Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Irony of It All pt II.


Let's start with George Floyd whose unfortunate death highlighted issues that have long gone unaddressed in America. My sincerest condolences to the family especially his children. I am very sorry for the loss of life and the disrespect shown this man, an American citizen, a petty criminal, a father, brother and son whose life was cut short by a series of bad decisions. The officers involved did not deserve to wear the badge and will face the consequences of their actions. 

Now does that mean that we need to disband the police? Or defund them? Or riot against them? No. Mob rule does not accomplish anything and further pushes the true cause out of the spotlight. We have a right to gather for peaceful protest. To demand accountability from our leaders and chiefs of police. We have a right to express our concerns and rally against social injustices. ABSOLUTELY!

We can not, however, punish an officer for a crime he did not commit while we demand fairness. We can not loot, pillage or destroy businesses that provide jobs for people in our communities (as a whole not just black communities). We can not show our children how to disrespect the law, or people who are placed over us. We can not show up to vote and not participate because we think it is rigged anyway. We then become part of the problem instead of the solution. We can't stand on a platform and yell them, them, them when black on black crime is pitifully high; when we have a unheard amount of single parent lead homes; when we welcome the abortionist, who for a small fee, will quietly put away our issues. Sidebar: babies still scream in the womb...just saying 

Taking money from the very organizations who are installed to keep law and order is not the answer. More talking backed up by sincere action via new rules and training and gateways for inter-department accountability, sounds like the right plan. Trust... the Brothers in Blue already know who are the loose cannons in their group and the path needs to be clear for them to whistle blow. Right now that is not the case..blue is thicker than blood but wrong can't be rewarded or ignored.

Abortion is wrong. I understand that many people (including folks in my family) will argue me up and down about a woman's right and a woman's choice and a woman's body. All that is true but don't stand on a soap box talking about black lives matter when a police officer takes a black man's life versus when his mother does. MURDER IS MURDER!! 

To all of the women who marched and said equal pay for equal work..THANK YOU! For all of the women who demanded to be let into male dominated fields such as S.T.E.M. THANK YOU! For every woman who said I have a desire to be more than just a baby maker..THANK YOU! For every woman of color who showed up to a job doing more than she was paid for with little to no recognition, enduring the taunting of her co-workers for the color of her skin..THANK YOU! I sincerely appreciate you! Because of your struggle I have been able to achieve two Master degrees and a teaching certification. I can read, write and balance a check book! I am not a bad cook  but a better public speaker. Honestly, I can say without the tears and prayers of many the forward advancement of women would have stalled. But abortion is not birth control it is genocide; when God said thou shall not murder..it was an across the board command. 

If Eve would learn her true power of submission*, she would see that she wouldn't need to prove herself to anyone. Nor would she need to be 'wanted' by every man but instead could stand with confidence holding herself as the prize she is until her worthy suitor comes a calling. Old fashion? Yes it is. But right. How much heartache have we allowed our girls to endure as they try to look good enough to fit the part? How many sex-partners does she have to experience looking for the one that loves her for who she is, what she is and all of her gifts and talents that come with her. 

Let me qualify the term submit..I know I have lost some of you by now, but for the few brave souls who will hear me out let me explain. Submission does mean yielding to a superior force. Many times it is equated with the conqueror and the conquered scenario. You lose, you submit. Your will, thoughts, dreams and opinions mean nothing. You are a willing slave to your husband. No that is not what I mean at all! Christ has come so that we may all be victorious. Women had a very important part in supporting the Gospel of Christ. He loved the girls he created!!! He did not say be seen and not heard. He taught, answered questions, corrected, saved and elevated. He loved girls. 

He did not make us to be drones. But He did create us with specific purposes in mind. Some will be moms, some will not. Some will be wives others will lead companies, others will become musicians and the list goes on and on. Christ never said we had to be enslaved to any one; that includes men and ourselves. Abortion goes against the natural function of a female. It takes away the love experience of giving birth and having the responsibility of another human being. Am I saying if a family chooses to adopt then that woman can't experience motherhood in all of its joy? No. Don't make this into something that it is not. 

Murder always involves a choice. The officers who took Mr. Floyd's precious life made a choice as well as countless others. One day the unmarked graves of those who were unjustly taken will open. The dead in Christ will rise to receive their eternal reward while those who choose to be complacent with their sin will spend eternity in torment. 

America should not compound its wrong by wagering innocent blood. We need to offer families viable solutions for birth control. Train dads on how to be the shields God assigned them to be for their families. We need to give women the aide needed to secure a decent living with dependable and safe child care so the cycle of poverty is disrupted. We need to declare to our daughters how valuable they are so they won't make the choice to become sexually active before they are in a committed relationship sanctioned by GOD. We need to take our families back only then will our neighborhoods be safe again. We need to foster relationship with the police by inviting them into our spaces where we co-habitate; we need our young guns to be inspired to not waste their youth and strength on vain street life. Show them how sowing good seed will be rewarded! Encourage them to take up a trade, stay away from senseless violence. Create in them a sense of community so they will care about the generation behind them. 

Only by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves will we flush out the satanic possession of our streets. It starts with a hello to someone you wouldn't normally speak to as well as the acknowledgement of why. Dialogue will open the door to understanding. Understanding will stamp out fear. No fear leads to loving without apologies. Love leads to respect and respect leads to the betterment of mankind. 

Part III to follow.....

The Irony of It All pt I


    I have sat and watched, looked, listened and prayed as the events surrounding our world (globally/nationally/locally) unfold. From the obvious push of an unseen, insanely evil, hand moving our country into a state of dependence ripe for a takeover..Oh don't think it could happen?? Please study WWII and WWI; matter of fact just go back to the Romans or when Israel was divided into two fractions. The political mess was nasty. The people were destitute after being stripped by greedy, self-centered, self-promoting, non God-fearing leaders who were only concerned about their next statue or on-time tribute. 

Feeding the ego at the expense of the soul! Not much has changed except the invention of a/c and indoor plumbing. But the human heart still has a knack for destruction and short-sightedness always thinking 'their' kingdom or dynasty would be the one that would LIVE FOREVER..

Always missing the fact that we live in a world that is fluid. Moving even if we can't see it. Often times while we are sleeping and comfortable in our cocooned sphere. Well, now we are all awake and looking into the face of the nightmare we call our every day. 

I will tell you now that you may not agree with all of my points because I measure everything against the word of God. Not that I am perfect but I have grown to know truth and it's anything but relative. Hope you stay tuned to part II as I attempt to enlighten and encourage all to grab a hold of what good is left, treasure it and spread it around. Light will always triumph over darkness. 




When your drive to do better
drives everyone else nuts
perhaps its time to let the
Lord take the wheel
while you rest in the
passenger seat




If you knew the Lord's heart 
you wouldn't be hell bent on breaking it..
Pride of any form is a deceitful thing


Wisdom Pearl


Don't let your chronic attachment
to facts or your addiction to details
cause to you to miss the miraculous
doings God  wants to perform in your life

-Joanne Weaver p101
Having a Mary Spirit


wisdom pearl

Does not 
No matter how it is packaged
Or labeled
Who says it is Okay
What laws are enacted
God is Holy




How is God going to heal
Our land
When we don't turn from
Our ways?





Have the courage to love like you never known hurt

Serve like you have never experienced the sting of rejection

Come together in fellowship as if it was an addiction

Choose to see beyond human nature 

And embrace the Beauty of the uniqueness 

Of God's Creative Work



Wisdom Pearl

A natural consequence of Sex
is pregnancy

So it stands to reason that if you don't want
the pregnancy

Then don't have Sex



wisdom pearl +1


Some of us
Need to stop posing as
Victims of Circumstances
And own up to the
Unforeseen and usually
Unfortunate consequences
Of our own actions

You can't choose an action and
not accept the fall out of it
be it good or bad
because you don't like it



Wisdom Pearl

Do Black Lives Matter 
When they are still in the 





EVERY SOUL has the right to live even if they have not
broken the womb..




The need for 'control' is  the by-product of a life
dominated by fear..




Trust the Process!
Whatever route the Lord places you on..
Know that what He started
He will complete it..
Know that the way He chooses 
To mature you, bless you, correct you
grow you, break to mold you..
That it is well and it is good 
Because it is His Will...

-Courtney & Sj

Phillipians 1:5-6
*for your fellowship in furtherance of the [a]gospel from the first day until now; being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ:



TRUST God's Heart
Even when you can't see
His Hand..

-M. Guerra

Thursday, July 9, 2020



Reading allows your mind to see
and imagine what-if
verses your eyes which hold no such flair 
for the impossible!


Monday, July 6, 2020

Husband Soldier/ Father Leader

Husband Soldier
Father Leader

is busy beating down his wife
with words or fists
stunting the growth of his children
by either being absent or non-participatory
then how can he tell who is breaking into
his back door?
How will he know who has trampled his gates?

A Wise man will be at his post
loving his wife
being supportive
loving his children
leading by example
setting up a house on a strong foundation
He knows what his gate should look like
He always looks to fortify his weak spots



What about if all this craziness
that we are currently experiencing
Police brutality (all Officers are not bad or prejudice or out- stalking blacks and latinos') 
Racial profiling (has anyone talked to the insurance companies who practice this?)
Racial injustice (been around since we arrived on the first ship however we were not the first race to experience slavery)
Poor political leadership (as soon as our PRIDEFUL leaders admit they don't know what to do 
and confess to the Lord then our Nation will be healed. The believer and the non-believer will benefit)
The whole truth is relative to my social group mentality
What about if we are actually witnessing the destruction of our culture
from the inside out? What about if the violent riots and protests were actually
fired up by people paid to incite them? What if other nations made agreements with
greedy godless people to undo our America
So we would be forced to accept 'theirs'?
What if...

Still think this is just about race?? Might wanna dig a little deeper and pray a little harder


Wisdom Pearl


When Peace is not a man's desire
Then change can not be expected




No matter the color of pride
It exalts (places higher) itself over
The Will of God
Therefore it is a thing
The Lord detest




You can't give out what you don't have
and you can't love your neighbor without first learning to 
love, not idolize, yourself!


Wisdom Pearl

wisdom pearl:

Even if you conquered, by force
or by fate, the whole World
you still couldn't keep it!
For the World is death and 
Death will not be controlled 
by Man



Wisdom Pearl:

The Lord always talks in the wind..
Not in the rush of it 
But in it's stillness


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

Just cuz you know how to 'church'
doesn't mean you know Christ


Wisdom Pearl

Wisdom Pearl:

Courage is..
Not charging forward
Knowing God rewards those who
Wait on Him


Isaiah 40:31- but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, " plans to prosper you an not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."


I am a Black Woman
Fierce and full of life!
I am in love with a Jewish God
Who gave me purpose and direction
Who saved my soul from an endless death
Who washed me, so kindly, in blood of the deepest shade
bought at a clear price
and now I am White as snow! 
Not perfect
Assured a seat at His wedding supper
Not without issues
Still working out my salvation with fear and trembling (meaning lots of respect and humility)
Full of His great joy
I am complete

Wisdom Pearl

Death is still the great equalizer
but I know someone
who it couldn't conquer

Image result for images of a cross


Image result for images of election day
-Are you praying?

It is the beginning of July and November will be here before we can blink. It will be time to choose another Commander in Chief who will hopefully right all of the wrongs America has gotten herself into. 

You, like most of the general public, probably already have their minds made up on who they are NOT voting for..but I would like to submit to you my prayer for our remaining time as a free nation. Hopefully, you caught that insinuation. As much as we are not able to fathom the America as we know full of Walmart's, Chick-fil-a's  and drive-thru pharmacies will not always be. Nothing ever is. Civilizations of the past allude to this painful truth. No matter how strong a people are there is always someone stronger. *keep an eye on the world stage especially Russia and the Koreas' events are being planned and unfolded behind many curtains. Am I singularly blaming anyone except for ourselves for our issues? No. I am simply referring to prophecies that will and are coming to the forefront. Don't believe me? Keep watching. 

Dear God,
Merciful King, 
Everlasting Conqueror
and Prince of Peace..
America, Your beautiful,
has left You. No longer does she desire 
Your advice. No longer does she try
to walk under Your guidance. She has selected other
gods and went a-whoring after them.
She has chosen to sacrifice her unborn
because she feels its a better choice than the 
other 900 reasons she was impregnated.
She has re-defined the institution of marriage
but still expects You to turn a blind eye to her 
wrongs. After all You have no right to tell her
how to love even though you created the mystery of 
marriage. She demands You stay out of her schools
while her children abide in chaos and are overtaken with murderous intentions. She desires You not 
share with a man his purpose so he spends his life
being destructive, sowing hurt and disappointment as he lives.
She has even went into Your house of Worship and slyly re-written what is politically correct or socially acceptable as a moral law. Not Your law, just hers. She (America) and her sister nations continue to crucify You again..
we don't deserve Your mercy. We are ripe for judgement. We call good judgmental and prejudicial while elevating what is wicked and evil in Your sight. We remember You are a God of Love but forget You are HOLY and will not, can not tolerate sin because it is a violation of Your very nature. Lord please forgive us. Turn our hearts back to you. Show us how to love one another no matter the color of our skin. Teach us to walk in Your ways and show our children how the upright should live..chasing You. 
Dearest Jehovah,
We have made a mess of Your beautiful and amazing world. We continue to grieve You with our thirst for wickedness. We don't need another godless man or woman in office. We need YOU! Please appoint Your servant to steer us back to truth and repentance. Someone who will yield to Your Will and enact Your statutes. Someone who can take the criticism the enemy will level at him but stay on course. Someone who is morally grounded and can lead by example. Someone with compassion for the needy and discernment for the masses. Someone who will not support those laws and civil actions that are in direct violation of Your Commands. Someone who is not afraid nor embarrassed to openly seek You!Give him Your steady hand. Raise him up as Your champion! Protect him from prideful mistakes. We are not looking for a perfect candidate God. Just one that is willing to serve You. 
There is NO SEPARATION OF the Church from the State. Thank you Lord,
My Gracious Father! Keep me and those who choose to follow You until the day of Your Glorious return! Amen



So, this is 50? Graduate of 1988..when big hair, neon socks and rubik's cube were all the rage. When "Candy" and Cameo were getting it done; Pontiac was still a force with the release of the new Trans-Am. When I first started experimenting with way too many of the wrong things trying to find where I "fit" in not realizing that I was my own club. 

This is where I first learned that all friendships don't last forever, people get separated and grow in different directions sometimes its for the best. I remember joining the choir at my college after I went away that fall. I was never fond of the idea of going into more school and wanted to explore other options but we were a middle class black family with roots from the south so there was no other option. My parents lived through the Civil Rights Movement... their movement and understood the power of education. Doors were knocked down and barriers were removed to the point where my generation could do whatever we wanted because of their diligence. The fact that I was interested was of little consequence. 

After flunking out I decided to try and find myself. I remember telling my grandfather that and he said what do you mean? Just look in the mirror and there you are. Get a job, do a good job and you will get ahead but don't just do nothing. I kinda listened and  spent the next 15+ years doing next to nothing. I don't count getting into lots of trouble, hairy predicaments and other questionable judgments as completing anything productive with the exception on becoming a Mom.
Eventually, I settled in got married had more kids and thought let me get serious about life. Jobs were plentiful the economy, from my perspective, was strong so off in pursuit of whatever my dream was. A house, car, job wasn't enough to satisfy me. I thought once I procured these items I would be filled with a sense of completion. I was and I wasn't; meaning it lasted a short time but eventually the gnawing for something better returned. I didn't know what it was at the time so I continued to fill my vacuum with meaningless things. 
One job after another job until... my well of ideas ran dry. I was tired of being turned away for positions I was over qualified for but I wasn't part of the in-crowd. Therefore I was kept back because it suited the powers-that-be. I was at a crossroads. I had tried a vacation; new car; new hairstyle.. etc. Nothing was working for me. I was miserable. Then one day an awesome co-worker saw my frustrations and told me I needed to get a degree. She gave me the best advice anyone working could have! She shared with me that I needed to use what I had to get what I wanted. Our company had a class reimbursement policy so pick a degree program and get to it. Take away the excuses as to why you were never promoted and after all is said and done even if they don't formally recognize you, you will have acquired a degree and no one can take that from you. 
So back to school I went and this time it was what I wanted. 

Fast forward...I guess I should save  Part 2 another day.  Don't you just love ClIFFHANGERS!