If everyone is the exception then what is the purpose of a rule?
A Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Stranger, Lady; sharing her journey as she walks with God one day at a time. One lesson as it is learned all while writing with Purpose. Empowering and strengthening readers while sharing how she has learned how to Live, Love & Laugh!
God works within the human life. He is not restricted by it.
That is the amazing secret! That God who created the Universe wants to partner with humanity!
Just like it was in the Garden; so it will be again.
Remember God operates outside of you
So just because you can't see Him moving the pieces
Doesn't mean He isn't!
Obeying God guarantees blessings not the promise of an easy path.
*Deuteronomy 27 still applies in 2022
The Testaments may be divided into Old and New but it is all from One God!
God doesn't always remove our trouble; but He always shows us He is in the most intimate parts of it with us.
Book of Daniel vs. 25:
"But look!" he said. "I see four men, walking around freely in the fire, completely unharmed! And the fourth man looks like a son of the gods!"
We fight hardest against the thing that is most like us
*Fathers be kind
*Mothers be loving
The beginning of a journey is often the roughest
To stay the course is almost always the toughest
Completion is undoubtedly the sweetest
Don't place your focus on the mountain that needs to be moved;
instead place your energy in trusting the One who can move the
A road is rarely straight. It's usually filled with twists and turns detours and such. No matter how the road itself changes the destination doesn't.
We all have different roads to Heaven but as long as we have accepted Jesus we will get there.
I wasn't afraid of heights till I experienced the fear in falling and the pain in landing.
I stopped wanting to swim with the dolphins because there are bigger things under them.
I almost stopped enjoying life because it's not fair.
Then I remembered that if you laugh,
Brokenness can not claim you.
If you smile you will touch your humanity while giving someone else hope.
If you think outside of yourself and give a voice to the voiceless (fill in your favorite noun) then your act will contribute to your purpose!
What's the moral?
Get up you are better than your circumstances!
Live on purpose helping all that you can while you can!
Loving like you have never been hurt allows you to love the wonder of it all again! Following the Lord who created you and set aside your days doesn't mean you won't experience dryness again..it just means your JOY won't be tied to it.
WISDOM NUGGET - More than a Pearl..
Life, sometimes, will make you sit tall.
Ride proud.
Sometimes it will knock you off your confidence.
Leaving you real low;
in Despair.
What's the take away? 1.) Never ride so tall that you that you can't recover when you fall. Everyone falls and 2.) Be gracious when your up and when you are down graciousness will find you.
*PSALM 138:6 (NKJV)
Though the Lord is on high, Yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar.
Knowledge of the One is not the same as having relationship with the One!
One = God, Jesus Christ, Jehovah Jireh, The Lion of Judah...He has many names but He is the One and only living God.
Knowledge of something isn't the same as having relationship with that something.
- Sj
PSALM 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him (NIV)
True knowledge comes from relationship.
The Lord invites you to enter into a relationship with Him.
Time was a structure for your benefit not a limitation for Me.. I AM always I AM!
In and out of Time. I created it.
Just because you don't understand HOW it can happen; doesn't mean I can't make it happen
2024 Phoenix Arizona If you ask God to help you see your life as He sees it, then you will see that your thread is a single line of beauty ...