Friday, September 5, 2014

A Learned Truth

Good Morning Friends,

It is morning for me but regardless of when you read this's still good morning (smile). It's something about the first greeting of the day. It gives me grounding and fills me with the promise of a new day. It re-affirms for me that my Heavenly Father is still there waiting for me to greet Him and experience His love through out the day.

That thought alone gives me courage to get up and face the unknowns of the time I have been given. If you are anything like me I love to pre-plan. Why? So I can know what to expect to be prepared and honestly how avoid any unpleasantries. Thankfully GOD in His ultimate wisdom knows what is best for me is frequently the last thing I want.

Really if I had foreknowledge then what would I need faith for? Why would I need to rely on Him? Why would I need to trust Him or even believe in Him? I would not. I would be my own god..completely backwards; living in a catch up mode.

Have you ever tried to walk backwards? It's unsafe, it's weird and it leaves you without the ability to marvel at what is in front of you. Not to mention how exactly are you supposed to move forward if you are always gazing at what is behind you?

So, as inconvenient as it is to me not to know all that will unfold in the single day that I have been given. It is necessary for me not to know. I am not infinite. I am not all powerful. I am not without my flaws. I can't run my world or anyone else's.

But I can trust and simply say Good Morning Lord. Thank you for this morning Father. I have now given my day and all of it's responsibilities, pitfalls, disappointments, joys and dangers to the One who can keep me as I go through it all.

Learned truths are like bought ones. Once you purchase it, it's yours.

Walk in Love and Truth

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