes, he did" I replied, " but you know what the kickers are? 1. we don't know how many fallen angels he actually took with him because we don't know how much of the third he took. Sure we know a third but a third of what? 2. How powerful is he that he could convince other immortal beings who have the privileged of living in The Almighty's presence to trade it for allegiance to him. 3. My God, (said in awe not disrespect), how powerful is the Lord because He trumps Satan who is not the mightiest of foes?" It just makes one feel the weakness of being human. We couldn't survive a moment without God. Why would we want too? "But", I continued "what gets me is why would God create us in the first place?" "He knew all of the heartache we would cause Him and each other. How we could never get it right because sin is in our nature. The desire to disobey was with us even in the garden. But yet He still chose to create us". He replies, "yeah I know right". 

As we continued our conversation we were simply awed at GOD's majesty, holiness and greatness. Think about it..Only He could be holy enough to completely atone for our sin debt. No one else is, was or would be able to sate His need for justice save Himself in the form of His Son, the Living Word Jesus Christ. Only He could shed His own blood to forever place us in right standing with Him. Only He could raise himself from the dead and sit on the Throne and on His right side..all at the same time. The God we serve is awesome! But the question still remains as to why? I confessed to Anthony that I asked GOD why He created us? At the time I was upset with the people I was working with and was laying out all of my issues with their character flaws, as well as my own, and I just needed to know why. 

He answered me ,(The Lord), in one word...LOVE. Love compelled Him to create us, provide for us, save us and love on us. Because He is Love. He sets His rules and boundaries and He is so Holy that He can't go against His own Word or Law. He defines Love. He dictated that Love must be shared, it must be expressed, it is not meant to keep for ones own self. It is stronger like that. "I think that is why He gave us babies, so we could experience the miracle of creation..just on a small scale". " We feel the little things moving around and know they are alive, we anticipate their birth while watching their growth in the womb and when they arrive we are over joyed and so proud to have them." I said excitedly. My husband nods in agreement and adds, " yes even when they grow up, disappoint us or hurt us, we still love them". "yes", I agreed, " I guess that is how He feels about us".  "Hun", he says, "you should put that on your blog thingee".

Now readers you can have an inkling of understanding of how much God Loves You!!!! If you haven't accepted His gift of salvation. Please consider doing so today. 

One day He will return for us, the faithful, because He said so in His Word. Be counted on His side so you may share in His beautiful glory and partake of His promises that are only for His children. 

For God so loved the worldthat he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 www.biblegateway.com

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me  John 14:6 www.biblegateway.com